"All desire vanishes in that fortunate person whose consciousness is established
in his own nature. For him, the state of being of a limited being has ended".
-Shiva Sutras (sloka 4)
"Delivered from selfish attatchment, fear, and anger,
filled with me, surrendering themselves to me, purified in the fire of my being,
many have reached the state of unity with me". -Gita
"A Soul shall wake in the
Inconscient's house; The mind shall be God-vision's tabernacle; The body
intuitions instrument, And life a channel for God's visible power".
-Sri Aurobindo (Savitri)
One who 'reports' from the established in its own nature
perspective, is the God-realised Soul whose nature formed progressively around
its Divine center in the course of countless lives in the terrestial evolution.
Once established in her Source, one realizes her Nature is the same
as the Essence of the Supreme Divine/Beloved. This is why (only) She has the
authority to claim (at the zenith-point of her evolution):
'Who I am is Supreme Love and what I have is Supreme Bliss
I am neither gross nor subtle
I am the Nectar of Divine Knowledge
In union with all Reality in all realms of creation.
At this stage-point one's Liberated Soul becomes a conscious Partner of the Divine
Beloved. . .She exists to serve the ever-expanding evolution of understanding
of the God state. . .The Liberated Soul is the perfect Instrument through
which the Divine Force-Power Baptizes the visible and invisible worlds,
without uttering a single word. (The River of Light, describes the 'Baptizmal')
God realized Soul remains eternally with the fathomless depth and mystery of the
Supreme/Divine Beloved, not as 'concept', not as'nothing', but actually.
* Cautionary Note: one who aspires to become God realized (in the embodied sense)
through the spiritual bypassing route, will created much mysery because the
unhealed psycho-emotional wounding and unresolved developmental needs can't be
transcended by thinking: 'now that know this about me - know, I am selfish, greedy,
jealous, angry, that I crave status, etc. - I can rise above it', doesn't work.
Psycho-emotional wounding can only be released at the level it was created.
My post Healer's Note, adresses this topic. *
When all desire vanishes, noble qualities arise. One whose
personal egoism is no more, becomes the embodiment of traits such as:
simplicity, altruism, nonatachment to fruit of our works, we are free from the
pleasure of domination, are jealous of none and free from indulgence in petty
deeds. . .Doesn't mean we are incapable of facing the bully and breaking his/her
joy of domination!
Noble character traits are carriers of high-order frequency
which holographically affects all dimensions of creation simultanously.
In other words, one whose mind is without the stain of disturbance, become
the channel through which high-order freqenciesa enter the world of Form.
When no longer driven by personal desire, but an impersonal drive of the Conscious
Love/Power (not generated on human plane), the Divine Person (Liberated Soul)
"Brings the fiers of the splendour of God into the human abyss" - Sri
Aurobindo's words from A God's Labour (poem).
This is why, when I say: 'Not I, but by the Knoowledge/Will invested in me,
I bear witness to what the Divine disclosed to me for the benefit of all beings,
for the evolution of consciousness itself without uttering a single word'. . .
I mean it literally.
This is the true meaning of Divine Revelation.
I will end this reflectionin Sri Aurobindo's words: Excerpt from:
Letters on Yoga - Planes and Parts of Being intyoga.online.fr
"Our (Yoga) having realised Sachichidananda in the
spiritualised mind plane proceeds to realise it in the supramental plane. The
supreme supracosmic Satchichidananda is above all. Supermind might be described
as its power of self-awareness and world-awareness, the world being known as
within itself and not outside. So to live consciously in the supreme
Sachchichidananda one must pass through the Supermind. (skip)
The full dynamic truth of Sachichidananda and the universe and its consequence
cannot be grasped by any other consciousness than Supermind, because the
instrumentation in all other planes is inferior and there is therefore disparity
between the fullness of the static experience and the incompleteness of the
dynamic power, knowledge, result of the inferior light and power of other planes."
*I wrote She Speaks in March 2018. I attempted, but was not able to properly edit-improve
the original post and decided to bump its slightly enlarged/improved form here.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Standing Naked in the Crowd of Ideas
Edit-Expanded 2022-05-19
Now and again, my poetic voice compels me to condense into few stanzas that, which took many years of Soul level experiences, and its contemplative conclusions baptized with sweat, blood and tears, cross-checked with my community of the adequate. . . In other words, (as evidenced by what I share) it takes many years of solitude and 'natural' (not forced) surrender to the Supreme Divine, countless Soul level Initiations and Kundalini style karma burning, experiences, prepared me for the opportunity to bear witness to what I was destined to See/Feel/Know. . .
