Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Built on Great Ground of Knowledge
Everyone has the right to express their opinion, but not to their own facts, this is why I check my results with others whose expanded consciousness arrived at same conclusions.
Few examples:
* Literalism is the biggest barrier today of really understanding the profundity of religion. + There is no way the finite is going to comprehend the Infinite on its own. + It has to be the Infinite taking the initiative, and that is the meaning of Revelation. Huston Smith
* We do not found ourselves on faith alone, but on a great ground of knowledge which we have been developing and testing all our lives. I think I can say that I have been testing day and night for years upon years more scrupulously than any scientist his theory or his method on the physical plane. That's why I am not alarmed by the aspect of the world around me or disconcerted by the often successful fury of the adverse Forces who increase in their rage as the Light comes nearer to the field of earth and Matter. Sri Aurobindo
* Consciousness and Force are the twin essential aspects of the pure Power of existence. Aurobindo
* The men and women who have undergone this transformation and now have this expanded consciousness and bright imagination are known to be in the samadhi state of oneness with the cosmic consciousness. All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition. Gopi Krishana, Kundalini for the New Age
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Shiva / Shakti Marriage - Om / Hrim
I learned via direct experience the significance of Shiva / Shakti's eternal embrace, which is the individual bodily representation of the Supreme Cosmic power -- a power which creates and sustains the visible and invisible worlds / dimensions.
Kundalini Shakti unites with her Beloved Consort in the transcendent realm within one's body-mind-soul system, but before that takes place many factors come into play on this journey without a map. . . A great many encounters with the Divine Forces within ones innermost sanctuary in the vastness of the Supreme Existence have to be experienced before one arrives at Supramental state.
In Aurobindo's verifying words:
"After realization of the Self, there are many things beyond that. The divine guide within urged me to proceed, adding experience after experience...Till I arrived at Supermind."
One of the most significant occurrences on this pathless path is the fact that in advanced Soul evolution the deity Archetypes introduce themselves to ones consciousness in the subtle realm.
My mystical / encounter with Kwan Yin , and my Initiation (by Her) was the most precious Gift!
It also means -- in words of author Ken Wilber -- that at this point:
"The self is then no longer exclusively bound to the ego, but it is bound to its own Archetype. The point is that as each higher-order structure emerges, the self eventually identifies with that structure -- which is normal, natural, appropriate." p. 237
"And thus the archetypes, the true archetypes, are the Forms of our own highest potential, the Forms of our own true nature, calling to us to remember who and what we really are. And in their last action, they are set aside and deconstructed -- the ladder that, having served its purpose, is discarded -- and there stands instead the radiant infinity that was always already shining through and beyond those Forms altogether." p. 359 - both quotes from The Eye of Spirit
Real mystical experience takes place within ones "glorified body" -- which is the body and the intelligence which the awakened Soul has -- the part of ourselves which literally sees the uncreated Light of Creation. The same Light that is within the depth of every being.
This is possible because in the subtle level, the Soul and God unite, at the causal level the Soul and God are both transcended in the prior identity of the Spirit / Pure Formless Consciousness -- no longer (in) union of God and Soul, but in the state of Ultimate Identity with the Godhead / Spirit / Supermind, plus Love-Bliss.
Or, as Aurobindo put it: "Supermind is an eternal reality of the divine Being and the divine Nature."
Those who don't recognize the importance the awakened Soul, think that this "sacred marriage", or "sacred sexuality" topic can be resolved/unpacked with their mental/cognitive intelligence, and therefore insists that sex with human partner means / is the same thing as the transcendent Shiva and Shakti's erotic union (24/7 mystical experience within ones body). The real Ultimate Consummation . . .Real Union eternal self-Soul with the Essence of the Absolute Supreme Being.
There is a lot of confusion around the topic of so called 'sacred sexuality' circles, because people don't know / don't recognize that, that the awakened Soul experiences life outside of earthly time.
In the flesh, the sex act has a beginning, middle and it ends. Nothing permanent about that.
Calling something "transcendental", when it's "not even close", doesn't make it so / doesn't make it "the real deal", just because he/she insists it is.
Sex gurus are hugely misguided in this area, but alas, they are the ones whose words are taken as a something final. They are welcome to do and say what they want, as long as they don't claim theirs is the last word!
And then there is me.....a big nobody who has the chutzpa to challenge them?
Not I! but the Shakti-in-me!
Transcendental Bliss is the intellect-defying God/dess / Divine Shakti / Awakened Soul, frequency vibration, which has no beginning or end.
It can never "end" because once one gets plugged into the Celestial Flame of Love, one can't fall out of it! . . . .
Individual Enlightenment is for the sake of all beings! -- for the sake of evolution of consciousness itself.
Simple, Pure, Hearts can't fall out of it!
Shakti and Shiva's bliss frequency looks like the brightest, the most eye-dazzling diamond imaginable. This Star-like diamond doesn't have a price tag. . .
Aurobindo said that this 'diamond' energy "may indicate the Mother's Light at its intensest, for that is the diamond white light".
As for its purpose?
Transcendental Bliss-energy flows out of the Crown chakra into the world's hologram / subtle planes.
I blogged about personal meta-mystical experiences with "triangles" and am glad to see others verifying words on their spiritual significance. Some named it 'sacred geometry' , which are first Forms of unqualifiable Spirit.
"Within Indic lore, the shape is generally understood to consist of two triangles - one pointed up and the other down - locked in harmonious embrace. The two components are called 'Om' and the 'Hrim' in Sanskrit, and symbolizes man's position between earth and sky.
The downward triangle (*which appeared directly before/in my eye of contemplation in its silver-bright glory) symbolizes Shakti , the sacred embodiment of femininity, and the upward triangle symbolises Shiva, or Agni Tattva, representing the focused aspect of masculinity".
Also this (my) Yogic experience: I noticed in night sky's canopy two stars - witnessed their spiraling down motion. . .the closer they got to earth, the larger their silver bright glory. . .Next, their now morphed Forms resting on my front garden / lawn in shape of two very large, old fashioned looking, ploughs. I have been ploughing the Fields day and night ever since (mystically speaking).
Brief reminder note: I was Soul-directed to become energy healer in a Yogic experience in 1993. My first meeting / interaction with my Master took place in the subtle . She tested me, by asking to "pick up" a small, shimmery-black stone in the shape of a square. I confidently picked it up and instantly felt massive surge of energy lifting me off the ground. Two or three weeks later I singed up for the Workshop even though I had no idea what 'energy healing' was about. The Workshop was exciting! (Then) In my first in-class practice session I spend most of my time streatched out on the massage table. My Master was balancing my energy and something very interesting happened. At some point in her soft (meditative) voice she instructed me to stay still - explained, that a "huge triangle came over us". I came to that class with a back pain, went home without it.
This is why the triangles and the square - which many years later I saw in Aurobindo's symbol - made me jump with joy, because I could instantly See what that represents!
