In its revised form - originally written in 2009 -
link to much improved Fifth Stage Integration
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Soul Level Initiation's DNA
My Depth data includes descriptions of many types of Soul level Initiations...And what I describe feels so ordinary to me, that often times I fail to clarify this or that point. Thankfully, it occurred to me to say that Soul level Initiations, are not in the same class-category as 'spiritual' experiences leading up to that level. Subtle level experiences can be nothing more than minds dive into subconscious wish-fulfilling constructs, or drug induced hallucinations . .
This is why I don't expect someone who has not reached the Saint stage-level, then went beyond, to truly comprehend what it is I am describing. I can't compel anyone to comprehend the meaning contained in the words and occasionally remind folks, that, 'what I share was never meant to be seen by someone who is not ready to submit to the Supreme Divine'.
If someone asked me:
'What is Soul Initiation's DNA?'
I would say: Based on first-person experiences, I know with absolute certainty that it's
distinctive quality is self-revealing (Divine Revelation)-- because its source is none other than the Divine Beloved whose Genetic Code is passed down to one's non-biological Light Being / Soul.
On Rapture Musings gives three types of examples of what kind of Initiations (out of countless others) are needed before one gets fully seeded with the Divine Beloved's Essence . . .
One who stands in Soul-power bears witness to the fact that at this juncture one becomes an opening through which Divine Light flows into worlds hologram without ceasing (via subtle planes for the benefit of all beings).
I look to my spiritual peers for verification and am glad to say I have been granted the authority to proclaim what the Bhagavad Gita Seer asserted:
I am the Field and the knower of the field.
Post titled: The River of Light Revisited, explains what happens when one becomes an opening through which Divine Light flows....
What I describe, has its roots deeply seeded in the supramental plane of existence in the subliminal depths (within), where 'the higher spiritual planes create their own formulations'.
Aurobindo's work verified for me what I already knew to be TRUE, but was still in the process of putting it into words. . .and the reason, I named him my spiritual peer.
Today, with heart-felt gratitude, I am including (for-me-verifying) passages from Sri Aurobindo's piece titled: Seven Drafts On Supramental Yoga.
The aim of ordinary Yoga is to liberate the soul from Nature or, perhaps sometimes, to liberate the soul in Nature. Our aim is to liberate both the soul and nature into the Divine. Our aim is to pass from the Ignorance into the Divine Light, from death into Immortality, from Desire into self-existent Bliss, from limited human-animal consciousness into all-consciousness and God-consciousness, from the ignorant seeking of mind into self-existent knowledge of Supermind, from obscure half-animal into luminous God-force..."
The first word of the supramental Yoga is surrender; its last word is also surrender. It is by a will to give oneself to the eternal Divine, for letting into the divine consciousness, for perfection, for transformation, that the Yoga begins; it is in the entire giving that it culminates; for it is only when the self-giving is complete there comes the finality of the Yoga; the entire taking up into the supramental Divine, the perfection of being, the transformation of the nature."
To become one in our absolute being with the ineffable Divine and in the manifestation a free movement of his being, power, consciousness and self-realising joy, to grow into divine Truth-consciousness beyond mind, into a Light beyond all human or earthly lights, into a Power to which the greatest strengths of men are a weakness, into the wisdom of an infalibble gnosis and the mastery of an unerring and unfailing divinity of Will, into a Bliss beside which all human pleasure is as the broken reflection of a candle-flame to the all-pervading splendour of an imperishable sun, but all this not for your own sake (but) for the pleasure of the Divine Beloved, this is the goal and the crown of the supramental path of Yoga.
This is why I don't expect someone who has not reached the Saint stage-level, then went beyond, to truly comprehend what it is I am describing. I can't compel anyone to comprehend the meaning contained in the words and occasionally remind folks, that, 'what I share was never meant to be seen by someone who is not ready to submit to the Supreme Divine'.
If someone asked me:
'What is Soul Initiation's DNA?'
I would say: Based on first-person experiences, I know with absolute certainty that it's
distinctive quality is self-revealing (Divine Revelation)-- because its source is none other than the Divine Beloved whose Genetic Code is passed down to one's non-biological Light Being / Soul.
On Rapture Musings gives three types of examples of what kind of Initiations (out of countless others) are needed before one gets fully seeded with the Divine Beloved's Essence . . .
One who stands in Soul-power bears witness to the fact that at this juncture one becomes an opening through which Divine Light flows into worlds hologram without ceasing (via subtle planes for the benefit of all beings).
I look to my spiritual peers for verification and am glad to say I have been granted the authority to proclaim what the Bhagavad Gita Seer asserted:
I am the Field and the knower of the field.
Post titled: The River of Light Revisited, explains what happens when one becomes an opening through which Divine Light flows....
