Tuesday, April 14, 2009

She Who Has No Name

Wind whispering Truth through the ages (Holy Spirit)
Thistle tall and proud
Looking without seeing
Defending without knowing
Proud suffering, chocked with fear

Come hither, come hither, come hither
And Know . . .
Sky studded with Diamonds

Come and See the Sun's Glory (Vision of God-Light)

Heart and mire
Thistle and Fire
Feet still . . . listening, knowing
Arms reaching, holding, becoming
Wind  whispering Truth through the ages
She Who Has No Name Beheld a Sea of Heather

Until one directly Sees "Truth" (Self realization),  one can be tempted to assert all sorts of half-baked truths, and defend it mightily against anything that threatens its existence.

American psychologist/philosopher/writer Ken Wilber, described in his
9 Basic Structures of Consciousness model, what  each developmental stage 'looks' like. I am mostly - but not entirely - paraphrasing the gist of each stage. 

 I will skip the lower and jump to the 5th:
The "Who am I?" question is placed in the 5th--the Formal-Reflexive mind--"which judges actions according to what is appropriate."

And, if the psychological growth continues in a healthy fashion, one enters the 6th, Existential Body-Mind Integration--called "higher mind" in Buddhism-- and, "if psychological growth continues people can develop a highly integrated self".

At the 7th, Psychic / Soul stage one starts to "intuit transcendental Soul." & 'Ones identity continues to expand beyond the separate body-mind into the wider spiritual dimensions of existence'.

At the 8th, the Subtle Soul stage (without "pathology")--the Path of Saints--
"The outer world starts to look divine, the inner world starts to look divine." & "Consciousness itself starts to becomes luminous, light-filled."

"At this level you start to commune with Divinity or Spirit."

At the 9th, the Causal / Spirit stage,  "the process is complete, the Soul dissolves in its Source." " At this stage people seem very ordinary."

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