The funny thing is, I discovered his work when my blog-writing was well on its way. I read short quotes here and there (over the years), but it was hard to me to get my head wrapped around his terminology. It was that, but also that he was a "spiritual giant". Now more than ever I am glad I didn't know his work prior to my Yogic and mystical experiences. It reassures me that my subconscious mind didn't 'create' them in order to fulfill some egoic want.
Mirra's (Sri Aurobindo's spiritual partner) quote on 'glorified body' is interesting to me:
"When the physical body is thoroughly divinised, it will feel as if it were always walking on air, there will be no heaviness or tamas or unconscious-ness in it. There will be no end to its power of adaptability: whatever conditions it is placed it will immediately be equal to the demands made upon it (...) lasticity will enable it to stand the attack of every hostile force . . : (*yes!)
it will present no dull resistance to the attack but will be, on the contrary, so pliant as to nullify the force by giving way to it to pass off . . . (*yes! that's why Supracosmic Tonglen Duty works, but this process is much, more complicated then what Mirra presents, bec. the attacks come from living beings whose (vital) mind's parasites unleash their furry)
Lastly, it will be turned into the stuff of light each cell will radiate the supramental glory.
Not only those who are developed enough to have their subtle sight open but the ordinary man will be able to perceive this luminosity. It will be an evident fact to each and all, a permanent proof of the transformation which will convince even the most sceptical."
I think Mirra's vision was on the right track, but I question those last three sentences, since even I need a proper lighting to see my golden light aura -- which I discovered by fluke w/eyes open i.e. in 94' - also, next to the skin a finger-wide blue ribbon of light, I named my Heavenly Robe.
I think Mirra got overly optimistic?
Friday, August 5, 2011
Great Compassion - Gentle & Wrathful
This epoch's biggest tyrants are dying off
The latest, on the word stage "Arab Spring" people movement, was started when critical mass of wrathful proportions galvanized people's sense of hope. It's not over their suffering, but one thing is for sure once people declare, "This is nuts!!! we suffer because our leader is a heartless, greedy bastard!!!! ???? " Once this realization is born in peoples' minds, it can't be pushed back - no matter what.
The world is on the edge of a New Dawn . . . .
Our deterministic sciences think theirs is the last word. . . Hearts and minds numbed by 'hard sciences' is it any wonder so many believe that the 'good life' is measured by outer manifestations of of success - measured only in materialistic terms.
Today's story on how Love's energy rises to the occasion when the opportunity presents itself:
Exactly one week ago I was at the grocery store . . . My back was turned, so I didn't hear or saw what transpired exactly, but was close enough to hear garbled word-scuffle.
Next, I noticed a man walking by me slowly muttering something angrily in a different language while gesticulating angrily . . . .Our eyes met, I sensed he wanted to talk, so I asked: "did someone say something rude to you?"
This handsome middle age man with neatly tied pony tail told me that the store employee insulted him:
"He called me trash!", then continued speaking in Aboriginal language and arm-waving towards the door behind which the kid/summer help disappeared. Later he told me he spoke in his native (angry) "Thunderbird" voice.
My first response was to apologize "for all ignorant white people", adding ""They don't represent my voice. There are many of us who respect your culture, your humanity" -- he jumped in and said, "respect the spirit, yes".
I suggested he speaks to the stores manager to report the incident. He waved his arm in a 'who cares, it won't change a thing anyway!' and asked not to worry about him.
Still, moment later in mid-sentence the verbal attack's energy carried his steps towards the stores' back room door (behind which the young man disappeared) while punching the air with his fist.
When he returned to where I stood he appeared much calmer.
I reassured him not all white people were this ignorant. . . He agreed. We talked some more.
He told me he longed to go back to Thunder Bay to be with his "spirit people". Now with smiling face he began really looking at me. . Looking with trusting eyes.
By then I sensed he was a homeless person.
My giving attention to his pain and my words 's intention was to reassure him that no one can take away his dignity.
We parted after goodly few minutes of quality time. . . His now relaxed body language and smiling gently face reassured me the ignorant punks words lost their hold on him, and we parted.
A bit later I finished my grocery shopping and saw him standing by the door... He wanted to tell me something about the art piece (etching) on a tall apartment building across the street -- he explained that the picture of the Thunderbird and sun's rays above his form was his People's Spirit "who talked to people". He was the messenger of the of the Great Spirit / Sun.
Added he was hopeful that in few days he will be with his people in Thunder Bay.
He did say at this point that he was homeless. When parting our ways I wished him "best of luck!"
Moment later, he called out, and once again came up to speak to me - this time without a word he took my right hand and held it with both hands and head bowed down for several seconds, before
uttering: "Your Grandfather was very wise", then walked away.
See what happened in this particular scenario?
Compassionate concern gave something to this beautiful man, and the energy-consciousness of Great Compassion/Love gave something to me in return.
I didn't know this man's name, he didn't know mine, but that didn't stop LOVE from shining through us.
Friday, July 1, 2011
LOVE's Agenda pt. 2
Soul's essence-frequency opens up channels of new possibilities and expanded awareness to what and 'who' we are. It exposes our harmful-thinking patterns , codependent ways of relating to one another, our defensive posturings, our addictions to dogmas and judgments -- all that and more .
She will never give up reaching out to us no matter how scary the (emotional) ride gets. . . Her beckoning "come hither, you can trust this process" is free from judgments - but it's up to us to accept the challenge. . . Up to us, to feel through those painful energies (in order to release their hold on us).
There is everything right, and nothing whatsoever shameful about emotional self-healing. Meds can't do that for us (they can 'stabilze') . Other people can't feel and release our fearful energies.
Fearless psychology focuses on one thing, and one thing only: Lets focus what this 'now' moment is presenting to us no matter how much fear-energy may get stirred up . . .
Fear may get stirred up, but the Compassionate Warrior recognizes its posturings and gently reminds us: "It's not who we are in the depth of our being!" then invites us to enter those darker corners of our mind.
There is no good excuse to continue judging all 'shortcomings'!
The Compassionate Self knows this and doesn't want to let us off this hook!
Knows, we need a lot of compassionate self-support while we grow our angel wings.
It whispers gently: "Let's not pretend that held-in grief or swallowed emotional pain isn't real. Let's bravely embrace the 'shadow' , then give it permission to "let 'er rip!"
Then and only then we can lay on the Altar of Forgiveness our dramas and posturings, our guilt and shame (and shaming).
If you can forgive yourself, then that same compassionate grace can be extended to others.
LOVE has no greater agenda than this
Monday, June 6, 2011
The Path of Trusting Surrender
In spiritual sense both trust in, and surrender -- surrender to the Divine within one's core of being -- are the two most important principles to be embraced by one who wants to consciously participate in discovering who, or what we really are.
Some insist that what can be perceived with the eye of mind and with the eye of flesh, is IT, and argue mightily there isn't any sort of (not of this world) 'Evolutionary Impulse' (some call Eros).