Standing Naked in the Crowd of Ideas, (poem) uses terminologies that can be found in most mystery traditions. Words like 'Angel', 'Goddess of Clear Light', are terms for the fully ascended Soul (because Her Essence is identical with the Supreme Divine).
The word 'naked' implies that, even the most exalted mind and its intellect doesn't have access to the domain where the Divine Mystery reigns. . .The Mystery of the Ineffable unveils its 'secrets' to the living Soul at the apex of Her evolution. . .The She - who I sometimes call 'the Queen of Bliss' - speaks without uttering a single word through one who becomes completely transparent to the Depths of the Divine.
It takes a very long time for the custodians of supramental Knowledge, to arrive at the stage-point where the vanity of the intellct's wisdom destroy's iteself in an empty space of Pure Knowing. Spiritual poetry word-bridges the personal I with God (by whatever name), by weaving into words the subtlety of meaning.
The one I named my 'primary spiritual peer', Sri Aurobindo, knew, and brilliantly stated why the Supramental Yoga's 'perfection' takes a long time:
The Divine in his essence infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. If that is so, it is not likely that our true integral perfection in being and in nature can come by one kind of realisation alone; it must combine many different strands of divine experience.
It cannot be reached by the exclusive pursuit of of a single line of identity that is raised to its absolute; it must harmonise many aspects of the Infinite. An Integral consciousness with a multiform dynamic experience is essential for the complete transformation of our nature.
- Sri Aurobindo, excerpt from: The Synthesis of Yoga
Cast in the language of the Soul, STANDING NAKED IN THE CROWD OF IDEAS, transcends the symbol-imagery of the intellect and its psychology:
The sacrificed intellect burnt up in the
Fires of the Mystical Heart, is free of concepts and ideas
Which mercilessly suck dry the vital powers of the
Goddess Clear Light.
The She Who Has Been, Is, And Will Be
Whose veil no mortal being has lifted
Speaks through One who stands naked in a crowd of ideas.
(The) Angel of Profound Inner Illumination, whispers:
"Know Truth from your own experience.
Transparent tranquility, limitless calm and bliss
Will find you in the arms of the She who sees the Self
Present in all beings and all beings existing in the Self Divine."
* How is such a thing possible? The law of Bliss Similarity Coherence, links the human Bliss Body (non-biological Soul) with the Essence of the Supreme Beloved.
In this context, Sri Aurobindo's term, "The supreme supracosmic Sachichidananda, is above all", means the same as 'the Essence of the Supreme Beloved'.
And, again, in Aurobindo's words excerpt from: Savitri, Book Three, Canto Two, pg 314 - a perfect example of spiritual poetry at its finest.
Alone Her hands can change Time's dragon base.
Her's is the mystery of the Night concealed;
The spirit's alchemist energy is hers;
She is the golden bridge, the wonderful fire.
The luminous heart of the Unknown is she,
A power of silence in the depths of God;
She is the Force, the inevitable Word,
The magnet of our difficult ascent,
The Sun from which we kindle all our suns,
The Light that leans from the unrealised Vasts,
The Might of all that never yet came down.
All Nature dumbly calls to her alone
To heal with her feet the aching throb of life
And break the seals on the dim soul of man
And kindle her fire in the closed heart of things.
If curious to re-visit Silver Goddess Ray?
Now and again, my poetic voice compels me to condense into few stanzas that, which took many years of Soul level experiences, and its contemplative conclusions baptized with sweat, blood and tears, cross-checked with my community of the adequate. . . In other words, (as evidenced by what I share) it takes many years of solitude and 'natural' (not forced) surrender to the Supreme Divine, countless Soul level Initiations and Kundalini style karma burning, experiences, prepared me for the opportunity to bear witness to what I was destined to See/Feel/Know. . .
Standing Naked in the Crowd of Ideas, (poem) uses terminologies that can be found in most mystery traditions. Words like 'Angel', 'Goddess of Clear Light', are terms for the fully ascended Soul (because Her Essence is identical with the Supreme Divine).
