Michael Bradford, who is affiliated with Canada's Institute For Consciousness Research, penned an important article titled: Prana and Kundalini: Aspects of Shakti.
It's opening statement begins on this note:
For an individual who has gone through a Kundalini process, the task of trying to convey the reality of what has happened to someone who has not had the experience can be quite difficult. This is especially so in the case where the other person is firmly rooted in the scientific approach to understanding reality. The plain fact of the matter is that the concept of Kundalini is inconsistent with the paradigm of reality that science currently uses. How then can the phenomenon be presented in a logical and consistent way so that someone of this bent of mind may at least consider the possibility that something like Kundalini is real?
He asserts - and I agree - that 'human evolution is not finished', because:
there are other faculties of mind evolving in us that are as far beyond the intellect is from basic animal consciousness. Such new faculties of perception would bring into view aspects of creation that we have no conception of at present.
I agree completely with this statement from the ascended Soul perspective. I wouldn't be writing from this state/perspective if the (unsolicited) Supreme Kundalini/Shakti (Divine Will) didn't grab me by the scruff of my neck and guided me through Celestial Light and Sound - and by many types of Initiations, plugged me to the Essence of the Absolute Supreme.
I recall making the distinction between Prana Shakti and the Supreme Kundalini Shakti , somewhere - and rather than repeating myself again and again, I use the term Supreme Shakti when referring to Soul-level experiences and Knowingness. . .
I am glad to see how brilliantly Michael Bradford unpacks this topic.
Like me, he appreciates modern science for what it is - what it has accomplished so far - and/but instructs:
It is important for the proponents of science to realize that the world view presented in this article, and the existence of media such as Prana-Shakti, do not imply the invalidation of any known physics laws. It should be viewed rather, like moving from a black and white television picture to a high definition color one. The picture being shown is the same in essence, but the level of accuracy, the amount of detail conveyed, and closeness to reality of the picture are greatly enhanced. +
Science is quite willing to posit the existence of subtle media such as dark matter and dark energy, but stubbornly refuses to entertain the possibility of a similar medium associated with phenomena like those mentioned above. The difference is that dark matter and dark energy are predictable forces that can be quantified mathematically, but a subtle medium of the sort being proposed is intelligent in its own right, and cannot be quantified in a similar way. +
The basic in dispute is whether consciousness or physical matter is the base for reality. Since science has limited its scope of inquiry to the study of measurable physical phenomena, it has no way to actually disprove the possible existence of subtle media of the sort proposed here. As such, its belief in the primacy of matter is simply an unverifiable assumption.
I will end this post with Gopi Krishna's (verifying) words - from same article:
As Gopi Krishna remarks in The Biological Basis of Religion and Genius, "It is easy to infer, when viewed in the light of the fact that the physical universe is rigidly bound by laws from the movements of atoms to those of colossal suns and nebular systems, that there must also be a similar coherence and consistency in the spiritual realm".
Source: www.icrcanada.org/research/kundalinievolution/aspectsofshakti
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
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