Saturday, March 21, 2009

We Live by the Spirit, Let Us be Guided by Spirit

"Mission is a Spirit event -- it is God's mission, not ours"


"Mission is not human effort responding to a commandment. It is not even obedience to the Great Commission. It is natural and spontaneous. Only after the Spirit fell did the disciples speak (Acts 2:4)"

Long before reading from Flame of Love (C. Pinnock) these words, I recorded the following from Jul. 27/94' - "The Mission dream! I was flying around with my arms streached out telling people they are divine. "You are divine! You are divine!" People kept disapearing - not ready to hear it. One blond girl rose up from sleep and sobbed with joy. We embraced!" (I was very blond when little:)

My little self once drew a large circle in the ground, then stood gazing at the star-studded sky.... Almost trembling - so intense was her wanting to know something. . . Something, for which I didn't even know how to ask the question. Yet.

"Who am I? what's it all about this majestic beauty?"

In 1990' during one hell-a-va loud and heated philosophical - my, "WHAT IS REAL TRUTH! WHAT IS BEAUTY!" hollering exchange, between myself and my best friend, my best husband in the world who wanted nothing more than for me to be happy.
It had nothing to do with him, but I was not to be outshouted. . . Some minutes later he suddenly got all quiet, walked over to the far end of the room, sat on the couch, and with quick glances in my direction and a shooing-away hand-gesturing saying "Don't do that, I can't see you".

When the dust setlled some minutes later, he said "Your head was like the Sun, I couldn't see you." I was surprised what that was about. Deciding to find a book which would explain such phenomenon. I thought a book on something "esoteric" would disclose what's what. I tried, but not very hard to read this and that 'Buddhist', to no avail.

Not like reading books was at the top of my list with all I had to do in way of raising my familly, with twin sons only 5 at the time. The meal making, canning and freezing garden-grown vegetables. That, and a million other jobs around the house I didn't exactly have much time to read. But read I did. Some. Mostly at night since for many years we didn't have a television.

From time to time I would ask him to describe what he witnessed that day. But it wasn't untill years later it suddenly occur to me to ask, "how long was my head lit up for?".... To which he responded with irritated "Why are you always asking me about it? I don't know , three or four minutes." He just wanted to have a normal and happy wife!

Wellhell, asking only because I never heard such a thing. But by then I knew it! Because one day, just as my hand reached out for a pillow, the inside of my head lit up like the Sun. 'Wobbling' at first because it was so startling, then filling the walls of my awarenss with pure golden brightness. Then confirmed later by something I read in Three Pillars of Zen, by Roshi Philip Kapleau, by the following passage from the chapter on Enlightenment Experiences.

"Not after this I went to a zazen meeting at which Yasutani roshi delivered a teisho on the "Three Gates of Oryu," a koan from Mumonkan. At one point he was saying: "How does your hand compare with the hand of a Buddha? Reaching out in your sleep for your dislodged pillow, instinctively you recover it. One's whole being is no different from this timeless hand. When you truly realize this, you will spontaneously burst into laughter."

Will add to my above pillow - retreving moment, that when I woke up the pillow was still under my head - with right hand next to my face.

Synchronicity is a revealment of "not two" - of, God's winking!


  1. Interesting. Reminds me of my post where I refer to my hand and notice that it's not mine:

  2. Hey Paul:) that's why when I read your Adnan's Drum (poem) all I could think was "wow";)

    (thanx 4 the email heads up because I got to say "wow" again:)


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