Thursday, March 7, 2024

Path Ordained By God

Edit-expanded 2024-04-20:
My originally written in June 2009 blog titled, On Rapture Musings, describes three types of descends of Divine Force into my bodily being. I am astonished still, after all these years (early 90s') at the intensity of those Initiations, as well as my unwavering Trust in what was 'happening' (because I knew I was 'in good hands'). I was not a scholar of wisdom teachings or a meditator, and didn't know there were other beings who have undergone same or similar Initiations. . .And, when many years later I read Aurobindo's statement on karma, the pieces of this Kosmic puzzle fell into place: "Karma is not luck, it is transmission of past energies into the present".
In its now vastly edit-expanded form, the now 'Path Ordained by God', title, is a better fit. It reads like a 'new' blog - hence the decision to do a 'do over' in this space.

In this post I will describe three types of Soul level Initiations that are now grounded in a very much grander 'verifying' context *they happend years before I was guided to check out Sri Aurobindo's work. The descent of Divine Force-Light-Bliss-Ananda takes place at the zenith-point of one's eternal self-Soul's evolution. These events, or experiences fall into the Soul science category that act like bridge that joins Humanity and Divinity in a 'not two', sense. Genuine Saints and Siddhas demonstrate that 'Soul Powers' are real. We know that recipients of Grace-bestowed Divine Revelations, have a moral duty to obey the inner call of our vocation for the benefit of all beings.
We encourage: 'open your soul to the Eternal - but it must be the Eternal that draws forth your strength and beauty, not desire for growth. For in one case you develop in the luxuriance of purity, in the other you harden by the forcible passion for personal stature' - in words of an unknown Master.
We remind the spiritual aspirant that, the surrendered one relies on Grace to help us patiently endure years upon years of continous elemination of karmic baggage.
What I share *descends of Divine Force-Light-Bliss-Sound* takes place at the zenith-point of one's eternal self-Soul's evolution (post-enlightenment stages). And, because I didn't misuse this Knowledge, or betray it by imagining I was 'special', I was able to sustain the responsibility of its Command to bring to the world's evolutionary spirituality table, the Story of what needs to happen before one attains the Final Samadhi. In other words *in poetic speak*, the attainment of the stage of Coronation in Omniscience in all its aspects, Wills us to 'bring down heaven to earth for ourselves and mankind'- Aurobindo's quote

Sri Aurobindo confirmed for me that: 'Divine condition descends from above, is given by the Divine. + The higher spiritual planes create their own formulations in the subliminal in the depths within us. + We do not found ourselves on faith alone, but on great ground of knowledge which we have been developing and testing day and night for years upon years more scrupulously then any scientist his theory and his method on the pysical plane". + From: The Life Divine, p.956 "For real transformation there must be a direct and unveiled intervention from above; there would be necessary too a total submission and surrender of the lower consciousness, a cessation of its insistence, a will in it for its separate law of action to be completely annulled by transformation and lose all rights over our being."

Brief descripitons:
1. This particular Initiation experience was unlike any other, yet just as startling-intense as the rest *circa 1993*, and occured during a hands-on energy balancing session, in our Master's (Dr. Kiara Galbreath) home. On this rare occasion Kiara allowed us to practice on her. I joined the three students after I finished working on fellow student. Standing room only and hands on teaxher's knees suited me fine, until seconds into it I felt so much energy surging through me that my hands began 'jumping' with strong zaps of electric like currents. Minutes later, a very much 'solid' column-like of Energy began pounding my Crown chakra in rhythmic waves. This was the most fascinating thing to me, because I was standing in a room of talking and laughing people! I know I had to stay as still as possible and take long deep breaths - in order to accommodate the influx of this Energy into my bodily beingsys. I knew I was in an altered state of consciousness because even though I heard the noise/sound as if from great distance, it made my heard hurt. The noise felt very jarring/uncomfortable and very annoying, I decided to ask for silence. . .I made that request more then once, and finally the woman sitting at teacher's feet heard me, and said: "Helen is asking for silence". No one heard her, so she asked again and the room fell silent. The instant that happened, I became very self-conscious of my breathing and asked the Energy to cease its action. . .Within few seconds this Force's rhythmic wave-action diminished in strength and came to a full stop.

2. I named the following *extremely intense* Initiation in 94, 'Thundering Combastion Experience'. I was flat on my back when suddenly my head became like a thunderously roaring ready to explode missile, and thought this Energy will render me 'toast' *dead* and utterd "God be with me!" Next instant I disappeared - without name and history 'I' became a witnessing awareness aware of the transcendent Intelligence immensity and magnitute so great that is beyond the wildest imagination. I don't know how long I stayed in this state, but felt what happened the instant my extremely subtle body snapped back into my flesh body. The impact was so strong-abrupt, I felt my light body's torso rise-up to sitting position before gently laying down.