The word 'naked' implies that, even the most exalted mind and its intellect doesn't have access to the domain where the Divine Mystery reigns. . .The Mystery of the Ineffable unveils its 'secrets' to the living Soul at the apex of Her evolution. . .The She - who I sometimes call 'the Queen of Bliss' - speaks without uttering a single word through one who becomes completely transparent to the Depths of the Divine.
It takes a very long time for the custodians of supramental Knowledge, to arrive at the stage-point where the vanity of the intellct's wisdom destroy's iteself in an empty space of Pure Knowing. Spiritual poetry word-bridges the personal I with God (by whatever name), by weaving into words the subtlety of meaning.
The one I named my 'primary spiritual peer', Sri Aurobindo, knew, and brilliantly stated why the Supramental Yoga's 'perfection' takes a long time:
The Divine in his essence infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. If that is so, it is not likely that our true integral perfection in being and in nature can come by one kind of realisation alone; it must combine many different strands of divine experience.
It cannot be reached by the exclusive pursuit of of a single line of identity that is raised to its absolute; it must harmonise many aspects of the Infinite. An Integral consciousness with a multiform dynamic experience is essential for the complete transformation of our nature.
- Sri Aurobindo, excerpt from: The Synthesis of Yoga
Cast in the language of the Soul, STANDING NAKED IN THE CROWD OF IDEAS, transcends the symbol-imagery of the intellect and its psychology:
The sacrificed intellect burnt up in the
Fires of the Mystical Heart, is free of concepts and ideas
Which mercilessly suck dry the vital powers of the
Goddess Clear Light.
The She Who Has Been, Is, And Will Be
Whose veil no mortal being has lifted
Speaks through One who stands naked in a crowd of ideas.
(The) Angel of Profound Inner Illumination, whispers:
"Know Truth from your own experience.
Transparent tranquility, limitless calm and bliss
Will find you in the arms of the She who sees the Self
Present in all beings and all beings existing in the Self Divine."
* How is such a thing possible? The law of Bliss Similarity Coherence, links the human Bliss Body (non-biological Soul) with the Essence of the Supreme Beloved.
In this context, Sri Aurobindo's term, "The supreme supracosmic Sachichidananda, is above all", means the same as 'the Essence of the Supreme Beloved'.
And, again, in Aurobindo's words excerpt from: Savitri, Book Three, Canto Two, pg 314 - a perfect example of spiritual poetry at its finest.
Alone Her hands can change Time's dragon base.
Her's is the mystery of the Night concealed;
The spirit's alchemist energy is hers;
She is the golden bridge, the wonderful fire.
The luminous heart of the Unknown is she,
A power of silence in the depths of God;
She is the Force, the inevitable Word,
The magnet of our difficult ascent,
The Sun from which we kindle all our suns,
The Light that leans from the unrealised Vasts,
The Might of all that never yet came down.
All Nature dumbly calls to her alone
To heal with her feet the aching throb of life
And break the seals on the dim soul of man
And kindle her fire in the closed heart of things.
If curious to re-visit Silver Goddess Ray?
Monday, July 6, 2020
Why Sri Aurobindo Is Cool
American writer, author of over 32 books published and translated into 34 languages, dealing with topics of sociology, philosophy, mysticism, politics, ecology, psychology and spiritual evolution, Ken Wilber, recognised Sri Aurobindo's genius and literary contribution. Including short quote of praise of this brilliant mind (among others) from article titled:
The Evolution of Enlightenment - published in 2002, in What Is Enlightenment journal - and link to, Why is Aurobindo Cool, penned by Craig Hamilton.
"In a sense, the nondual realization, which at least became a historical realization for a fair number of people right around the turn of the century, including Sri Aurobindo, is still unfolding. I mean its, the world of form keeps unfolding, keeps evolving--spirit's own self-expression keeps unfolding--and it happens, as far as I can tell, to build on what it did yesterday, which is why evolution is indeed an unfolding event in the world of form. So as this incarnational nonduality, this ultimately ecstatic tantric nonduality itself, began to unfold, and its forms of manifestation began to unfold, you find that by the time you get to people like Sri Aurobindo, there's such a full-bodied understanding of this process.