The adventures types are wired to push the evolutionary edge and venture where even the Angels dare not . . .because this is our destiny . . . The spiritualized consciousness operates within the supramental domain -- it is how we discover there is a Secret Purpose working for our evolution and it needs our participation. The transcendent She, our secret self-Soul is nudging us to perform the will of the one Spirit.
I have lived in that kind of trusting surrender. . .and to me, the nudging feels like a command drawing one to enter into deep participation for the sake of all beings.
This path is not for the faint of heart.
In contrast, the classical / traditional idea of enlightenment is about reaching Nirvana and a movement out of the everyday world.
By nature I never have been the faint of heart type. . . even my 4 year old self declared her independence by refusing learning prayers by declaring: "I will dance for God!" (I mentioned this in my Little Girl poem in my first blog entry).
I always felt that joyful, numinous intense something tugging at my Soul's strings making me dance instead of walking many, many times! I felt deeply this same joy - despite some sadness of having my entire family and friends overseas - when my teen self danced alone in a park after dark on the shores of lake Ontario. I lived within walking distance from the lake and spend many hours there in that same blissful state. There were times I deeply missed my family and at those times, the most soothing thing for me was walking on the rail tracks because it reminded me of home.
Years later, this same Bliss-impulse placed me/She who has no name on the topmost rung of the spiritual Ladder to witness something and to receive the Influence which Impressed upon me...
'I will never turn away from suffering'. *Soul level mystical Vision-experience described in, Divine You Report From The Divine.
At the zenith-point of Soul evolution we push and expand the boundaries of acceptability...
This is why this path is not for the faint of heart. At this stage-point one has the courage to claim (I do)
I jumped out of all possible systems (traditions) because I am no longer bound by any of them.
Supramental Mysticism is beyond the structure of guru and roles, because it is the very nature of one's eternal Soul / Light Bliss-Body being, to seek union with her Kosmic Beloved. . .
And, when that happens. . . This time in Hafiz' words: He summed up perfectly what the fully ascended Soul bears witness too:
I have learned so much from God that I no longer call myself a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Jew. The Truth has shared so much of Itself with me that I can no longer call myself a woman, an angel, or even pure Soul. Love has befriended me so completely it has turned to ash everything and freed me of every concept and image my mind has ever known.
I named Sri Aurobindo my 'primary peer review person' (I check my Depth's data results with those who have undergone the same or similar Transformation and Integration process, and attained same, or similar level of mystical embodiment).
So, once again with deep gratitude in Sri A words:
"Because it aims not at the departure out of world and life into Heaven or Nirvana, but as a distinct and central object. If there is descent in other Yogas, yet it is only an incident on the way or resulting from the ascent - the ascent is the real thing.
Here the ascent is the first step, but it is a means for the descent . It is the descent of new consciousness attained by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the Sadhana. Even the Tantra and Vaishnavism end in the release from life; here the object is the divine fulfillment in life.
Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realization for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for the earth-consciousness here..."
Monday, April 18, 2011
Bliss-Ananda / Supreme Identity
Today's focus is to underline the importance of not only having trust, or faith that the Soul's intelligence is unfolding her own evolution, but also highlight why it is wise to surrender to her will. She is the Spirit-fire which burns bright when our hearts and minds are on fire . . . are filled with the energy of compassionate concern for other beings -- because we now see that there is no 'other', in principle.
If selfish concerns are on the main burner , be most certain that she won't get much traction. Feeding starving children opens our heart center. This is her / God's will because at the Soul level, we are connected....we are all God's children, our original Divine Parent before our parents were born (as the Buddhist would say).
No heart-energy, no soul-traction. No problem -- just don't claim "Liberation", because as soon as you do....
The Shakti in her workings will strike ruthlessly at all forms of ignorance and blindness and all even that trusts wrongly and superstitiously in her, and we must be prepared to abandon a too persistent attachment to forms and cling to reality alone. - Sri Aurobindo
The Soul's Blissananda-consciousness - which some call Divine Shakti-bliss-Light, or in Christian speak, the Holy Spirit -- is our guiding light-principle...is what guides and gives us the strenght to carry out our inspired actions in the world of form.
Pretty much all of my life I lived what Sri Aurobindo describes as the "four part of perfection" , this explains why I always had this uncanny trust that I was always "in good hands". And even when I didn't believe in 'God', my inner-promptings, mystical Visions and other intuitions gave me the courage to trust this process.
Had I been filled with self-importance and had ambitions of becoming a great enlightened being with megalomaniac dreams of being 'very important' in other's eyes....I would never get plugged to the Essence of the Divine Beloved, and most importantly, I would lack the empirical data on high Archetypes, and no knowledge what they represent.
Aurobindo's four part perfection:
I - "the perfection of the intelligence, heart, vital consciousness and body.
II - "the perfection of the fundamental soul powers".
III - " the perfection of the surrender of our instruments and action to the divine Shakti"
IV - "depend at every moment to their progression on a fourth power that is covertly and overtly the pivot of all endeavour and action, faith, shraddha."
"The perfect faith is an assent of the whole being to the truth seen by it or offered to its acceptance, and its central working is a faith of the soul in its own will to be and attain and become and its idea of Self and things and its knowledge, of which the belief of the intellect, the heart's consent and desire of the life mind to possess and realise are the outward figures". (...)
The heart's faith, emotional beliefs, assents are also needed upon the way, but cannot be always sure guides until they too are taken up, purified, transformed and are eventually replaced by the luminous assent of a divine Ananda which is at one with the divine will and knowledge. http://intyoga.online.fr/ysp_18.htm
If selfish concerns are on the main burner , be most certain that she won't get much traction. Feeding starving children opens our heart center. This is her / God's will because at the Soul level, we are connected....we are all God's children, our original Divine Parent before our parents were born (as the Buddhist would say).
No heart-energy, no soul-traction. No problem -- just don't claim "Liberation", because as soon as you do....
The Shakti in her workings will strike ruthlessly at all forms of ignorance and blindness and all even that trusts wrongly and superstitiously in her, and we must be prepared to abandon a too persistent attachment to forms and cling to reality alone. - Sri Aurobindo
The Soul's Blissananda-consciousness - which some call Divine Shakti-bliss-Light, or in Christian speak, the Holy Spirit -- is our guiding light-principle...is what guides and gives us the strenght to carry out our inspired actions in the world of form.
Pretty much all of my life I lived what Sri Aurobindo describes as the "four part of perfection" , this explains why I always had this uncanny trust that I was always "in good hands". And even when I didn't believe in 'God', my inner-promptings, mystical Visions and other intuitions gave me the courage to trust this process.
Had I been filled with self-importance and had ambitions of becoming a great enlightened being with megalomaniac dreams of being 'very important' in other's eyes....I would never get plugged to the Essence of the Divine Beloved, and most importantly, I would lack the empirical data on high Archetypes, and no knowledge what they represent.
Aurobindo's four part perfection:
I - "the perfection of the intelligence, heart, vital consciousness and body.
II - "the perfection of the fundamental soul powers".