*Edit-adding 23-05-18, verifying quote from the Darsana Upanishad (6.36-38) "The Darsana Upanishad describes the sound heard when the consciousness becomes centered in the Brahmandra (anterior fontanelle), located in top-center region of the head: when air (prana) enters the Brahmaranda, nada (sound) is also produced there. Resembling at first the sound of conch blast and like roaring of a mountain cataract. Thereafter, O great wise one! The Atman, mightily pleased, will actually appear in front of thee. Then there will be ripeness of the Knowledge of the Atman from Yoga and disowing by the Yogi of worldly existence." - Guy L. Beck, Sonic Theology, pp 39-103

Edit-adding 2024-01-25 recently discovered *verifying* passages penned by the Rig Veda seer and Shankara; on 'the mighty Rudra'. Adi Shankara defined the name Rudra as: "One who makes all beings cry at the time of cosmic dissolution." + "The strength of Godhead never departs from Rudra, him who is sovereign of this world, the mighty." (2.33g).
The Rig Veda seer named the Godhead's Power 'Rudra', which is often associated with the sound not heard with our ears."+ 'His terrifying howl as he embraks on his destructive rampage' *karmic 'demolition* + 'The might of the mighty eradicates problems'. Rig Veda's prayer to Rudra, includes this verse: "We worship the three eye one who has matted hair who shines like the Sun".

Edit-adding 2024-04-20, on 'mighty wind' verifying passages from (King James)
Acts 2:2-4 "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven of a rushing mighty wind, and filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it set upon each of them."
And: Jeremiah 5:13 "And the prophets shall become wind, and the word is not in them: thus shall it be done unto them."
The rushing wind imagery emphasizes the dynamic and transformative nature of the Holy Spirit's presence.
John 14:26 testified what Jesus promised his disciples:
"But the Helper the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to you remembrance of all that I have said to you."

I am happy to say one who beheld with the eye of Spirit Jesus' spiritual Grace-bestowed 'pure in Spirit' stature, wrote: "Had I lived in Palestine in the days of Jesus of Nazareth, I would have washed his feet with, not with my tears, but with my heart's blood." - Vivekananda.

I am happy to say that Aurobindo confirmed for me/us that: "There are many Forces (but) it is only the Supramental Force that works absolutely because it ccreates its own conditions. The Force descends for two things: 1. To transform Nature 2. To carry out the work through the instrument. + The descent of Peace, the descent of Force or Power, the descent of Light, the descent of Ananda - these are the four things that transform nature. + At first one is not conscious entirely and in detail. + All these different actions of the Force on the adhara with the intention of opening it up from above and below and horizontally also. The action from above opens it to the descent of forces from above the Mind and the ascent of consciousness above the lid of the ordinary human mind. The horizontal action helps open it to the cosmic consciousness on all its levels. The action from below *Erotic potency transmuted into true force of Ananda* helps to connect the superconscient. Finally the consciousness instead of being limited to the body becomes infinite, rises infinitely above, plunges infinitely below, widens infinitely on every side. + There is besides the opening of the centers to the Light and Power and Ananda that has to descend from above." -Excerpts from: Letters on Yoga - On Descent. *The River of Light Revisited, riffs on same theme*

3. I was awakened suddenly because my entire being was vibrating with a loud high voltage note frequency. That too felt uncanny, but not entirely surprising as by then Kundalini Shakti put me through many types of 'cosmic makeovers'.

Edit-adding in 2023-06-18, statement on Shabd *Sound* penned by Rig Veda seer: "But the perfect saints, irrespective of whether they belong to one religion or the other, have gone beyond this and have spoken of Sar Shabd and Sat Shabd as well, and regions beyond Brahmand." -wikipedia/surat_shabd_yoga

Becuse of these, and many other types of Initiations, long time ago I wrote: 'I am neither Christian, or any other world's tradition mystic, because the Supreme Shakti initiated me into all Wisdom traditions. At this stage-attainment one has the spiritual authority to declare: 'I jumped out of all possible systems by becoming one with the very source of all power, and therefore, am no longer bound by any of them'.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Real Spirituality Explained

World's wisdom teaching found in sacred texts, when misunderstood in the inferior terms of the waking mind's pride, and completely invisible to itself its impulse that rejoices in tearing down thousands of years of contemplative conclusions in service to personal interests, ambition, and gain, is a proud anti-evolutionary force.
Those of us whose moral duty is to perform the Will of the one Spirit, obey the inner call of our vocation. . .We have an obligation to affirm that, 'the experience of oneness in the mystical vision which shows that the triumph of one soul is the triumph of all', is a most precious thing *Gopi Krishna's Q*
It is not our job to change minds. We remind folks that observer-dependent Reality is disclosed by Yogic sciences and demonstrate that this Knowledge must be grounded in experience. . .That, our Depth data is very much verifiable by those who are qualified, and *remind* that genuine encounters with the Divine are transformative. . .
This is why, when someone tells me/us our 'contemplative conclusions are produced by innate human mental schemas projected onto experience rather than objective truth,' I see with crystal clear clarity, what they say has nothing to do with me/us.