Even though some of the earlier sages were ultimately enlightened for their time, there's a richness, an unfolding, a resonance of spirit's own incarnational understanding in some of the recent sages that just give you goose bumps.&
Under those circumstances, the type of descent that Sri Aurobindo was talking about, the descent of the supermind, is something that he certainly thought would be increacing in frequency as evolution continued. And I think that's the case".
I was not surprised when I read that Aldoux Huxley, Nobel laurate Pearl S. Buck, and others independently nominated Sri Aurobindo for the Nobel Prize in Literature.
I borrowed this blog's title from Craig Hamilton's article tilted: Why Sri Aurobindo is Cool:
I can't post direct links, but am more than happy to include one cool snippet from it - and if interested, check out the article at
"Almost all religious and mystical traditions, East and West, ultimately see the goal of spiritual practice as some kind of vertical lift off, out of this world into either a transcendent beyond, a heaven, or a final cessation in nirvana. Sri Aurobindo had the audacity to say that this view was a mistake. A big mistake. He even had the chutzpa to say it was a mistake made by Shankara and the Buddha."
The Evolution of Enlightenment - published in 2002, in What Is Enlightenment journal - and link to, Why is Aurobindo Cool, penned by Craig Hamilton.
"In a sense, the nondual realization, which at least became a historical realization for a fair number of people right around the turn of the century, including Sri Aurobindo, is still unfolding. I mean its, the world of form keeps unfolding, keeps evolving--spirit's own self-expression keeps unfolding--and it happens, as far as I can tell, to build on what it did yesterday, which is why evolution is indeed an unfolding event in the world of form. So as this incarnational nonduality, this ultimately ecstatic tantric nonduality itself, began to unfold, and its forms of manifestation began to unfold, you find that by the time you get to people like Sri Aurobindo, there's such a full-bodied understanding of this process.
Even though some of the earlier sages were ultimately enlightened for their time, there's a richness, an unfolding, a resonance of spirit's own incarnational understanding in some of the recent sages that just give you goose bumps.&
Under those circumstances, the type of descent that Sri Aurobindo was talking about, the descent of the supermind, is something that he certainly thought would be increacing in frequency as evolution continued. And I think that's the case".
I was not surprised when I read that Aldoux Huxley, Nobel laurate Pearl S. Buck, and others independently nominated Sri Aurobindo for the Nobel Prize in Literature.
I borrowed this blog's title from Craig Hamilton's article tilted: Why Sri Aurobindo is Cool:
I can't post direct links, but am more than happy to include one cool snippet from it - and if interested, check out the article at
"Almost all religious and mystical traditions, East and West, ultimately see the goal of spiritual practice as some kind of vertical lift off, out of this world into either a transcendent beyond, a heaven, or a final cessation in nirvana. Sri Aurobindo had the audacity to say that this view was a mistake. A big mistake. He even had the chutzpa to say it was a mistake made by Shankara and the Buddha."
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Happily Blaming my WAYS on Karma
Some months ago one particularly nasty gaslighter (man) on Facebook -- Integral Global group open to public -- insisted I need to urgently seek help for my mental condition. Few snippets of what he said to me: "you come across to me as a milder version of Adi Da (...) (who) turned out to be an absolutely pathological nightmare. " + "you come across as someone with either temporal lobe epilepsy, bipolar disorder, or a history of deep trauma that has produced dissociative states and grandiose coping skills."
That, I suffer from "delusional preoccupations". All that, and much more he told me, because he thinks he is enlightened and his job is to declare me delusional, etc. Been there, danced this crazy dance with other not enlightened minds calmly. I am happy to say he left the group.
Of course I am all that he says I am, because this is what his ego/surface mind and its intellect sees.
Of course I have been mentally ill all of my life! How else can one explain the altruism my twelve year old was capable of the day she did something so kooky, it made her heart glad.
True story:
I remember well how excited my twelve year old self was when I gathered enough money for my pass to see a movie. I accomplished this feat by collecting enough bottles and washed with sand and water, before taking them to the recycling station, in an exchange for some cash.
All of town's kids (in Poland) were in same anticipatory mood to see the movie. I left the house early and it turned out others did too, because the line was long already. This show was a one day event.
