Tuesday, October 16, 2018

For Science Geeks

Recently, prof Marzena Szymanska and her team (university college in London) discovered a state of matter which is made from "liquid light" - which "can't be stirred, rotated or even pushed."

Years earlier Laszlo Kortvelyessy claimed to have discovered "fifth state of matter" - which is,
 "most energetic one because another state of matter is not possible."
* Soul Science Musings has a link to Laszlo K. paper
The science geek in me saw couple of days ago video-talk  lecture  presented by Dr. Joseph M. Zycinski on:  Darwin in 21st Century Nature and God.  This brilliant man authored 40 books in philosophy of science, relativistic cosmology, history of the relationship between natural sciences and Christian faith,  and published more than 300 papers in Zygon; British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
I jutted down few snippets on  'emergence' / 'two-directional interdependences':

If emergence exists, absolute relativism fails. +  Not all physical processes could be explained by a reference to the processes at a more fundamental level. + Emergence structures are more than the sum of their parts, because emergent order will not arise if the various parts are simply co-existing. The interaction of these parts is central. + George Ellis, the famous author of publications on singularity theorems and relativistic cosmology expresses his view that reductionism is nothing but a symptom of intellectual fundamentalism.
Further, he mentioned that professor Mori will speak about:  convergence to explain convergence where  particular processes seem to be referred to the states that are not physical yet, but could be mathematically described. It is confirmation of this approach.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjNj5IRct4M

And, a quote in words of a brilliant man who isolated and measured the particle of matter,
Max Planck:
As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of matter.
Also:  on sciencedaily.com - article on discovery of "novel" quantum state of matter, and jutted down this:
Hasan and his colleagues discovered "a "novel" quantum state of matter because it is not explained by existing theories of material properties. (...) "The electrons decided to reorient themselves", Hasan said  "They ignore the lattice symmetry. They decided that to hop this way and that way, in one line, is easier than sideways.  So this is the new frontier. (...) All the known theories of physics predicted that the electrons would adhere to the six-fold underlying pattern, but instead, the electrons  hovering above their atoms decided to march to their own drummer - in a straight line, with two-fold symmetry.

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