We Sing

Beyond the framework of Logic, the vanity of its wisdom
Destroys itself in an empty space of Knowing. . .
Divine, immortal and spiritualized consciousness that's
Grounded in the Will and Power of the Supreme Being,
Acts freely through God-realized Soul *through human body*
Giving meaning to seemingly meaningless life. . .
Establishing a 'heaven on earth' for the benefit of all beings
Without 'what's in it for me', agenda.

Sri Aurobindo's explanation of 'true spirituality' makes sense to those of us who experience in every cell of our being the descent of Divine Beloved's Presence and its Transformative Influence/Power.

The following excerpt is from: Letters on Yoga:

It is a beautiful characater that you describe in your letter, a perfect type of the sattvic man, a fine and harmonised ethical nature supported and vivified by a fine and developed psychic being. But still, although it may be regarded as an excellent preparation for the spiritual life, it cannot by itself be called spirituality - unless indeed we reduce the meaning of the word to the connotation ordinarily given to reduce the meaning of the word to the connotation ordinarily given to it in the West where mental ideation, ethical striving, a flowering of fine character, altruism, self-sacrifice, self-denile, philantropy, service to manor are considered the height of spiritual aspiration or spiritual attainment. Obviously if that is to be the last word of earthly achievement, there is no need for anything farther; the close and vivid discovery of the soul and self, the straining towards that which is behind life and above mind, the passion for the Eternal or the Infinite, the hunger for a freedom and wideness of consciousness and existence not limited by the narrow moulds of intellect, character, and the past Life - aims of humanity, the thirst for union with the Divine or for the pure bliss and beauty of spiritual existence not tied down to mental and vital values must be dismissed as a superfluous dream for which there is neither place nor necessity here.

Yet these things have been not only dreamed of and hungered after but reached and tasted by beings born in a mortal and human body. Spirituality lies there; its essence consists in a bursting of the human mental, moral, aesthetic, vital moulds in order to reach beyond them and enter into a consciousness of which these are the very stuff, to which these experiences are native. Anything less than that, than a striving after it or at least a partial realisation of it is not spirituality.
The spiritual man is one who has realised something of it even if only in one aspect out of many; one who is striving after it is the spiritual seeker. All else however magnificently intellectual, ethical, aesthetically beautiful and harmonious, vitally splendid, great and forceful or physically perfect is a valuable achievement on the way, but not yet that, for one has not passed the Rubicon of mind into a new empire owing to the nature of the past evolution of consciousness and of spirituality itself, there has been much confusion on this point and there is still more today because of the present domination of the Western ideal.
On one side or another mental idealism, ethical development, altruistic charcter and action, religious piety and fervour, occult powers, feats of ascetic endurance have been put forward as the essence of spirituality or the test or proof of achievement or the signposts of the journey to spiritual perfection. It is ignored that any of these things may be there and yet there need not be any spiritual life behind it, any rebirth into a new consciousness or any remoulding of either the inner or the outer consciousness no longer in a higher or richer power of mind and life and body only, the instruments, but in the direct light and force of the hitherto veild user of the instrument, the now revealed and directly active soul, self, spirit or of the Divine or Eternal whose representatives or aspects they are.
This confusion meets us at every point and in all sorts of forms whose common error is to ignore the essence and core of the matter. The Western intellect presnts us with the strivings of the mind, life, emotions, passions, moral will and tells us these are the real spiritual things, man's high aim and endevour. *skip*

To seek one's own inner spiritual growth, to draw back from the ordianry life in order to reach something beyond, to search after the Divine above humanity is mere egoism, not true spirituality, but an aberration, a misdirection of the will and life. All that might be admirable and true - as certainly all the things those eulogised have their place in the human evolution, if the premise on which it were founded were true - that the seeking for something behind, something beyond, something of which the evolution of mind, life and body was only a veil or a preparation is an illusion and chimera.
But if these things are real, if the seeking is a lasting and major drive in Nature, then all those objections and recommendations are futile. For this drive will fulfill itself, this hidden reality will draw and draw us till we achieve it. Those who feel its call, cannot do otherwise then to follow and strive, even if need be leave all else for it, hold all other greatness, splendour, nobility, beauty as cheaper minor things compared with the this other Light and Greatness and Beauty of which they have had the vision, the intimation, the formless attraction or else the passing touch or glimpse.