III - " the perfection of the surrender of our instruments and action to the divine Shakti"
IV - "depend at every moment to their progression on a fourth power that is covertly and overtly the pivot of all endeavour and action, faith, shraddha."
"The perfect faith is an assent of the whole being to the truth seen by it or offered to its acceptance, and its central working is a faith of the soul in its own will to be and attain and become and its idea of Self and things and its knowledge, of which the belief of the intellect, the heart's consent and desire of the life mind to possess and realise are the outward figures". (...)
The heart's faith, emotional beliefs, assents are also needed upon the way, but cannot be always sure guides until they too are taken up, purified, transformed and are eventually replaced by the luminous assent of a divine Ananda which is at one with the divine will and knowledge. http://intyoga.online.fr/ysp_18.htm
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
CosmicTonglen Duty
Edit expanded in April 2024:
The Divine Spirit/Universal Teacher within my fully awakened eternal self-Soul has been my most trusted guiding Principle because I submitted my will to its Will. Sri Aurobindo discovered within his innermost being same Truth: "God's Will is Consciousness applying itself to a work and results" & "That which is immortal in mortals is a God established inwardly as an energy working out in our divine powers." How do I know this statement about "God's energy' within my interiority is true? In 1994 'by fluke' *with open eyes and spiritualized consciousness* I discovered I had a vast aura-field 'knitted' by golden Light and a narrow band of blue light next to my skin. Gopi Krishana perfectly described what this 'means':
"The *immortal* body made of the fire of Yoga, refers to the mantle around the Knowing Self, which in case of accomplished Yogi, encircles his inner being day and night. This is the divadeha of the divine body, inside the gross body of flesh, in which one finds oneself unsheathed. when Kundalini irradiates and opens the new channel of perception in the brain."
What we bear witness to is written from the post-enlightenment stages. . . and a 'cloistered lifestyle', due to the 'imperative demand of the soul'. This 'happened' to Aurobindo, this is why he wrote:
"There are many who pursue inwardly the spiritual life and keep family duties, not as social duties but as a field for the practice of karmayoga, others abandon everything to follow the spiritual CALL or line and they are justified if, that is necessary for the yoga they practice or if that is the imperative demand of the soul within them." -Excerpt from: Letters On Yoga.
In letter to his brother, Aurobindo's words describe what this type of 'lifestyle' demands of us:
"My coming to meet you on the fourth January was settled, but I could not come; this did not happened of my own accord. I had to go where the Lord led me. This time I did not go for my own work, I had gone for for His work. . .hence-forward I am no longer my own master; I will have to go like a puppet wherever the Divine takes me; I shall have to carry out like a puppet whatever he makes me do. . .all that I do does not depend on my own will, but its done according to the command of the Divine."
I most definitely resonate with this becoming like a 'puppet' assertion because from day one (early 90's) I was "literally* Soul-directed to become Vibrational Healer.
Aurobindo's body of work is immense and I doubt I will ever read everything he's written, but what I have read so far, is verifying to me. Recently I chanced upon his description of the 'Divine', and agree that:
The Divine is everywhere on all planes of consciousness seen by us in different ways and aspects of His being. But there is a Supreme which is above all these planes and ways and aspects and from which they come. +
These two sets of three names each mean the same thing. Visva or Virat = the Spirit of the external universe, Hiranyagarba or Taijasa (The Lumnious) = the Spirit in the inner planes, Prajna, or Ishwara = the Superconscient Spirit, Master of all things and the highest Self on which all depends. The Mental cannot be Ishwara. +
Virat is the outer manifestation and if we take all that as Brahman without knowing what is behind the manifestation we shall fall into the intellectual error of Pantheism, not realising that the Divine is more than this outer manifestation and cannot be known by it alone. In the vital we may fall into the error of accepting what is dark and imperfect on same terms as that which makes for the light and divine perfection. There maybe many other consequent errors also.
One whose Essence 'becomes LOVE without boundaries', knows that our/this 'great change' is Grace-bestowed by the Law of Ordained Inevitability at the apex-point of one's Soul's evolution. . . and 'used' for the benefit of all beings in all domains of creation. The River of Light post, scribbled in May 2010, describes visible to the eye of contemplation and felt in every fiber of my being Divine/Shakti-Light's flow out of my Crown chakra into world's hologram via subtle planes. I don't know if Aurobindo knew/experienced this *flow*, but am glad to say when I chanced upon his brilliant word-elaboration about the 'Divine Worker', I was a happy camper: Excerpts from: Volume B, Essays on the Gita.
So too this God-lover will be the divine worker, not for the sake of works or for self-regarding pleasure in action, but because in this way God expands the power of his being and in his powers and their signs we find him, because the divine Will in works is the outflowing of the Godhead in delight of his power, of divine Being in the delight of Divine Force. He will feel perfect joy in works and acts of the Beloved, because in them too he finds the Beloved. +
A work like ours has not only to bring down and represent and embody the Divine, but to represent too the ascending element in humanity and to bear the burden of humanity to the full and experience, and not in a mere play or Lila, but in grim earnest, all obstruction, difficulty, opposition, baffled and hampered and only slowly victorious labour which are possible on the Path. +
Therefore the liberated man is not afraid of action, he is a large and universal doer of all works, not as others do them in subjection to Nature, but poised in the silent calm of the soul, tranquity in Yoga with the Divine. The Divine is the lord of his works, he is only her channel through the instrumentality of his nature, conscious of and subject to her Lord. By the flaming intensity and purity of this knowledge all his works are burnd up as in a fire and his mind remains without any stain or disfiguring mark from them, calm, silent, unperturbed, white and clean and pure. To do all in this liberation knowledge, without the personal egoism of the doer, is the first sign of the divine worker.
Divine Labor, or Cosmic Tonglen Duty doesn't 'supposed' to make sense to the intellect and its logic. . .Only one whose eternal self-Soul attains Erotic Union with the Essence of the Supreme Beloved, can know what the 'Ultimate Consummation' is about, and knows what 'Self-generating Bliss' means/signifies.
In this blog, I'm attemppting to the best to my non-academic ability to unpack decades worth of actual/direct contact with the Universal Mind/God and Descends of its 'more ruthless than love and sweeter than heaven' (Aurobindo) Supramental Forces into my bodlily being. . .in order to carry out its Work. . .
Soul-level Initiations includes: descriptions of vibratory sensations when my spiritual eye penetrated the subtle, causal domains; description of sensations in the Crown chakra when someone's towards-me-directed rage and thought forms I felt and saw in all its uncouth glory; and made a note of something so sweet but puzzling and persistent with right ear perceived 'flute-like' cosmic chant melody that lasted about two years... all this and much more! It is impossible to describe what Cosmic Tonglen Duty is And besides, it would be foolish of me to disclose everything, because some things are definitely for my ears and eyes only, but can add:
Because I am in permanent bhava Samadhi state, during the day I hear all types of hertz vibrations encoding themselves into my stretched to infinity Universal Body. The Shabd master in me knows that rage and fear of the collective energy feels very 'spiky', and during the hours I'm in bed (10-12hr) the blazing white Divine Radiance of Shakti Light burns to ash the 'spikeness'.
