Monday, March 23, 2009

Angel Winking Moment

A very curious thing happened while watching on Vision TV  documentary titled  Decoding Christianity   --  April 2nd  2008 --  during which.  just as the camera zoomed in on the face of  Angel, it winked! And I mean a real, full eyelid closed kind of wink, and thought some smart Alec electronically produced it.
Still it grabbed my attention and made a mental note of the approximate time that happened.  Afterwards, even though I didn't want to, I  made the effort to Internet-search the program's email contact and wrote a short note.  Quote:

"Was it meant for my eyes only that the town's (in Italy) square angel statue left eye winked at around 10:46/7/8 ish o'clock mark, or electronically simulated winking jest-moment? Wouldn't be the first time the Divine decided to supernaturally communicate its people-nearness."

I also included  my Mother's  synchronicity  moment-story:   "Mother Mary smiled to me" (icon-image i.e.)  which made Mom dissolve into Bhakti tears.
(Her friend Krystyna came over when Mom was still crying, and alarmed asked: "What happened!?" She described what transpired, and then "We both cried!".  She told me this story when I saw her in person the last time I traveled oversees.

Promptly, I received a note saying they are "looking into it."
Then, almost a month later -   May 1st. - received the following reply: "We're sorry it's taken a while to get back to you. We checked with the producers regarding your inquiry. They have conveyed that they did not  have the statue wink in the documentary."

Amazing Grace!

So what does this mean in mystical / esoteric speak?
Simply put both,  Mother Mary and the  winking Angel are personifications of mystical attributes of our  transcended consciousness'  and  its  creative capabilities.
It is the Great Mind's / Spirit / God-Goddess  way of communicating:   You are that in the stillness beyond the internal dialogue.  
It is like a wink and a pat on the back from our highest Self  telling us:  You are not alone, be still and know you are (one with) God, since the individual self is also the Eternal Self.

Was it Rumi who said something like:  When I stopped soaring with angels, what I became you cannot imagine.

This kind of logic has nothing to do with narcissistic  magical thinking, but instead,  it is manifestation of  the  evolutionary Cosmic  Power-Creativity  (some call Eros  or Spirit-in-action)  with its self-organizing / self - emerging (signs)   signifires,  urging  humanity, as it were, to remember  we  are an incarnation of eternity --  both as  scene and scenery --  and each observer is (also) the Cosmic Mind looking at itself  from unique view-point in space-time.

In verifying Abhinivagupa's words:  The Whole shines through by its own light alone, pervading everywhere, having all powers and eternal forms.

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