Ever since Mind itself reached a certain development, there has been at first dimly and gropingly, then more and more clearly and intimately this drive in man towards something behind and beyond Man, towards the discovery or expression of something hidden in his being and a world existence which is more real then his surface self even at its best, greater, fuller, truer, more divine. To arrive at that can come only by a change of consciousness, a new basis of consciousness which is not the lower instrumental consciousness of mind, life and body. *skip*

For a mind is a twilight preparing for light, an ignorance seeking after knowledge, a bondage to Nature groping after freedom and mastery over Nature. It is not on mind, on its self-modifying ignorance and bondage or even on its half-light, half-mastery, half-knowledge that the next step can base itself. It must base itself on soul consciousness, consciousness of the spirit and self - for so only can there can be the full light, the spontaneous mastery, the intimate and real knowledge.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Divine Self Disclosure is Self Validating

Salvaging Immortal Teaching from the hands of Ignorance in service to the Divine, is a tall order in a world where, no matter how absurd the assertions, 'public men' get undivided attention and support from their followers, as well as the 'public men' they speak with (youtube videos discussions), who don't know any better. There are plenty of 'public women' who perform the Pre/Trans fallacy move as well, but today I will focus on debunking Rupert Sheldrake's assertion that the 'Divine/Great Luminous Sun' - in the Gayatri mantra - refers to this planet's "conscious sun". . .since even "childern think the sun is conscious and that's why, they draw it with smiley face".

*Pre/Trans fallacy occurs when any genuinally transegoic structure or state, is identified with the same structures that are pre-egoic. & I can't post direct links, but Google search will find the video about 'conscious sun', by title: Mysteries of consciousness Kastrup, McGilchrist, Hoffman, and Rupert Shaldrake".

Hidden Treasure Texts can't be touched by the surface mind's falsehod no matter how ridiculous their 'interpretations', but they sure as hell can derail someone's spiritual evolution. . . .We are aware that the secular culture is not amused with what we are 'allowed' to SEE-FEEL-KNOW. . . I'm just glad they can't do to me what the mythic-literal church lords/men did to many of us in the past *brutally murdered*.
The Revealer of the Living Light of Knowledge *one's fully ascended/God-realized Soul* has a moral duty to obey the inner call of one's Vocation, bring the world's table the Correct Knowledge. . .
My spiritual peer Sri Aurobindo asserted: "Confronted with the stately hymns of the ancient dawn, we are conscious of a blank incomprehension. And we leave them as prey to the ingenuity of the scholar who gropes for forced meanings amid obscurities and incongruities where the ancients (Rishis) bathed their souls in harmony and light."
Today, I am very happy to include the correct interpretation of the Gyatri Mantra, which debunks the notion earth's sun/star is not what the pre/trans fallacy voice thinks it is:

Vivekananda's interpretaion of Gayatri *of same line Sheldrake quoted*: "We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe; may She enlighten our minds.
In Radhakrishna's words on same: "We meditate on the effulgent glory of the divine Light, may he inspire our understanding."
From Gayatri Text *excerpts*
"42. Well concealed, and attainable only by great effort, is that subtle Bindu (Sunya) which is the chief root of Liberation and which manifests the pure Nirvana-Kala with Ama-Kala. Here is the Deva who is known to all as Parama Shiva. He is the Brahma and the Atma of all beings. In Him are united both Rasa and Virasa and He is the Sun which destroys the darkness of nescience and delusion.
46. Here is the excellent (supreme) sixteenth Kala and the Moon. She is pure and resembles (in colour) the young Sun. She is as thin as the hundreth part of a fiber in the stalk of a lotus. She is lustrous and soft like ten million lightning flashes, and is dawn-turned. From Her, whose source is the Brahman, flows copiously the continous stream of nectar (or, She is the receptacle of the stream of excellent nectar which comes from the blissful union of Para and Parma.)
48. Within its middle space (i.e., middle of the Nirvana-kala) shines the Supreme and Primordial Nirvana-Shakti; She is lustrous like ten million suns, and like unto the tent-millionth part of the end of a hair. She contains within Her the constantly flowing streams of gladness, and is the life of all beings. She graciously carries the knowledge of Truth (Tattva) to the mind of the sages."
"The Devi who is Suddha-sattva pierces *passes through an obstruction* the three Lingas, and, having reached all the lotuses which are known as the Brahma-nadi lotuses, shines therein in the fullness of Her lustre. Thereafter in Her subtle state, lustrous like lightning and fine like the lotus fiber, She goes to the gleaming flame-like Shiva, the Supreme Bliss and all of a sudden produces the bliss of Liberation."