This is the hardest job on the planet because I don't get any 'down time'.
Edit-adding link to Contemplative Science
The Divine Spirit/Universal Teacher within my fully awakened eternal self-Soul has been my most trusted guiding Principle because I submitted my will to its Will. Sri Aurobindo discovered within his innermost being same Truth: "God's Will is Consciousness applying itself to a work and results" & "That which is immortal in mortals is a God established inwardly as an energy working out in our divine powers." How do I know this statement about "God's energy' within my interiority is true? In 1994 'by fluke' *with open eyes and spiritualized consciousness* I discovered I had a vast aura-field 'knitted' by golden Light and a narrow band of blue light next to my skin. Gopi Krishana perfectly described what this 'means':
"The *immortal* body made of the fire of Yoga, refers to the mantle around the Knowing Self, which in case of accomplished Yogi, encircles his inner being day and night. This is the divadeha of the divine body, inside the gross body of flesh, in which one finds oneself unsheathed. when Kundalini irradiates and opens the new channel of perception in the brain."
What we bear witness to is written from the post-enlightenment stages. . . and a 'cloistered lifestyle', due to the 'imperative demand of the soul'. This 'happened' to Aurobindo, this is why he wrote:
"There are many who pursue inwardly the spiritual life and keep family duties, not as social duties but as a field for the practice of karmayoga, others abandon everything to follow the spiritual CALL or line and they are justified if, that is necessary for the yoga they practice or if that is the imperative demand of the soul within them." -Excerpt from: Letters On Yoga.
In letter to his brother, Aurobindo's words describe what this type of 'lifestyle' demands of us:
"My coming to meet you on the fourth January was settled, but I could not come; this did not happened of my own accord. I had to go where the Lord led me. This time I did not go for my own work, I had gone for for His work. . .hence-forward I am no longer my own master; I will have to go like a puppet wherever the Divine takes me; I shall have to carry out like a puppet whatever he makes me do. . .all that I do does not depend on my own will, but its done according to the command of the Divine."
I most definitely resonate with this becoming like a 'puppet' assertion because from day one (early 90's) I was "literally* Soul-directed to become Vibrational Healer.
Aurobindo's body of work is immense and I doubt I will ever read everything he's written, but what I have read so far, is verifying to me. Recently I chanced upon his description of the 'Divine', and agree that:
The Divine is everywhere on all planes of consciousness seen by us in different ways and aspects of His being. But there is a Supreme which is above all these planes and ways and aspects and from which they come. +
These two sets of three names each mean the same thing. Visva or Virat = the Spirit of the external universe, Hiranyagarba or Taijasa (The Lumnious) = the Spirit in the inner planes, Prajna, or Ishwara = the Superconscient Spirit, Master of all things and the highest Self on which all depends. The Mental cannot be Ishwara. +
Virat is the outer manifestation and if we take all that as Brahman without knowing what is behind the manifestation we shall fall into the intellectual error of Pantheism, not realising that the Divine is more than this outer manifestation and cannot be known by it alone. In the vital we may fall into the error of accepting what is dark and imperfect on same terms as that which makes for the light and divine perfection. There maybe many other consequent errors also.
One whose Essence 'becomes LOVE without boundaries', knows that our/this 'great change' is Grace-bestowed by the Law of Ordained Inevitability at the apex-point of one's Soul's evolution. . . and 'used' for the benefit of all beings in all domains of creation. The River of Light post, scribbled in May 2010, describes visible to the eye of contemplation and felt in every fiber of my being Divine/Shakti-Light's flow out of my Crown chakra into world's hologram via subtle planes. I don't know if Aurobindo knew/experienced this *flow*, but am glad to say when I chanced upon his brilliant word-elaboration about the 'Divine Worker', I was a happy camper: Excerpts from: Volume B, Essays on the Gita.
So too this God-lover will be the divine worker, not for the sake of works or for self-regarding pleasure in action, but because in this way God expands the power of his being and in his powers and their signs we find him, because the divine Will in works is the outflowing of the Godhead in delight of his power, of divine Being in the delight of Divine Force. He will feel perfect joy in works and acts of the Beloved, because in them too he finds the Beloved. +
A work like ours has not only to bring down and represent and embody the Divine, but to represent too the ascending element in humanity and to bear the burden of humanity to the full and experience, and not in a mere play or Lila, but in grim earnest, all obstruction, difficulty, opposition, baffled and hampered and only slowly victorious labour which are possible on the Path. +
Therefore the liberated man is not afraid of action, he is a large and universal doer of all works, not as others do them in subjection to Nature, but poised in the silent calm of the soul, tranquity in Yoga with the Divine. The Divine is the lord of his works, he is only her channel through the instrumentality of his nature, conscious of and subject to her Lord. By the flaming intensity and purity of this knowledge all his works are burnd up as in a fire and his mind remains without any stain or disfiguring mark from them, calm, silent, unperturbed, white and clean and pure. To do all in this liberation knowledge, without the personal egoism of the doer, is the first sign of the divine worker.
Divine Labor, or Cosmic Tonglen Duty doesn't 'supposed' to make sense to the intellect and its logic. . .Only one whose eternal self-Soul attains Erotic Union with the Essence of the Supreme Beloved, can know what the 'Ultimate Consummation' is about, and knows what 'Self-generating Bliss' means/signifies.
In this blog, I'm attemppting to the best to my non-academic ability to unpack decades worth of actual/direct contact with the Universal Mind/God and Descends of its 'more ruthless than love and sweeter than heaven' (Aurobindo) Supramental Forces into my bodlily being. . .in order to carry out its Work. . .
Soul-level Initiations includes: descriptions of vibratory sensations when my spiritual eye penetrated the subtle, causal domains; description of sensations in the Crown chakra when someone's towards-me-directed rage and thought forms I felt and saw in all its uncouth glory; and made a note of something so sweet but puzzling and persistent with right ear perceived 'flute-like' cosmic chant melody that lasted about two years... all this and much more! It is impossible to describe what Cosmic Tonglen Duty is And besides, it would be foolish of me to disclose everything, because some things are definitely for my ears and eyes only, but can add:
Because I am in permanent bhava Samadhi state, during the day I hear all types of hertz vibrations encoding themselves into my stretched to infinity Universal Body. The Shabd master in me knows that rage and fear of the collective energy feels very 'spiky', and during the hours I'm in bed (10-12hr) the blazing white Divine Radiance of Shakti Light burns to ash the 'spikeness'.
This is the hardest job on the planet because I don't get any 'down time'.