What I describe, has its roots deeply seeded in the supramental plane of existence in the subliminal depths (within), where 'the higher spiritual planes create their own formulations'.
Aurobindo's work verified for me what I already knew to be TRUE, but was still in the process of putting it into words. . .and the reason, I named him my spiritual peer.
Today, with heart-felt gratitude, I am including (for-me-verifying) passages from Sri Aurobindo's piece titled: Seven Drafts On Supramental Yoga.
The aim of ordinary Yoga is to liberate the soul from Nature or, perhaps sometimes, to liberate the soul in Nature. Our aim is to liberate both the soul and nature into the Divine. Our aim is to pass from the Ignorance into the Divine Light, from death into Immortality, from Desire into self-existent Bliss, from limited human-animal consciousness into all-consciousness and God-consciousness, from the ignorant seeking of mind into self-existent knowledge of Supermind, from obscure half-animal into luminous God-force..."
The first word of the supramental Yoga is surrender; its last word is also surrender. It is by a will to give oneself to the eternal Divine, for letting into the divine consciousness, for perfection, for transformation, that the Yoga begins; it is in the entire giving that it culminates; for it is only when the self-giving is complete there comes the finality of the Yoga; the entire taking up into the supramental Divine, the perfection of being, the transformation of the nature."
To become one in our absolute being with the ineffable Divine and in the manifestation a free movement of his being, power, consciousness and self-realising joy, to grow into divine Truth-consciousness beyond mind, into a Light beyond all human or earthly lights, into a Power to which the greatest strengths of men are a weakness, into the wisdom of an infalibble gnosis and the mastery of an unerring and unfailing divinity of Will, into a Bliss beside which all human pleasure is as the broken reflection of a candle-flame to the all-pervading splendour of an imperishable sun, but all this not for your own sake (but) for the pleasure of the Divine Beloved, this is the goal and the crown of the supramental path of Yoga.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Spiritual Battle
Pushing back against world's density is like trying to reverse river's flow with a feather. Still we do it, because one who 'knows better' has a moral obligation to do the thing that supports Evolution's Intent - on the world's still evolving, still developing, stage - even if it seems antithetical to what many suppose 'spirituality' or 'morality' aught to be about.
Some morality pretenders -- those whose egos are not plugged to 'something bigger' - think they are love and light incarnate. They are Pretenders, because they don't know that divine/spiritual Love^Light is a Conscious Power, not sentimentality. Conscious Power, not afraid to kill figuratively, or literally, the 'enemy of Truth'.
Power of ridicule has only one shame and silence someone whose worldview differs from the abuser. One of my most ardent gaslighters on Facebook's public Integral Global group, told me recently:
"Stop pretending to have deep insights about the transpersonal stages".
I know exactly why he has no choice but cling to this view-point (cognitive dissonance), still I can't let this bully's power-over tactics to go unchecked. . .This is why (again) I informed him why he does that:
"Your narrow mind can't comprehend the meaning contained in the written word at the Clear Light stage-level. (as an 'enduring trait', not 'insight' glimpsed in 'peak experience'). In other words, your mind can't SEE that what I bear witness to is the Communication of the Divine Logos from the source of its Nature. . . You can't SEE that what I share is grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence as revealed by my fully ascended (non-biological) Light / Immortal being."
Gaslighters tell me what I share is for the purpose of "self-glorification".... one of them few days ago assured me: "Claims of absolute truth, such as you make, Helen, are dangerous and have led to the killing of millions. It's fanatical bullshit".
Such notion comes from egoic conception....What I share has nothing to do with egoic desire to flaunt my 'magnificance'...Such motive is foreign to me!
What they say has everything to do with their desire to assassinate my character. . .And, as long as I am insane (in their opinion), my decades worth of empirical evidence in the Spirit Science field, is nothing but trash.
I am so grateful for my spiritual peers!
Gopi Krishna's statement on why it is important for someone like me to share what introduced itself to my fully ascended Soul, is very gratifying. The following excerpt is from:
Kundalini For The New Age:
The men and women who have undergone this transformation and now have this expanded consciousness are known to be in samadhi state of oneness with the cosmic consciousness. All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but not to their own facts . . .this is why I include verifiable (fact-checking) data from individuals whose eternal self-Soul reached same or similar status.
The intellect and its reasoning mind (with its ability to utilize cognitive tools of conceptual abstractions) objects mightily to anything that claims to be direct knowledge gained by going beyond the mind-line. Knowledge, gained by rising to the levels of perception beyond the surface mind/intellect is supramental knowingness.
Sri Aurobindo confirmed this for me:
Mind cannot go outside its cycle--all ideas of a straight line of movement or of progress reaching infinitely upward or sidewise into the Infinite is a delusion.