Christian Saint Hildergard of Bingen, described her experience of a 'blinding light of exceptional brillaince': "And it came to pass in the eleven hundred and forty-first years and seven months old, that the heavens were opened and a blinding light of exceptional brilliance flowed through my entire brain. And it kindled my whole heart and breast like a flame, not burning but warming. . .and suddenly I understood the meaning of the expositions of the books, that is, to say of the psalter, the evangelist, and other catholic books of the Old and new Testament."

In addition, from: The Symbolism of the Stupa, authored by Adrian Snodgrass: "The Great Sun, which is the metaphysical Sun, is not to be confused with the physical sun of our everyday experience. *skip* "Whereas the light of the physical sun is partite, shining in the daytime, but not at night, the Sun of Wisdom shines brilliantly in all places and at all times and everywhere throughout the Dharma (eternal) World. The Great Sun cannot truly be likened to the physical sun except by analogy; the physical sun is subject to the limitations of causality, whereas the Great Sun is wholly trandscendent. Therefore, it is called the Great Sun, Mahavairocana. The Supreme Sun "after elevation to the zenith shall no more rise nor set, but stand single in the Center. Hence this text;
"There is has not set, nor did it ever rise, it neither rises nor sets; once and for all it stands in heaven for him who knows the doctrine of the Brahman." The perceptible Sun is merely the likness of the Supernal Sun; it moves, and by its motion reassures the rhythms of time; but the Imperishable Sun; it is stationary, fixed in the eternal Present, in the punctual and Principle Instant whence time evolves."

When this very much Real SUN *initially* revealed itself to me in all its eye-dazzling glory, I marvelled at its brightness. Each time that happened I marveled less and less. . . One day I woke up within its Bright Splendour feeling utterly exhausted - subjectively it felt like I was a slumped over rag doll, and asked that my energy be restored. And when I woke up in this dimension I felt super-energized and super grateful.
Throughout this blog, I chronicle a variety of encouters with the 'Granter of Divine Knowledge' - which, initially I named "Uncreated Sun", later, "Solar Heart". Solar Heart Initiation Revisited, blog - penned in April 2019 - describes what the intensity of this type of 'Descent of the Divine Sun', feels/was like. I can't post direct links.
We don't want to minimize some of the real differences between world's mystical traditions, we want to show that the super-liminal Order of Reality unveils itself *in all its aspects* to the God-Realized Soul, no matter the tradition/religion. In other words, every genuine Saint/Mystic bears witness to the same 'unalterable truth':
Saint Augustine put it this way:
"If we both see that what you say its true, and we both see that what I say its true, then where do we see that? Not I in you, nor you in me, but both of us in that unalterable truth that is above minds."

Sri Aurobindo who was the first being that verified for me what the 'Vedic Sun' *really* signifies: "The Sun in the *this* Yoga is the symbol of the supermind, and the supermind is the first power of the Supreme which one meets across the border where the experience of spiritualised mind ceases and the unmodified divine Consciousness begins the domain of the supreme nature."

Monday, July 10, 2023

Logos Speaks - link

I have been busy scribbling on Facebook in Logos Speaks, and the *open to public* Integral Global group (mostly). I have more to say in this blog, but for now, *those who are interested* can check out what I'm going on about in Logos Speaks.

For a reason unknown to me I am not able to include direct links - but if curious:

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Higher Faculties See & Hear For You

Edit-expanded 2023-12-01: Encounters with the Sacred/Divne are not only real, but transformative, and I am still in the process of refining the subtlety of meaning of Soul level experiences *initiations/intuition/visions/divine siddhis, at the apex-point of one's eternal self-Soul's evolution into wholeness and transcendence*, again, with the help of someone who discovered within his innermost interiority the existence of 'two sources of intuition - one in the heart and one above the head'. . .Which I 'knew already', but it hasn't occur to me to unpack it in a more 'substantial' way by including Sri Aurobindo's unpacking of how/in what sense and circumstance, 'higher faculties see and hear for us'.

With permission from Mr Sandeep,from: - to show that Intuition at this Kosmic adress, has nothing to do with 'gut feeling'.
"According to Sri Aurobindo and Mother, there are two sources of intuition - one in the heart and one above the head. These sources of intuition correspond to the two centers of the Divine in us - the soul or psychic being within the heart, and the central Being above the head."
The central Being above the head? . . .Is the Knower of the Field/Reality in all planes of creation = the Supramental/Awakened state of Mind - which is neither male or female. Everyone who is 'called' can become God-realized by making supreme effort in that direction.

