Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Mystical Dimension

Maps/Consciousness models exist in consciousness (mental realm) - even the psychic and spiritual transformation takes place within one's psycho-emotional /cognitive line of development.
 The ascended mind (supramental awareness)  has access to a radically different  domain because the transcendent is beyond time. In this  non-local domain  'celestial things'  introduce themselves to the fully awakened Soul's awareness. . .This is also why we call it Divine revelations.
 One whose Brow chakra and Crown chakra opened on the extremely subtle level, can describe in great detail what the sensations of opening  feels like.  Moreover, these openings  to ever-higher realms of existence is not a one  time event,  but several.  Throughout this blog's tapestry I chronicled what those 'events' were like for me.

Someone whose  evolving personality and its 'karmic burden' got burnt to crisp by Kundalini Shakti, has no karma left.  This is why at this stage one can claim, 'I became more than human'.  I say this.
 Folks  who don't understand that embodied/evolutionary Soul-level  Enlightenment is real, don't want to hear what I say.
I say, Divine revelation is not a 'doctrine'. I say,  Ultimate Mystery can be known and decoded/described using simple language, by one who transcended every power office and became one with the very Source of all Power.  And, if someone has the impression this station can be reached without much pain and struggle, consider  these  words penned by Sri Aurobindo:
Only by hard sacrifice is high heaven earned;
He must face the flight, the pang who would conquer Hell.

Joseph Campbell said (which I second): "The ultimate unqualified mystery is beyond human experience" If I didn't know this, I would have nothing to write about. I demonstrate that only the non local eternal self Soul - at the apex of her journey through transcdendent Light and Sound - can bear witness to the Ultimate Mystery.
Today I decided to include a link to Cosmic Synchronicity & Confirmation post, because its content is filled-to-brim with experiences that only the self-Soul can bear witness too.

Soul physics is such a vast and complex topic, this is why I can only unpack a fraction of what introduced itself to the awareness of my non-biological Soul in each post-entry.
Often,  I have to repeat certain things, because the  Divine process of evolution into wholeness and transcendence includes the process of  awakening and  activating the currents of light within the subtle and extremely subtle body of man. . .
Vedanta's  "The end of Knowledge" is an apt term for the domain where one discovers Knowledge beyond reason and thought.   One of the challenges on this path, is to find and check one's results/contemplative conclusions with others who have adequately completed  the same journey.

Gaining entry to the domain of the state where one comes in possession of new Intelligence that is higher than reason and thought, is the purpose of every mystical tradition.
In order to reach the final ascension-point through the gates of light in the subtle cerebrospinal centers (Human Chakra System) -  one has to be willing to submit to the Divine within, and allow the 'Power that upholds and protects and cherishes us', to have its way with us.
 Unsolicited Kundalini Shakti's Mightiness had its way with me, and in this blog chronicle what the journey through (transcendent) Light and Sound has been like for me.
If interested in revisiting edit-improved sister post titled Silence is Full of Answers? have a click

Each  mystical tradition has its own language with which it names the various planes of existence,  and the means (practices) of how to get there.  On this path without a map, what matters most is the experience . . .Union of the Soul with the Essence/Bliss of the Absolute Supreme is the Ultimate Consummation experience (same as 'Shakti and Shiva's Erotic embrace'), and I feel moral obligation to share that which introduced itself to me.

Today I want to take a quick look at 'nadis'. I didn't study Ayurveda, but recently learned that this tradition  talks about  nadis - and lists 72 thousands.  Fourteen of them are considered "important", and three are "most important".  The most important  nadis are named Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.  In spiritual terms the three highest chakras are the main gates through which one gets to  'meet and unite with  God/Goddess' - so this makes sense to me.
The ascended mystic discovers  that  all of the nadis are subordinate to Sushumna,  because we see and feel the flow of  "Ambrosia"  within  the spinal column and beyond. . .
 It is said that Ida and Pingala  are often seen as referring to the two hemispheres of the brain.  This makes sense to me as well, because during the initial stages of  karmic clearing,  occasionally I felt shooting  pain on both sides of my head/brain.
Sushumna is the main channel  because it connects the base chakra with the Crown chakra. The unobstructed Sushumna nadi  allows the Kundalini Essence (Ambrosia/Shakti/Bliss) to flow into world's hologram out of the Crown chakra.  To put it another way,   'Kundalini Essence' is the  transmuted Erotic Energy which has the appearance of  brilliant silvery white light  frequency (that flows  out of  one's  Crown chakra)  I bear witness to this 'flowing out' experience and  wrote about it  in my post titled The River of Light.

 Divine Intelligence or Kundalini Shakti,  knows she is the cause of  evolution of consciousness in mankind.  One who attains permanent Sahaja  (or Samadhi) state,  knows that Cosmic Consciousness becomes a perennial possession of Yogi/Yogini who is able to achieve this feat.  But to get there, Ida and Pingala must be purified and balanced and the mind steadied by  Samadhi state.  When that happens - through many years of often very difficult process -  the two brain hemispheres become unified. 
At this juncture,  both sides share same goals and values,  because both  hemispheres can (literally) see that the Inner Self shines like the splendor of thousand suns.  One sees this Light with the eye of spiritualized consciousness of the eternal self-Soul.
 The science of uniting Soul with the eternal all-Blissful  Supreme Being, and  being literally one with all beings in the visible and invisible domain, is not for the faint of heart.   One whose karma is ripe to begin the journey will be guided by one's Soul's Will (which is the same Will as God's) and supported by Love's Intelligence so Wonderful, it passes human comprehension.
The following quote in Sri Aurobindo's words from The Life Divine,  absolutely resonates with my own experiences.  I'm doing this with the intention it may be helpful / reassuring to someone who is on this path. . .
After we have entered the path, he envelopes us with his wide and mighty liberating Impersonality or moves near us with the face of and form of personal Godhead. In and around us we feel a Power that upholds and protects and cherishes; we hear a Voice that guides; a conscious Will greater than ourselves rules us; an imperative Force moves our thoughts and actions and our very body; an ever-widening Consciousness assimilates ours, a living Light of Knowledge lights within, or a Beatitude invades us; a Mightiness presses from above, concrete, massive and overpowering, and penetrates and pours itself into the very stuff of our nature; a Peace sits there, a Light, a Bliss, a Strength, a Greatness. Or there are relations, personal, intimate as life itself, sweet as love, encompassing like the sky, deep like deep waters. A Friend walks at our side; points our way; a Lover is with us in our heart's secrecy; a Master of the Work and Ordeal points our way; a  Creator of all things uses us as his instrument; we are in the arms of the eternal Mother (*Shakti/Goddess*)  All these more sizable aspects in which the Ineffable meets us are truths and not mere helpful symbols or useful imaginations; but as we progress, their first imperfect formulations in our experience yield to a larger vision of the one Truth that is behind them. At each step their mental masks are shed and they acquire a larger, a profounder, a more intimate significance.

* I got interested in Aurobindo's work once my blog writing was underway (2009).  Early on I had couple of encounters with him ... and have it on record in this blog.  The one that made the most impression on me was the time (he wore white) when we stood shoulder to shoulder and he encouraged me to 'keep going' -- at a time I was being bullied left and right by nasty  forum people.


  1. Nice to read the words of a kindred spirit.. Chk out my book - Something Divine.. Blessings!

  2. Thank you for your kind words, Zafar!
    Love it when that happens! Glad you published Something Divine & I would love to read it some day.


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