Edit-adding link to Contemplative Science
Monday, February 28, 2011
The Greatest Mystery of All Decoded
Note: I bumped this post to the top in its edit-tweaked form - if curious
It is reassuring to me that, even though Sri Aurobindo was such a masterful writer, he too felt it is impossible to express all that we experience. . .Still we say something. In his (for me verifying) words:
It is not possible for the tongue of human speech to tell all the utter unity and all the eternal variety of the ananda of divine love. Our higher and lower members are both flooded with it, the mind and life no less than the Soul: even the physical body takes its share of joy feels its touch, is filled in all its limbs, veins, nerves, with the flowing of the wine of ecstasy, amrta. Love and Ananda are the last secrets, the mystery of mysteries.
Closeness of the human soul to the Divine is the object, and fear sets always a barrier and a distance; even awe and reverence for the divine Power are a sign of distance and division and they disappear in the intimacy of the union of love.
Moreover, fear belongs to the lower nature, to the lower self, and in approaching the higher Self must be put aside before we can enter into its presence.
The universalised, personalised, raised to its intensities, made all-occupying, all embracing, all-fulfilling, the way of love and delight gives the supreme liberation. It's highest crest is a Supracosmic union.
Source http://intyoga.online.fr/bhakti.htm
Goes without saying that the Supracosmic Union - or, the Ultimate Consummation of the Soul with her Supreme Beloved (stage) - and, 'recognition of the nondual state' (which can be experienced at any lower level), is not the same thing.
The fully ascended being/Soul and the Supreme Self constitute a single Divine entity, this is why this Kosmic address can't be reached by the intellect, no matter how 'sharp' it is.
See the difference?
Soul physics' Law of Similarity is responsible for linking the human's Essence with the Essence of the Supreme Beloved. . .In other words, it is the Sound wave reproduction of one's Essence/Light Body, not the actual transport/teleportation of matter body that gets attached to the Original Subject.
At this point, one has the spiritual authority to assert what the Rig Veda's Seer claimed:
Beholding the higher light beyond the darkness we came to the divine light Sun in the Godhead, to the highest Light of all.
In this blog I chronicle decades worth of mystical experiences / Initiations into the Greatest Mystery of All. Such a feat is possible when the Supreme Shakti/Kundalini takes matters in Her own hands. Without this support (Grace) my journey through (transcendent) Light and Sound would never come to fruition. . . It is She who bestows blessing such as automatic body purification and strengthening, first-hand perception of all the domains of creation, activation of the subtle body chakra and Siddhi powers, fills one with permanent bliss. The bliss is permanent because within my biology is the never-ceasing upwards flowing Vibrations of Erotic energy into world's hologram via Crown chakra. In my The River of Light, post, I unpacked this phenomenon in detail
It is reassuring to me that, even though Sri Aurobindo was such a masterful writer, he too felt it is impossible to express all that we experience. . .Still we say something. In his (for me verifying) words:
It is not possible for the tongue of human speech to tell all the utter unity and all the eternal variety of the ananda of divine love. Our higher and lower members are both flooded with it, the mind and life no less than the Soul: even the physical body takes its share of joy feels its touch, is filled in all its limbs, veins, nerves, with the flowing of the wine of ecstasy, amrta. Love and Ananda are the last secrets, the mystery of mysteries.
Closeness of the human soul to the Divine is the object, and fear sets always a barrier and a distance; even awe and reverence for the divine Power are a sign of distance and division and they disappear in the intimacy of the union of love.
Moreover, fear belongs to the lower nature, to the lower self, and in approaching the higher Self must be put aside before we can enter into its presence.
The universalised, personalised, raised to its intensities, made all-occupying, all embracing, all-fulfilling, the way of love and delight gives the supreme liberation. It's highest crest is a Supracosmic union.
Source http://intyoga.online.fr/bhakti.htm
Goes without saying that the Supracosmic Union - or, the Ultimate Consummation of the Soul with her Supreme Beloved (stage) - and, 'recognition of the nondual state' (which can be experienced at any lower level), is not the same thing.
The fully ascended being/Soul and the Supreme Self constitute a single Divine entity, this is why this Kosmic address can't be reached by the intellect, no matter how 'sharp' it is.
See the difference?
Soul physics' Law of Similarity is responsible for linking the human's Essence with the Essence of the Supreme Beloved. . .In other words, it is the Sound wave reproduction of one's Essence/Light Body, not the actual transport/teleportation of matter body that gets attached to the Original Subject.
At this point, one has the spiritual authority to assert what the Rig Veda's Seer claimed:
Beholding the higher light beyond the darkness we came to the divine light Sun in the Godhead, to the highest Light of all.
In this blog I chronicle decades worth of mystical experiences / Initiations into the Greatest Mystery of All. Such a feat is possible when the Supreme Shakti/Kundalini takes matters in Her own hands. Without this support (Grace) my journey through (transcendent) Light and Sound would never come to fruition. . . It is She who bestows blessing such as automatic body purification and strengthening, first-hand perception of all the domains of creation, activation of the subtle body chakra and Siddhi powers, fills one with permanent bliss. The bliss is permanent because within my biology is the never-ceasing upwards flowing Vibrations of Erotic energy into world's hologram via Crown chakra. In my The River of Light, post, I unpacked this phenomenon in detail
Monday, February 21, 2011
Symbolism Language of the Mysteries
The Spiritual Warrior archetype *in me* is eternally grateful for my spiritual peers' 'walking orders' for those of us who have a moral duty to salvage Immortal Teaching from hands of Ignorance *those who see but don't perceive, hear but never understand*.
My primary spiritual peer Sri Aurobindo, wrote: "The evolutionary fate could be altered if she would incarnate herself here and deal with the one who stands as an antagonist". The One who dwells in the state of Eternity *one's eternal self-Soul/Divine Incarnation/Union of Soul with Supreme Beloved's Essence* has no problem destroying someone's delusions and hurting feelings of those whose, "...triumph as they know it, would be their own failure validated by the failure of all others. Equality of the bottom of the pit is their notion of a high ideal. Their insistence on discussing great matters is a farce, since they care only for refuting greatness itself, and bringing glory into disrepute. Loath to follow any line of reasoning beyond the first paltry objection, nonetheless, they will not suffer a peaceful end in dialogue, but will continually alter the angle of attack." Quote penned by Aeschylus.
Unsolicited Kundalini Shakti's at times very intense 'cosmic makeovers', as well as many types of Soul level Initiations (Supramental Force-Power-Bliss descent into my being), prepared me to 'deal with the antagonist'- prepared me to stand up to all manner of bullying, gaslighting and character assassinations - their insistence my Initiatory experiences *encouters with the Divine* were hallucinations, that description of *genuine* mystical experiences are "grotesque", and I have "nothing to contribute to evolution of consciousness".
Emerson didn't mince his words, but I 'should', because I was born in a female body?
"The spirit can only teach. Not any profane man, not any sensual, not any liar, not any slave can teach, but only he can give, who has; he only can create, who is. The man on whom the soul descends, through whom the soul speaks, alone can teach, Courage, piety, love,wisdom, can teach; and every man can open his door to these angels, and they shall bring him the gift of tongues. But the man who aims to speak as books enable, as synods use, as the fashion guides, and as interest command, babbles. Let him hush".