Not a 'gut feeling', because, "The Supramental is by its very nature a consciousness of truth, a consciousness always free from that ignorance that forms the foundation in our present natural or evolutionary existence, and from which nature tries to reach within us to self-knowledge and world-knowledge, to a right consciousness and the correct use of our existence in the universe.
For its true nature is knowledge: it does not need to aquire knowledge, but posesses it by nature; it does not go from ignorance to some imperfect light, but from truth, from right vision to deeper vision, from intuition to further intuition, from enlightenment to extreme, limitless fullness of light, from growing vastness to complte boundlessness, to actual Infinity. At its peek it posessess the divine omniscience and the divine omnipotence, and even in the unfolding process of its own highest heights over time, it must be essentially free from ignorance and error according to its true nature: it proceeds from truth and light and always moves in truth and light.
Just as his knowledge is always in truth, so is his Will; it does not foolishly deal with things and does not stumble on its way. In the Supramental, even the feelings and sensations do not give up any of their truth, do not make mystakes or missteps, do not deviate from the right and real, and can neither abuse beauty nor bliss nor, twist their divine straighteness. In the Supramental, even the senses cannot be seduced or brutalized ; it is this rudeness and cumbersomness that their imperfections here are, which leads to further truth, and its unfinished work is a step towards perfection.
*skip* Once the truth consciousness here has built its own natural foundation, the development of divine life will be growth in joy; a departure through the light into bliss, the Ananda." -Excerpt from: The Life Divine

This is why when I say, 'Supramental Revelation is the Communication of the Divine from the source of its nature, we/I mean it literally. Beings at this stage-point SEE instantly the Significane of the Vision's 'message' or, "from above the head", bear witness to what the experience of the descent of Light/Force/Bliss, into every fiber of our being is/feels like - which posts like: The River of Light Revisited, 2019, Solar Heart Initiation Revisited 2019, On Rapture Musings 2009, Cosmic Synchronicity Confirmation 2013, - in plain language and great detail, describe the 'effectiveness' of the true action of a spiritual truth-consciousness *because* "the higher spiritual planes create their own formulations in the subliminal in the depths within us" (but) "to know them Supermind must descend into us". Sri Aurobindo's quotes.
Example from the 'above the head', category?

Cosmic Synchronicity Confirmation, describes my encouter with and Initiation from, Kwan Yin. . .I know it was Her bacause I asked, "what's your name?" and She told me while gazing tenderly at me. . .I saw my room filled-to-brim with spiraling White Light. . .felt my body's floating-like sensation and every particle of my being filled with Bliss unimaginable that never ceases.

Again, Aurobindo affirmed for me this type of Initiation/Event originates *among countless others* "in a region of higher consciousness, which would seem to pertain more to a very high stage of realization, far beyond ordinary nonduality, rather than intuition in the ordinary sense of the term. To avoid this confusion, I sometimes refer to it Revelatory Absolute."

Example from the 'heart-source' category? Many years ago, my spiritual eye (open brow chakra) beheld two bright stars' spiraling down action . . . the closer they got to Earth plane, the brighter and larger their Form. . .In their now morphed Form, still in silver bright glory, in the shape of two very large old fashioned looking Plughs, graced my front yard. AND, instantly I knew my 'walking orders': 'you will work hard in the visible and invisible planes of existence'.

This is why when I say: 'I have a moral duty to obey the inner call of my Vocation', I mean it literally.

Sri Aurobindos' Yoga of Self-Perfection on Intuition resonates with me to a t:
" The intuitive mind dealing with the triple time movement has to see rightly in thought sense and vision three things, actualities, possibilities and imperatives. There is first a primary intuitive action developed which sees principly the stream of successive actualities in time, even as the ordinary mind, but with an immeditae directness of truth and spontaneous accuracy of which the ordinary mind is not capable. It sees them first by a perception, a thought action, a thought sense, a thought vision, which at once detects the forces at work on persons and things, the thoughts intentions, impulsions, energies, influences in and around them, those already formulated in them and these in process of formation, those too that are coming or about to come into or upon them from the environment or from the secret forces invisible to the normal mind, distinguishes by a rapid intuitive vision of actualities, but there are others that are less complete in their character. (skip) This kind of intuitive knowledge is not an entirely perfect instrument of time knowledge. *skip*

It is possible to however to develop a mind of lumnious inspiration which will be more at home among the greater potentialities. . . + This inspired mind will see things in the light of the world's larger potentialities and not the stream of actualitie as a selection and result from the mass of forecful possibilities. It will be liable, however, if it is not attended with a sufficient rvelatory knowledge of imperatives, to a hesitation or suspension of determining view as between various potential lines of movement away from the line of eventual actuality and following another not yet applicable sequence
The aid of imperative revelations from above will help diminish this limitation, but here again there will be difficulty of an inferior power dealing with the materials given to it from the treasury of a higher light and force.
But it is possible to develop too a mind of luminous revelation which taking into itself the two inferior movements sees what is determined behind the play of potentialities and actualities and observe these later as its means of develepoing its imperative decision. An intuitive mind thus constituted and aided by an active psychic consciousness may be in command of a very remarkable power of time kowledge. *skip
It is therefore in relation to the truth of supermind that its workings can be more effectively elucidated : for the mind of knowledge is only a projection and a last step in the ascent towards the supramental,."