We waited patiently till the theater's ticked counter opened, and then slowly but surely inched closer and closer to the desired goal. Unfortunately, by the time I got to the ticked window, the lady behind the counter yelled out "last ticket!" - to those (still many) standing in line behind me.
So, what does this insane kid do? I turned to the boy behind me and said, "go ahead, you can have it". He said, "are you sure?"..... I nodded 'yes'. . . . and, my lil' heart was happy for him!
I was definitely insane the day I decided to end a cold war between couple of girlfriends (at work). Those two started each day with hugs and cheerful talk-sharing...until they stopped and wouldn't even look at each other. I had no idea what circumstance brought on this stand off, but after few days of their mutual silent treatment, I spoke to one of them - the one who seemed sadder than the other - by gently encouraging her to go up to her friend and ask: "are you still mad at me?" I said, her friend looks sad and might be ready to talk. . .Minutes later they were both yelling! (releasing hurt feeling), and within minutes their friend-love was back on track.
I remember well the day I got really angry when I heard one of our (co-worker) friend's teeth got knocked out by a bully, and confronted him. . .My action inspired others to stand up to him, and the bully fired himself the next morning. The boss thanked me "for what you did".
I wrote about this incident in 'The Green Eyed Monster'? (I have green eyes)
I am definitely mentally ill, because even though on strict budget, I helped to build a water well somewhere in Africa (through Christian Ministry organization).
Yeah, I must have been deeply traumatized, when my indignant four year old self, declared:
"I will dance for God!", when Gran tried to teach me prayers. Gran told me this story with eyes shining tenderly when I was a young teen.
I was very insane because I often danced on a way to school to express the JOY I was feeling.
I danced on a beach alone under the sky's star-studded canopy ... how insane is that for a 19 years old?
Chasing butterflies in fragrant with wild flowers meadow was so much fun! Making flower wreaths and wearing them....sure sign of lunacy! - and am happy to say there is no cure for that.
Hanging out on tree branches and singing sweetly? Definitely very strange...but am glad no one placed me in the asylum for the insane.
I had very intelligent parents and tons of friends and several siblings to interact with, but I also craved solitude. In a very secluded part of the garden I performed all manner of bodily contortions and called it 'gymnastics'. Many years later (in Canada), learned that those contortions were very advanced yoga poses. . .In this very spot, in dream state I found chunks of pure gold, and knew that the Vision signified: 'only within your innermost interiority one has access to something precious, something which book knowledge can't give.'
To some, my 'noble' character traits and decades worth of Depth data in spiritual science, are interpreted as 'sickness'. One who doesn't know me and doesn't comprehend what forces animate me, has no choice but think this. . .And if I was psychologically fragile during the many years of being bullied by gaslighters in all their furious glory, I would have become a total wreck years ago. And the reason no one can 'brake' me, is because I have been in a permanent Samadhi state -- or Grace bestowed Peace and Bliss, the result of the Descent of Divine Peace, the descent of Force/Power, the descent of Light -- for a long time. Soul infused personality doesn't fear other's judgments, is not at all caught up in a patterns of people pleasing or controlling tactics. . .In other words, the Sovereign One can't be bullied into submission by emotional manipulators. Once the Holy Spirit / Kundalini Goddess grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and showed me who the Boss is, I prayed: YOUR WILL NOT MINE BE DONE! This is why I unopologetically bear witness to what was DONE to me and boldly declare Divine Revelations.
My spiritual peer Sri Aurobindo affirms this:
"The ascent is the first step, it is a means for the descent. It is the descent of new consciousness attained by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the Sadhana. & This Yoga demands a full ascension of the whole lower or ordinary consciousness to join the spiritual above it and a full descent of the spiritual (eventually supramental) into the mind, life and body to transform it. The total ascent is impossible as long as sex drive blocks the way; the Descent is dangerous so long as sex-drive is powerfulin the vital."
I happily blame my 'ways' on:
'This is the Way of the Divine-Love-in-Action and I blame it on Karma'
(the causes set in motion in prior incarnation manifesting their results in this one).
The me, whose heart broke open many years ago felt compelled to recite a Prayer for Humanity's healing at noon. The pain of being aware of humanity's suffering compelled me to beg ascended beings (Saints) to: "help us because we don't know what we're doing".
In my mind's eye I imagined my Angel self hovering above Earth's orb, Blessing its beings with Divine Light flowing through my hands...or, 'sending healing energy' to all beings by placing hands on the globe, felt very normal to me.