I was never curious about Mother Mirra's work (Sri Aurobindo's spiritual partner), but decided to see what her Visions were about. Now I have every reason to support this 20th century Mystic's legacy. She wrote: "While I sleep, my intelligence awakens and I understand what I have just seen..."
It is my honor to include Mirra's description of couple of her Visions, as well as mine *same theme* - whose subtlety of significance we saw with the eye of Spirit:
1. " ...a light of dazzling brightness; by this light man will see with balanced vision--a vision full of love; spiritual, intellectual and vital--the eagles which symbolize the intermediaries between the evolving supermen and the the higher radiences.
* Same here: Once I beheld a vision of many eagles circling the globe. Another time, a face-to-face encouter with a 'She' Eagle archetype. I beheld Her Form high over my head. . .the longer I looked the larger and magnificent her Presence as she came closer and closer to Earth-plane. . .landing directly in front of me. Instantly, I knew what the encounter with this Archetype signified, because Her eyes were my eyes. . . and I walked away from Her gladly. I made the decision to walk away, because I knew that archetypes are born of, or are enacted by one's soul's yearning, but must not be interpreted/seen as some sort of 'final realization'.
Ken Wilber's teaching on archetypes is spot on!: "...the archetypes, the true archetypes, are the Forms of our own highest potential, the Forms of our true nature, calling us to remember who and what we really are. And in their last action, they are set aside and deconstructed--the ladder that, having served its purpose, is dicarded--and there stands instead the radiant infinity that was always already shining through and beyond those Forms altogether." Quote from: The Eye of Spirit p.359.
2. Warrior clad in an ample amethyst cloak, lined with dazzling white, falls from his shoulders...speaks; "The time draws near. Let all prepare themselves, the host of earth and the host of heaven. Let those who work and endure lose neither courage nor patience. Though invisible to all but few, the work is proceeding swiftly. On one side a growing order and harmony is driving towards the denser shears whatever confusion and disorder still prevail. On the other hand, upon earth, the seed which has been sown is ready to rise amid a field of men of ardent and enlightened goodwill.
the valiant host of supermen is making ready so that when the time comes its efforts may be joined to ours. Soon a hymn of joy shall ring forth, the paean of triumph and glory. Rejoicing in these words, I make my way back towards earth, bearing the glad tidings, and in my descent I am followed by the white dove with crimson feet.
* I had several encouters with the 'White Dove's' Essence - or more concretely stated, the descent of the 'Holy Spirit' (in Christianity) into my bodily being, whose Bliss-Force I felt every fiber of my being (described in this blog somewhere). In one of my Visionary experiences I had an encounter with white-clad "Warrior". . .
Description: I was soaring (felt in every fiber of my being the 'soaring' sensation) towards a large sphere of Pure White Light. . .as I got closer and closer, I thought: "almost there!". . .next instant I beheld within this field of whiteness a vision of a *standing* magnificent looking white-clad "Warrior" figure, and a bit fainter image of white-clad Woman on his right. . .next instant I saw Him on one knee with extended towards me right arm. . . I understood I was already 'there', but needed His/Divine Beloved's 'saving grace' to help me attain this Kosmic address.
Sri Aurobindo confirmed for me what the 'White Light' signifies: "White light indicates the divine consciousness. White is the purity and power of the divine Truth. The white light is a manifestation of pure divine force descending from one of the truth-planes leading to the supramental."
This am hour in Yogic sleep I heard *silent" "Wings of the Lord is the ark of covenant."
My primary spiritual peer Sri Aurobindo, wrote: "The evolutionary fate could be altered if she would incarnate herself here and deal with the one who stands as an antagonist". The One who dwells in the state of Eternity *one's eternal self-Soul/Divine Incarnation/Union of Soul with Supreme Beloved's Essence* has no problem destroying someone's delusions and hurting feelings of those whose, "...triumph as they know it, would be their own failure validated by the failure of all others. Equality of the bottom of the pit is their notion of a high ideal. Their insistence on discussing great matters is a farce, since they care only for refuting greatness itself, and bringing glory into disrepute. Loath to follow any line of reasoning beyond the first paltry objection, nonetheless, they will not suffer a peaceful end in dialogue, but will continually alter the angle of attack." Quote penned by Aeschylus.
Unsolicited Kundalini Shakti's at times very intense 'cosmic makeovers', as well as many types of Soul level Initiations (Supramental Force-Power-Bliss descent into my being), prepared me to 'deal with the antagonist'- prepared me to stand up to all manner of bullying, gaslighting and character assassinations - their insistence my Initiatory experiences *encouters with the Divine* were hallucinations, that description of *genuine* mystical experiences are "grotesque", and I have "nothing to contribute to evolution of consciousness".
Emerson didn't mince his words, but I 'should', because I was born in a female body?
"The spirit can only teach. Not any profane man, not any sensual, not any liar, not any slave can teach, but only he can give, who has; he only can create, who is. The man on whom the soul descends, through whom the soul speaks, alone can teach, Courage, piety, love,wisdom, can teach; and every man can open his door to these angels, and they shall bring him the gift of tongues. But the man who aims to speak as books enable, as synods use, as the fashion guides, and as interest command, babbles. Let him hush".
I was never curious about Mother Mirra's work (Sri Aurobindo's spiritual partner), but decided to see what her Visions were about. Now I have every reason to support this 20th century Mystic's legacy. She wrote: "While I sleep, my intelligence awakens and I understand what I have just seen..."
It is my honor to include Mirra's description of couple of her Visions, as well as mine *same theme* - whose subtlety of significance we saw with the eye of Spirit:
1. " ...a light of dazzling brightness; by this light man will see with balanced vision--a vision full of love; spiritual, intellectual and vital--the eagles which symbolize the intermediaries between the evolving supermen and the the higher radiences.
* Same here: Once I beheld a vision of many eagles circling the globe. Another time, a face-to-face encouter with a 'She' Eagle archetype. I beheld Her Form high over my head. . .the longer I looked the larger and magnificent her Presence as she came closer and closer to Earth-plane. . .landing directly in front of me. Instantly, I knew what the encounter with this Archetype signified, because Her eyes were my eyes. . . and I walked away from Her gladly. I made the decision to walk away, because I knew that archetypes are born of, or are enacted by one's soul's yearning, but must not be interpreted/seen as some sort of 'final realization'.
Ken Wilber's teaching on archetypes is spot on!: "...the archetypes, the true archetypes, are the Forms of our own highest potential, the Forms of our true nature, calling us to remember who and what we really are. And in their last action, they are set aside and deconstructed--the ladder that, having served its purpose, is dicarded--and there stands instead the radiant infinity that was always already shining through and beyond those Forms altogether." Quote from: The Eye of Spirit p.359.