One of the most intriguing (for me) activated in the superconscious field of mind 'Soul powers' are called 'Pramakaya' and 'Vyapati', wich *again" Sri Aurobindo confirmed for me after many years of not having a clue others experienced and named long time ago. The following quote is from auromere blog: "The capricious sprak of intuition when briefly flashed during occurrences of synchronicity ripens in self-realized sages into highly refind powers (Siddhis) called Prakamaya and Vyapati. It is through Prakamaya that one gains knowledge of the "present states of mind, feeling, sensation, etc. of others, and with Vyapati, that we "communicate anything we have in our systems, thought, feeling, power, etc. to another."

Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute / the Divine in its Infinite Essence. . ."cannot be reached by the exclusive pursuit of a single line identity that is raised to its absolute; it must harmonise many aspects of the infinite. An Integral consciousness with a multi-form dynamic experience is essential for the complete transformation." - Sri Aurobindo.
Sri Aurobindo's biographer, Satprem (1970: p.256), likewise describes the unusual states Aurobindo experienced in the course of his spiritual development but notes:
Sri Aurobindo was first to be baffled by his own experience and. . .it took him some years to understand exactly what had happened. We have described the. . .experience. . .as though the stages had been linked very carefully, each with its explanatory label. but the explanations came long afterwards, at that moment he had no guiding landmarks." -Excerpt from: The Meditative Mind The Varieties of Meditative Experience, penned by Daniel Goleman.

I discovered Aurobindo's work many years after my Soul level experiences *Kundalini Shakti, style* started, and looked to saints for 'clues'.

2023-12-01 Today I'm excited to edit-include excerpts on 'supernormal powers' in the Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga - from book penned by Daniel Goleman, titled: The Meditative Mind The Varieties of Meditative Experience. "The combination dharana, dhyana, and samadhi is a state called samyama. This highly concentrated state holds the key to supernormal powers such as clairvoyance and telepathy. The Sutras have a lengthy section on how to applysamyama to gain various powers. *skip* As in the Visuddhimagga, the Sutras see these powers as subtle snares for the seeker. The yogi is urged to give up these seductive traps as last temptation for the ego. *skip* It is samadhi that is taught as the heart of yoga; Vivekananda (1970) says, "Samadhi is Yoga proper; that is the highest means." *skip*
Nirvikalpa is the deepest samadhi; in it, mind is at its stillest. *skip* In this, says one commentator, "an avalanche of indescribable bliss sweeps away all relative ideas of pain and blame. . .All doubts and misgivings are quelled forever; the oscillations of mind are stopped; the momentum of past actions is exhausted." But one limit of nirvikalpa samadhi is that it can be enjoyed only while the yogi remains still, absorbed in deep meditation.
The final step in ashtanga yoga is extending the deep stillness of samadhi into the yogi's waking state. When samadhi spreads throughout the other states so that no activity or inner stirring can dislodge its hold on the yogi's mind, this marks him as jivan-mukti, a liberated man."

I agree with all of that, and think the reason my 'supernormal powers' are intact still *even though I got plugged to Final Samadhi*, is because all of these different 'powers' feel utterly 'normal'. I never aspired to be 'spiritual', either, but it happened 'naturally' because I was born with unbroken continuity of awareness. My eternal self-Soul was ready to fulfill her 'ancient plan' in this lifetime and it felt utterly 'natural' for me to plead: "Your Will not mine be done!"
Anyone at this stage-point will know what the experiences *felt in every fiber of one's being* of what 'godlike release' is/feels like. Aurobindo's words confirm this for me

"One-pointed to the immaculate Delight
Questing for God as for a splendid prey
He mounted burning like a cone of fire.
To few is given that godlike release."
-Savitri, Book 1.

I am fulfilling the Kosmic purpose by asserting that, when the meeting of Soul and Divine Beloved is genuine, it is impossible to get sucked into a vortex of deception and inflation, not possible to get lost in the intermediate zone.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Spirit Speaks

Oh dear, I didn't expect my second blog entry scribbled in Spirit Speaks (2009), titled Spirit Speaks *poem* would park itself at top of page (2023), after edit-expansion. I dare say it was a struggle to get going, yet filled with uncanny determination to disclose what introduced itself to the awareness of my non-biological Soul. . .so aware my writing skills are lame. . .painfuly aware of the burden of a duty to obey the inner call of my vocation. . . to bear witness to what 'genuine mysticism', is. Immensely grateful for encouragment by brilliant writers to keep going even when going got though. Not yet curious about Sri Aurobindo's work when I began writing here, as I was convinced his work is beyond my comprehension - because I read some call him "giant of consciousness" - but that changed when I got curious what the fuss was about, and to my great surprise discovered *once my brain got used to his terminologies* that 'I already know this, because this happened to me'!