I have been know in Yogic (awake) sleep state to Bless beings standing along river's bank with the Sign of the Holy Cross, while floating above gently flowing river's currents. . .
The same Love-River-Light made Pure by cultivating noble virtues, I saw with the eye of contemplation flowing out of my Heart chakra in all its eye-dazzling glory (not same experience as the one I shared in The River of Light, post).
What some call "pathological nightmare", to others it is something else. Some think that the evolving personality is the same entity as the non-biological Light being/Soul. Sri Aurobindo reminds us:
"The psychic and spiritual transformation are within our mental conception: The supramental has a radically different awareness of things. Mentality cannot know its nature. It can only be known via the spiritualised mind. It can only begin to understand Supermind when we have connected to spiritualised mind. Our personal endeavor and aspirationn cannot reach Supermind; our is the life of ignorance. The higher spiritual planes create their own formulations in the depths within us..."
Edit-including 2021-05-27 William James words: his retort to the 'medical materialism, folks -- which folks like me are grateful for.
"We're surely all familiar in a general way with this method of discerning states of mind for which we have an antipathy. "Medical materialism" seems, indeed, a good appellation for the simple-minded system of thought which we are considering. Medical materialism finishes up St. Paul byy calling his vision on the road to Damascus a discharching lesion of the occipital cortex, he being an epileptic. It snuffs out St. Teresa as an hysteric, St. Francis of Assissi as an hereditary degenerate. George Fox's discontent with the shams of his age and his pining for spiritual veracity, it treats as symptoms of a disordered colon. All such mental tensions, it says, are, due to the perverted action of various glannds which physiology will yet discover."
That, I suffer from "delusional preoccupations". All that, and much more he told me, because he thinks he is enlightened and his job is to declare me delusional, etc. Been there, danced this crazy dance with other not enlightened minds calmly. I am happy to say he left the group.
Of course I am all that he says I am, because this is what his ego/surface mind and its intellect sees.
Of course I have been mentally ill all of my life! How else can one explain the altruism my twelve year old was capable of the day she did something so kooky, it made her heart glad.
True story:
I remember well how excited my twelve year old self was when I gathered enough money for my pass to see a movie. I accomplished this feat by collecting enough bottles and washed with sand and water, before taking them to the recycling station, in an exchange for some cash.
All of town's kids (in Poland) were in same anticipatory mood to see the movie. I left the house early and it turned out others did too, because the line was long already. This show was a one day event.
We waited patiently till the theater's ticked counter opened, and then slowly but surely inched closer and closer to the desired goal. Unfortunately, by the time I got to the ticked window, the lady behind the counter yelled out "last ticket!" - to those (still many) standing in line behind me.
So, what does this insane kid do? I turned to the boy behind me and said, "go ahead, you can have it". He said, "are you sure?"..... I nodded 'yes'. . . . and, my lil' heart was happy for him!
I was definitely insane the day I decided to end a cold war between couple of girlfriends (at work). Those two started each day with hugs and cheerful talk-sharing...until they stopped and wouldn't even look at each other. I had no idea what circumstance brought on this stand off, but after few days of their mutual silent treatment, I spoke to one of them - the one who seemed sadder than the other - by gently encouraging her to go up to her friend and ask: "are you still mad at me?" I said, her friend looks sad and might be ready to talk. . .Minutes later they were both yelling! (releasing hurt feeling), and within minutes their friend-love was back on track.
I remember well the day I got really angry when I heard one of our (co-worker) friend's teeth got knocked out by a bully, and confronted him. . .My action inspired others to stand up to him, and the bully fired himself the next morning. The boss thanked me "for what you did".
I wrote about this incident in 'The Green Eyed Monster'? (I have green eyes)
I am definitely mentally ill, because even though on strict budget, I helped to build a water well somewhere in Africa (through Christian Ministry organization).
Yeah, I must have been deeply traumatized, when my indignant four year old self, declared:
"I will dance for God!", when Gran tried to teach me prayers. Gran told me this story with eyes shining tenderly when I was a young teen.
I was very insane because I often danced on a way to school to express the JOY I was feeling.
I danced on a beach alone under the sky's star-studded canopy ... how insane is that for a 19 years old?
