Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Revelatory Absolute

Soul level Liberation grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence corrects materialistic view of Reality by showing there is more to Life than the mind's  intellect has access to.  Truth is, if  we only feel comfortable in a cognitively defined universe, we are blocking off parts of ourselves which can be only accessed in deep states beyond even feelings and intuitions. The spiritual journey requires that we are open to  these parts of ourselves because it is through these faculties  that we will progress.
My transformation and integration progressed well,  this is why I have the spiritual authority to claim:
The Correction introduces itself to the mind whose nervous system / human Chakra System uncoiled to infinity.  .  .One who bears witness to this performs the Will of the one Spirit - this is why I am not  crushed when someone thinks "I don't believe her" .  . . Aurobindo and others (my spiritual peers) didn't apologize for their hard work.
Some think my writing 'is not helpful'  -  and I agree! I agree,  that  folks who are not in advanced soul evolution  don't see  value in what I bear witness too. Some either dismiss it, others get negatively triggered and accuse me of 'self-promotion' and other nonsense.
People whose Third Eye and Crown Chakra are open,  know what kind of ordeal one goes through. When my Third Eye opened on the subtle and extremely subtle levels, the spot between brows vibrated like crazy and it  felt hot-painful -- and was not a one time occurrence, either, since there is  vibrational difference between the subtle and the extremely subtle.  There is no 'vibration' in the Celestial domain, only Divine Bliss. This happened to me this is why I know that the meaning contained within my written word, is the communication of the Divine from the source of its Being.  
Academic whose spiritual intelligence is  developed by studies of mystical literature, can talk philosophically from the view-point of the whole in an abstract manner -  and because neither the follower nor the academic has any idea what embodied Enlightenment is about,  everyone feels 'happy'. Some call this type of happiness  divine bliss because they are not aware there are many levels of  bliss before one reaches the Bliss of the Supreme Divine. The Upanishad lists ten, "and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level."

It is not my job to change anyone's mind. Those who are 'ripe' will see their error.
My duty is to protect what introduced itself to the awareness of my ascended Soul.
I have a duty to bear witness to the Revelatory Absolute - to borrow Sri A term -  just like any other ascended mystic (no matter the tradition).  I am pushing the evolutionary mysticism boundaries and am glad to have Gopi Krishna's statement on why what we know is important:
The men and women who have undergone this transformation and now have this expended consciousness are known to be in Samadhi state of oneness with cosmic consciousness. All the great mystics who have written on this subject have given their symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition.

Anyone who sees the meaning contained in this Savitri verse (book 1, canto V),  can recognize Sri Aurobindo was eluding to the Revelatory Absolute - the Intelligence whose larger luster introduces itself to the awareness of the ascended Soul in a supramental plane. .  . She knows directly that the Nature of this Luster is Divine Bliss and She is one with it.   .   .it's Bright silver-white Glory, our permanent home.  
Silver Goddess Ray (below) unpacks the  'larger luster' subject from a different angle.
*the Supreme  Supracosmic Sachichidananda which is above all*

Interpreting the universe by soul signs
He read from within the text of the without:
The riddle grew plain and lost its catch obscure.
A larger luster lit the mighty page.
Once again, I am glad to have Gopi Krishna's words  to show that Soul level evolution (through transcendent Light and Sound)  is the next evolutionary step for humanity.

Yoga represents a new form of knowledge gained through the operation of a normally dormant, marvelous chamber in the brain, called Brahma-randhra by the ancient adepts, a new form of vision, known as the opening of the Third Eye or Tenth Door or the Sixth Sense, and a new form of ideation, known as inspiration, "Shruti,"  Revelation, Vahi, Afflatus, etc. In short Yoga represents a paranormal activity of the brain from which all great masterpieces of literature, art, philosophy, science, and spiritual knowledge have originated. . .
I have no words to describe the glory and grandeur of the new state of awareness, which belongs to the accomplish Yogi, in whom the dormant center in the brain has been activated leading to an opening of a new super-sensory channel of perception. . .designed to probe the mystery of creation, beyond the senses and the intellect (1978a:3,7) This center in the brain is the "eye of the soul" described by Plato in the Republic, and its partial or complete awakening provides the channel for communication with the Cosmic Mind, and from there the outpouring of insight and revelation.

Excerpt from: www.icrcanada.org/MenosArticle#_The_Kundalini_Paradigm

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