Thursday, November 15, 2018

Silver Goddess Ray

03/08/2019 Edit-updating this essay by adding (few days ago chanced upon)  Sri Aurobindo's poem titled  Trance -- because of its verifying content.
Decided to copy paste the already edited Silver Goddess Ray  - while leaving the one in 2010 written stay where it is,  because in the original  (2010) post I wrote that I wanted to keep track of the  "mysterious cosmic chant" - because of its "empirical evidence" significance.
I like 'hard' science and have deep respect-appreciation for the brilliant scientific minds.  Learning about entanglement  (2002) gave me goosebumps, because finally there was something that could shed some light on certain types of mystical phenomena.  Brilliant minds, such as Einstein, Heisenberg, Shroedinger, Planck, came to conclusion that the universe cannot be satisfactorily explained without the inclusion of 'something else' - the something which was beyond their reach.   Sir James asserted that the only way to explain the nature of ultimate reality is to 'accept that it exists in the mind of some eternal Spirit'.
Recently I watched You tube lecture: Beyond the Higgs: What Next For the LHC?  by Harry Cliff and marveled at the brilliance of  scientific minds capable of such feats.
I have nothing but great admiration for these folks! And, anyone who reads this blog can see that the science geek in me includes interesting information for other like-minded folks. 

The 'soft', empirically based Supramental/Inner Science is performed and unveild in the laboratory of one's body-mind-soul complex *at the apex point of one's Soul's evolution when all dualities are integrated*. At this stage-point, the vanity of intellect's wisdom destroys itself in an empty space of Pure Knowing. . .Contact with the infinite Ocean of Awareness in all its aspects, includes the (symbolicaly) named) Silver Goddess Ray domain. Based on this fact,  we assert that without its Influence there would be no life, no evolution of biological organisms, no evolution of consciousness.
* My Testimony is a literal statement-description of (Grace-bestowed) Descent of Force-Light-Sound-Sachidananda into my bodily being, grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence and confirmed by those who are qualified *
This  Intelligence/Essence resembles the likeness of a silver-white lighting bolt but has the appearance of a'Field'.  This Field's point of entry is attained at the zenith point of Erotic Rapture - the result of an upwards flowing transmuted Erotic Potency in its highest expression  (which is even higher than what I described in The River of Light  = edit-adding this post's revised version

'Silver Goddess Ray' can be named Kosmic DNA . . . since this Field's configuration makes possible for the Divine Transcendent Source-Condition of everything that's arising to exist in the  fullness of its dynamism.   It also signifies that, the fully ascended being's Soul/Essence-Awareness is not 'divorced' from the Goddess Ray.
This - my testimony - is a literal statement/description of my experiences, not a translation of something I read in some esoteric text.
Earlier this year, I wrote in The Greatest Mystery of All Decoded, the following verse - a  poetic expression  of what the Divine Logos unveild  to my ascended Soul:

Subtler than the faintest atom is the Nature of the Evolutionary Supporter of All.
Beyond all delusions, the One whose Form is Unimaginable,
Shines like the splendor of many stars.
I can bear this Intensity because the Queen of Bliss/Ascended Soul
United with Him. . .
One who Knows this, Knows Impecabbly.

* Edit-adding Aurobindo's poem titled TRANCE which names this Ultimate Fields' color frequency 

A naked and silver-pointed star
Floating near the halo of the moon;
A storm-rack, the pale sky's fringe and bar,
Over waters stilling into swoon.
My mind is awake in stirless trance,
Hushed my heart, a burden of delight;
Dispelled is the senses' flicker-dance,
Mute the body aerate with light.
O star of creation pure and free,
halo-moon of ecstasy unknown,
Storm-breath of the soul-change yet to be,
Ocean self-enraptured and alone!

The Experiencer of the Divine knows that in order to to reach the supreme supracosmic Satchichidanada  (same as Silver Goddess Ray),  and live consciously in it: must pass through the Supermind. +  Supermind may be described as its power of self-awareness and world-awareness, the world being known as within itself and outside. + The full dynamism of Sachichidananda and the universe and its consequence cannot be grasped by any other consciousness than the Supermind, because the instrumentation in all other (lower) planes is inferior and there is therefore disparity between the fullness of the static experience and the incompleteness of the dynamic power, knowledge, result of the inferior light and power of other planes.
*  Excerpt from  Sri Aurobindo - Letters on Yoga Planes and Parts of Being.

My poetically named Silver Goddess Ray, introduced itself to my awareness in all its eye dazzling Silver Ray Glory countless times -  this is why when I say:  What I am describing is the Communication of the Divine from the source of its nature,  I mean it literally.
When I say . . . .
I also mean it literally.

The Science of Self-Knowledge is open to anyone willing to open their Soul to the Grace of the Eternal Light (within) - the only Light that can be shed upon the Path, since nothing that is not of the Eternal can guide you.
In this state - which is not a 'feeling', or 'intuition', but a state of being  - one becomes aware of the Immaculate Wideness to which all visible and invisible manifestation belongs. 
(The) Lie Destroyer exists in relation to  the vibratory Kosmos  but is also beyond it. . .where alone the Silver Goddess reigns.  Ascended Souls use words as containers  into which subtlety of meaning is poured. . .this is what genuine Revelation is about.
One who I  named my primary community peer is  Sri Aurobindo - expressed same idea by stating: What you call thinking I never do. I see or I don't see. 

I already know that even if I shouted from roof tops that what I share is not the product of subconscious mind's dive into hallucinatory wish-fulfilling appearances/formations, drug induced 'trips', or clever translation of  what others said. . .still it would not incline the materialist to think 'she could be right'. Maybe if I were a man it would be a different story?

The main reason I wanted to write today (Feb 2010) is because I want to keep track of the mysterious 'cosmic chant that began several days ago in the right  side of my brain hemisphere. This Initiation's ever-present flute-like sound/activity is most vividly  heard/perceived (w/right ear) when I'm in bed. Because I am not interested in jumping to conclusions with guesses as to what this might mean, I am happy to patiently wait and see. I already know that those with right ear perceived sweet sounding notes are frequency carriers of loving thoughts and intentions. . .and those on left side, are sound-hertz pregnant with rage/hate (directed at me when triggered by my testimony). 

Update:  edit-expanded  Sep. 14/2013
1. Will mention first that, the 'cosmic chant' lasted over two years. I realized that this Sound Initiation had everything to do with becoming Shabd Yoga master. 
2.  In August 2013, I chanced upon information relevant to what I was describing in this post with reference to perceiving messages (decoded in deep samadhi) with left/right ear.  I was very excited to finally have a  validation and a name for something this esoteric.
 Quoting with permission from Mr. Sandeep,  passages from blog on synchronicity:
The capricious spark of intuition which is briefly flashed during occurrences of synchronicity ripens in self-realized sages into the highly refined powers (Siddhis) called 'Prakamaya' amd 'Vyapati'. It is through Prakamaya that one gains knowledge of "the present states of mind, feeling, sensation etc., of others" and it is with with Vyapati,  that  we "communicate anything we have in our systems, thoughts, feeling, power, etc., to another".  As Sri Aurobindo explained, "every thought, feeling, sensation or other movement of consciousness in us create a wave or current which carries it out into the world-consciousness around and there it enters into a person who is able and allowed to receive it. Half at least of our habitual thoughts and feelings are such unconscious borrowings."
Record of Yoga p.20   

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Kosmic Tonglen Duty 2.0

Edited: the queen of edit-expantions does it again Apr.30, by including Aurobindo's words with regard to the 'guidance from above...