Chasing butterflies in fragrant with wild flowers meadow was so much fun! Making flower wreaths and wearing them....sure sign of lunacy! - and am happy to say there is no cure for that.
Hanging out on tree branches and singing sweetly? Definitely very strange...but am glad no one placed me in the asylum for the insane.
I had very intelligent parents and tons of friends and several siblings to interact with, but I also craved solitude. In a very secluded part of the garden I performed all manner of bodily contortions and called it 'gymnastics'. Many years later (in Canada), learned that those contortions were very advanced yoga poses. . .In this very spot, in dream state I found chunks of pure gold, and knew that the Vision signified: 'only within your innermost interiority one has access to something precious, something which book knowledge can't give.'
To some, my 'noble' character traits and decades worth of Depth data in spiritual science, are interpreted as 'sickness'. One who doesn't know me and doesn't comprehend what forces animate me, has no choice but think this. . .And if I was psychologically fragile during the many years of being bullied by gaslighters in all their furious glory, I would have become a total wreck years ago. And the reason no one can 'brake' me, is because I have been in a permanent Samadhi state -- or Grace bestowed Peace and Bliss, the result of the Descent of Divine Peace, the descent of Force/Power, the descent of Light -- for a long time. Soul infused personality doesn't fear other's judgments, is not at all caught up in a patterns of people pleasing or controlling tactics. . .In other words, the Sovereign One can't be bullied into submission by emotional manipulators. Once the Holy Spirit / Kundalini Goddess grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and showed me who the Boss is, I prayed: YOUR WILL NOT MINE BE DONE! This is why I unopologetically bear witness to what was DONE to me and boldly declare Divine Revelations.
My spiritual peer Sri Aurobindo affirms this:
"The ascent is the first step, it is a means for the descent. It is the descent of new consciousness attained by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the Sadhana. & This Yoga demands a full ascension of the whole lower or ordinary consciousness to join the spiritual above it and a full descent of the spiritual (eventually supramental) into the mind, life and body to transform it. The total ascent is impossible as long as sex drive blocks the way; the Descent is dangerous so long as sex-drive is powerfulin the vital."
I happily blame my 'ways' on:
'This is the Way of the Divine-Love-in-Action and I blame it on Karma'
(the causes set in motion in prior incarnation manifesting their results in this one).
The me, whose heart broke open many years ago felt compelled to recite a Prayer for Humanity's healing at noon. The pain of being aware of humanity's suffering compelled me to beg ascended beings (Saints) to: "help us because we don't know what we're doing".
In my mind's eye I imagined my Angel self hovering above Earth's orb, Blessing its beings with Divine Light flowing through my hands...or, 'sending healing energy' to all beings by placing hands on the globe, felt very normal to me.
I have been know in Yogic (awake) sleep state to Bless beings standing along river's bank with the Sign of the Holy Cross, while floating above gently flowing river's currents. . .
The same Love-River-Light made Pure by cultivating noble virtues, I saw with the eye of contemplation flowing out of my Heart chakra in all its eye-dazzling glory (not same experience as the one I shared in The River of Light, post).
What some call "pathological nightmare", to others it is something else. Some think that the evolving personality is the same entity as the non-biological Light being/Soul. Sri Aurobindo reminds us:
"The psychic and spiritual transformation are within our mental conception: The supramental has a radically different awareness of things. Mentality cannot know its nature. It can only be known via the spiritualised mind. It can only begin to understand Supermind when we have connected to spiritualised mind. Our personal endeavor and aspirationn cannot reach Supermind; our is the life of ignorance. The higher spiritual planes create their own formulations in the depths within us..."
Edit-including 2021-05-27 William James words: his retort to the 'medical materialism, folks -- which folks like me are grateful for.
"We're surely all familiar in a general way with this method of discerning states of mind for which we have an antipathy. "Medical materialism" seems, indeed, a good appellation for the simple-minded system of thought which we are considering. Medical materialism finishes up St. Paul byy calling his vision on the road to Damascus a discharching lesion of the occipital cortex, he being an epileptic. It snuffs out St. Teresa as an hysteric, St. Francis of Assissi as an hereditary degenerate. George Fox's discontent with the shams of his age and his pining for spiritual veracity, it treats as symptoms of a disordered colon. All such mental tensions, it says, are, due to the perverted action of various glannds which physiology will yet discover."