2. Warrior clad in an ample amethyst cloak, lined with dazzling white, falls from his shoulders...speaks; "The time draws near. Let all prepare themselves, the host of earth and the host of heaven. Let those who work and endure lose neither courage nor patience. Though invisible to all but few, the work is proceeding swiftly. On one side a growing order and harmony is driving towards the denser shears whatever confusion and disorder still prevail. On the other hand, upon earth, the seed which has been sown is ready to rise amid a field of men of ardent and enlightened goodwill.
the valiant host of supermen is making ready so that when the time comes its efforts may be joined to ours. Soon a hymn of joy shall ring forth, the paean of triumph and glory. Rejoicing in these words, I make my way back towards earth, bearing the glad tidings, and in my descent I am followed by the white dove with crimson feet.
* I had several encouters with the 'White Dove's' Essence - or more concretely stated, the descent of the 'Holy Spirit' (in Christianity) into my bodily being, whose Bliss-Force I felt every fiber of my being (described in this blog somewhere). In one of my Visionary experiences I had an encounter with white-clad "Warrior". . .
Description: I was soaring (felt in every fiber of my being the 'soaring' sensation) towards a large sphere of Pure White Light. . .as I got closer and closer, I thought: "almost there!". . .next instant I beheld within this field of whiteness a vision of a *standing* magnificent looking white-clad "Warrior" figure, and a bit fainter image of white-clad Woman on his right. . .next instant I saw Him on one knee with extended towards me right arm. . . I understood I was already 'there', but needed His/Divine Beloved's 'saving grace' to help me attain this Kosmic address.
Sri Aurobindo confirmed for me what the 'White Light' signifies: "White light indicates the divine consciousness. White is the purity and power of the divine Truth. The white light is a manifestation of pure divine force descending from one of the truth-planes leading to the supramental."
This am hour in Yogic sleep I heard *silent" "Wings of the Lord is the ark of covenant."
Friday, January 28, 2011
Sri Aurobindo's Poetry Rocks!!!
But first --for the record -- I want to say that (from) my Jan. 23rd "no more bulishit!" moment is playing out in Egypt as I write this . . .
This night (She who hears the cries of the world) heard man's raging anger, which will NOT be silenced by empty platitudes any more!
The Warrior's body can be killed, but NOT His Voice!
I bow to you oh-brave-Men for 'actively' standing up for your Dignity . . .
Crushing poverty and disrespect for basic human rights are won because of 'boiling blood' of the
"NO MORE BULSHIT!!!" strenght/kind -- not because suddenly the rulling elite decides to be "truly democratic". The Shift is at hand once more. . .
Kudos also to pres. Obama for his (from memory) 'This is our time, this is our sputnik moment' speach the other day.
Hate me if you must o ye who thinks he is demonic -- (and if ye must) I'll be ready for the attack (in subtle) -- I can handle it.
Last night, very reluctantly I decided to read (first time) Sri Aurobindo poetry. Reluctantly, because I thought they were monstrously looong. . ."Just one or two then", but ended up reading about half a dozen as I was gripped by how 'personal' they are -- how 'biographical' they are!
First of all I was surprised that some were quite short! But the most importantly I got my 'proof' that indeed Sri A. knows intimately the Beloved!
His Bride of the Fire tells it all! (poem)
This day I want to part-quote excerpts from
........ A God's Labour .......
I have gathered my dreams as a silver air
Between the gold and blue
And wrapped them softly and left them there,
My jewelled dreams of you. (...)
He who would bring the heavens here
Must descend himself into clay
And the burden of earthly nature bear
And tread the dolorous way. (...)
I have laboured and suffered in Matter's night
To bring the fire to man;
But the hate of hell and human spite
Are my meed since the world began.
For man's mind is the dupe of his animal self;
Hoping its lusts to win.
He harbours within him a grisly Elf
Enamoured of sorrow and sin. (...)
The Truth of truths men fear and deny,
The Light of lights they refuse;
To ignorant gods they lift their cry
Or a demon altar choose. (...)
On a desperate stair my feet have trod
Armoured with boundless peace,
Bringing the fires of the splendour of of God
Into the human abyss. (...)
A little more and the new life's doors
Shall be carved in silver light
With its aureate roof and mosaic floors
In a great world bare and bright.
I shall leave my dreams in their argent air,
For in a raiment of gold and blue
There shall move on the earth embodied and fair
The living truth of you.
The 'living truth', not only of the 'mental unity' kind/recognition , but in the "embodied" sense also. . .That's where the rubber hits the road, and
Cosmic Tonglen Duty happens!
In the quiet mind turned to the Divine, the initiation comes of
the Divine Will and the right way to do it.
-Sri Aurobindo
This night (She who hears the cries of the world) heard man's raging anger, which will NOT be silenced by empty platitudes any more!
The Warrior's body can be killed, but NOT His Voice!
I bow to you oh-brave-Men for 'actively' standing up for your Dignity . . .
Crushing poverty and disrespect for basic human rights are won because of 'boiling blood' of the
"NO MORE BULSHIT!!!" strenght/kind -- not because suddenly the rulling elite decides to be "truly democratic". The Shift is at hand once more. . .
Kudos also to pres. Obama for his (from memory) 'This is our time, this is our sputnik moment' speach the other day.
Hate me if you must o ye who thinks he is demonic -- (and if ye must) I'll be ready for the attack (in subtle) -- I can handle it.
Last night, very reluctantly I decided to read (first time) Sri Aurobindo poetry. Reluctantly, because I thought they were monstrously looong. . ."Just one or two then", but ended up reading about half a dozen as I was gripped by how 'personal' they are -- how 'biographical' they are!
First of all I was surprised that some were quite short! But the most importantly I got my 'proof' that indeed Sri A. knows intimately the Beloved!
His Bride of the Fire tells it all! (poem)
This day I want to part-quote excerpts from
........ A God's Labour .......
I have gathered my dreams as a silver air
Between the gold and blue
And wrapped them softly and left them there,
My jewelled dreams of you. (...)
He who would bring the heavens here
Must descend himself into clay
And the burden of earthly nature bear
And tread the dolorous way. (...)
I have laboured and suffered in Matter's night
To bring the fire to man;
But the hate of hell and human spite
Are my meed since the world began.
For man's mind is the dupe of his animal self;
Hoping its lusts to win.
He harbours within him a grisly Elf
Enamoured of sorrow and sin. (...)
The Truth of truths men fear and deny,
The Light of lights they refuse;
To ignorant gods they lift their cry
Or a demon altar choose. (...)
On a desperate stair my feet have trod
Armoured with boundless peace,
Bringing the fires of the splendour of of God
Into the human abyss. (...)
A little more and the new life's doors
Shall be carved in silver light
With its aureate roof and mosaic floors
In a great world bare and bright.
I shall leave my dreams in their argent air,
For in a raiment of gold and blue
There shall move on the earth embodied and fair
The living truth of you.
The 'living truth', not only of the 'mental unity' kind/recognition , but in the "embodied" sense also. . .That's where the rubber hits the road, and
Cosmic Tonglen Duty happens!
In the quiet mind turned to the Divine, the initiation comes of
the Divine Will and the right way to do it.
-Sri Aurobindo
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