One of those for-me-encouraging writers, was Ken Wilber - author of many books on human development and consciousness. The following passages are from One Taste:

"...all of those for whom authentic transformation has deeply unseated their souls must, I believe, wrestle with the profound moral obligation to shout from the heart--perhaps quietly and gently, with tears of reluctance'perhaps with fierce fire and angry wisdom; perhaps with slow and careful analysis; perhaps by unshakable public example - but autheticity always and absolutely carries a demand and duty: you must speak out, to the best of your ability, and shake that spiritual tree, and shine those headlights into the eyes of the complacent. You must let that radical realization rumble through your veins and rattle those around you.
Alas, if you fail to do so you are betraing your own authenticity. You are hiding your true estate. You don't want to upset others because you don't want to upset yourself. You are acting in bad faith, the taste of a bad infinity.
& "I don't mean to be harsh here, and we must honor all lesser engagements. Nonetheless, you must have noticed that the word "soul" is now the hottest item in book sales - but all "soul" really means, in most these books, is simply ego in drag. "Soul" has come to denote, in this feeding frenzy of translative grasping, not that which is timeless in you but that which most loudly trashes around in time, and thus "care of the soul" incomprehensively means nothing much more than focusing intensely on your ardently separate self. Likewise, "spiritual" is on everybody's lips, but usually all it really means is any intense egoic feeling, just as "heart" has come to mean any sincere sentiment of the self-contraction."
YES! I see it today - see the kind of silliness that passes for spiritual "Enlightenment", and cringe.

*My blog's avatar name 'theofilia' is made up, because I wanted to write incognito to keep cyber bullies off my back*

* In 2009 March 3, felt like scribbling Spirit Speaks - now in its expaned form begins with few quotes penned by a modern day Christian mystic, Bernadette Roberts*

"What the "no-self" event reveals is that union with God is not the end but the beginning of our life with God. The end of the journey comes many years after union."
"With years of selfless giving, the self is literally eroded away as God consumes more and more of the human being. Now, "beautiful, holy and strong." & "What remains now is the mystery of Resurrection, of Christ and the Trinity."
"Maturity, possible only through the grace of God. The Self, the mature human in a state of union with God, also falls away."
- Bernadette Roberts

I agree that Soul level Enlightenment/Liberation grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence, 'comes many years after union'.
In this blog, I will attempt to describe to the best of my ability what happened *to me* on this path without a map. It includes descriptions of many types of mystical experiences in the subtle domain as well as Soul level Initiations, before one attains the Supreme Liberation, or the Final Samadhi.
Will begin by saying: My child-self was quite psychic already, already capable of being fully awake in dream states, already felt stirrings welling up within me compelling me to 'act' on them': Like the time I drew a large circle and standing in its middle gazing intently upon sky's star-studded canopy, feeling in every fiber of being a sense of incredible 'immensity', and a sense of deep yearning to know something my child's mind-heart/the evolving soul personality had no access to. . .didn't know then, that I was born with unbroken continuity of awareness and in due time, in this incarnation, my eternal self-Soul will fulfil her 'ancient plan' by Grace-bestowed descends of Divine Peace, the descent of Force or Power, the descent of Light, the descend of Ananda/Divine Bliss. Sri Aurobindo confirmed for this for me: "One feels the Force only when when one is conscious of contact with it."

In 94' I wrote Spirit Speaks, not yet written from the fully embodied level.

We are Earth, Fire, Water and Air
We are many names and faces
Many loves and hatreds.
We are beggars, we are royal
We are Serpent the knowledge giver (Kundalini Shakti)
We are blind, we are wise
We are dark and light
We are . . .
Contorted past
Land heaving
Waters churning
Sky watchful
Sublime beauty revealed
Spirit manifest
Exalted, mysterious
Forever more blessed be!
Is it you and me?

Thursday, January 19, 2023


Finally got around to edit^expand^tweak
now 'good enough'
The Way of the Supramental Yoga, scribbled in 2021
Finally, got around to tweak/edit-improve
Immortans Tread Earth With Mortal Feet
& while at it changed the title to:
Bridging the Gap.

Path Ordained By God

Edit-expanded 2024-04-20: My originally written in June 2009 blog titled, On Rapture Musings, describes three types of descends of Divine Fo...