Monday, February 17, 2020
Edit-expanded Cosmic Synchronicity & Confirmation
Finally got around to edit-improve & expand
Cosmic Synchronicity & Confirmation
Cosmic Synchronicity & Confirmation
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Heart's Wings Rock
My interest in Sri Aurobindo's spiritual partner Mirra's work has not been on my mind's radar very much, still I manged to read a bit here and there to see what her work was about. Recently I edit-improved one post (about her), titled Mother Mirra's 6th Vision - and will include link below.
Today, I am happy to include something I read few days ago, which is for those of us 'mystic types', verifying. . .with Deepest Gratitude to Mirra's legacy.
There are people in whom psychic movement, the emotional impulse is stronger than the intellectual understanding. They feel an irresistible attraction for the Divine without knowing, without having the slightest idea of what it is, of what it can be, what it represents--nothing, no intellectual notion--but a kind of impulse, attraction, a need, an inevitable need.
And these people who have that, if, I may say as a result of the Grace, they have a mind which does not trouble them, does not question, does not discuss, go very fast. And then, what is quite miraculous according to ordinary ideas is that as soon as they reach the degree of consecration which identifies them through their psychic being with the Divine Presence, suddenly they become endowed with capacities of expression absolutely unknown to their nature. . .
There are others who understand first, who are very intellectual, have studied, can play with words and ideas, who will give you brilliant lectures on all the philosophies, all the religions, all human conceptions and who, perhaps, will advance one step. Because all that goes on in their head. Many things go on in their head...the head is like a public square,,,Anything at at all can enter there, come, cross over, go out, and create a lot of disorder.
And people who are in the habit of playing with ideas are the ones most hampered from going further. It is a game that's pretty attractive; it gives you the impression that you are not altogether ordinary, at the level of ordinary life, but which cuts the wings. It's not the head which has wings: its the heart.
Quoted with permission from Mr. Sandeep
This is also why, it is impossible to change someones mind that thinks our testimonies are pure fantasy designed to make us feel 'special'.
I know I don't feel special. I know what I bear witness to, is.
Those of us who know better, know that what we bear witness to (genuine supramental experiences, or Initiations into Deep Mystery) is not the result of subconscious mind's dive into its desire-producing hallucinatory formations (fantasy), definitely not the result of mind altering substances.
Link to Mother Mirra's 6th Vision
Today, I am happy to include something I read few days ago, which is for those of us 'mystic types', verifying. . .with Deepest Gratitude to Mirra's legacy.
There are people in whom psychic movement, the emotional impulse is stronger than the intellectual understanding. They feel an irresistible attraction for the Divine without knowing, without having the slightest idea of what it is, of what it can be, what it represents--nothing, no intellectual notion--but a kind of impulse, attraction, a need, an inevitable need.
And these people who have that, if, I may say as a result of the Grace, they have a mind which does not trouble them, does not question, does not discuss, go very fast. And then, what is quite miraculous according to ordinary ideas is that as soon as they reach the degree of consecration which identifies them through their psychic being with the Divine Presence, suddenly they become endowed with capacities of expression absolutely unknown to their nature. . .
There are others who understand first, who are very intellectual, have studied, can play with words and ideas, who will give you brilliant lectures on all the philosophies, all the religions, all human conceptions and who, perhaps, will advance one step. Because all that goes on in their head. Many things go on in their head...the head is like a public square,,,Anything at at all can enter there, come, cross over, go out, and create a lot of disorder.
And people who are in the habit of playing with ideas are the ones most hampered from going further. It is a game that's pretty attractive; it gives you the impression that you are not altogether ordinary, at the level of ordinary life, but which cuts the wings. It's not the head which has wings: its the heart.
Quoted with permission from Mr. Sandeep
This is also why, it is impossible to change someones mind that thinks our testimonies are pure fantasy designed to make us feel 'special'.
I know I don't feel special. I know what I bear witness to, is.
Those of us who know better, know that what we bear witness to (genuine supramental experiences, or Initiations into Deep Mystery) is not the result of subconscious mind's dive into its desire-producing hallucinatory formations (fantasy), definitely not the result of mind altering substances.
Link to Mother Mirra's 6th Vision
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