He also asserted - and I agree, because this happened to me:
If a soul of man is to go beyond humanity to reach either a supramental or still higher status, must pass out of this cosmic existence, either to a plane or world of Bliss and knowledge or into the unmanifest Eternal and Infinite.
What I bear witness to is grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence. My Karma placed me exactly where I needed to be and I will never apologize for the Knowledge that introduced itself to the awareness of my fully ascended/liberated/immortal Soul.What I bear witness to is the Communication of the Divine Logos from the source of its Nature.
My duty to obey the inner call of my Vocation for the benefit of all beings, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness itself.
I found confirmation of what this Kosmic address is about in the book titled:
The Tibetan Book Of The Dead - in the Glossary section, under "integration". My copy is translated by Robert A.F. Thurman with Forward by the H.H. the Dalai Lama:
"Sanskrit yuganaddha is the Unexcelled Yoga Tantra name for Buddhahood, the fifth and highest of the perfection stages, indicating that relative and ultimate, individual and universal, body and mind, bliss and wisdom, male and female--all dualities--are integrated in the experience of fulfillment."
One who is plugged permanently to the bhava Samadhi stream (Divine Bliss) calmly responds to all manner of attacks. The types of attacks the volatile ego most relishes in, is to "hit hard" (assassinate) my character for ignoring her aggressive attempts to 'enlighten' me.
Ego-personality whose traits include vanity, grandiosity, desire to experience power through humiliation -- due to the inexplicably powerful must win drive -- is relentless in its pursuits to take out anyone whose worldview is different. Such a person can't differentiate between healthy and unhealthy ego expression and is ever-ready to "hit hard" (direct quote by she who said was surprised others didn't hit me "even harder").
She is utterly convinced it is her duty to set me straight (enlighten). I have not the least desire to change her mind, because truth be told, what I share was never meant to be seen by someone whose mind can't comprehend Soul level Revelations.
To one who accuses me of "only quoting" Aurobindo and Wilber", I say:
How quaint of you to pretend I don't have decades worth of Depth data's empirical evidence in the Spiritual Science field.
To one who insists 'there is not a shred of evidence there is such a thing as a universal Evolutionary Force (some call Eros, or Spirit), I say nothing any more. . .because identity threatening cognitive dissonance is real.
To one who insists I am not 'rational', I say nothing anymore because what I share was never meant to be read by one who never had the experience of permanently falling into the Supreme Light and merging with its Bliss-force.
To one who insists that, (directed at me quote)
'truly enlightened person is never certain about anything, but embraces the mystery and the uncertainty it harbors' ....I say this:
What is wrong with this assertion?
There is no such thing as 'enlightened person'. Self-realized person, yes. Person can be Self-realized without the embodied part. . .but to call this 'true enlightenment', it is NOT.
How do I know this?
The Halls of the Highest Mystical Knowledge reside in the Living Libraries within the immortal/God-Realized Souls. . .those of us who become God-Realized by Merging with the Supreme Supracosmic Sachichdananda / the Light-Bliss of the Supreme Mind, realized in the Supramental plane.
There are many levels of enlightenment, but the True Enlightenment, is the one that happens at the apex of one's Soul evolution. . .At this juncture, the Supreme Shakti / Divine Force-Power-Bliss
Initiates the Soul into supreme Knowledge.
This is why, when I say 'what I share is the Communication of the Supreme Divine from the Source of its Nature, I mean it literally.
None can reach heaven who has not passed through hell.
This the traveler of the worlds must dare.
- Sri Aurobindo (Savitri)
* I wrote this -now edit-expanded- riff in Facebook group (public) named Integral Global, in response to the latest attacks on me.
Some morality pretenders -- those whose egos are not plugged to 'something bigger' - think they are love and light incarnate. They are Pretenders, because they don't know that divine/spiritual Love^Light is a Conscious Power, not sentimentality. Conscious Power, not afraid to kill figuratively, or literally, the 'enemy of Truth'.
Power of ridicule has only one shame and silence someone whose worldview differs from the abuser. One of my most ardent gaslighters on Facebook's public Integral Global group, told me recently:
"Stop pretending to have deep insights about the transpersonal stages".
I know exactly why he has no choice but cling to this view-point (cognitive dissonance), still I can't let this bully's power-over tactics to go unchecked. . .This is why (again) I informed him why he does that:
"Your narrow mind can't comprehend the meaning contained in the written word at the Clear Light stage-level. (as an 'enduring trait', not 'insight' glimpsed in 'peak experience'). In other words, your mind can't SEE that what I bear witness to is the Communication of the Divine Logos from the source of its Nature. . . You can't SEE that what I share is grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence as revealed by my fully ascended (non-biological) Light / Immortal being."
Gaslighters tell me what I share is for the purpose of "self-glorification".... one of them few days ago assured me: "Claims of absolute truth, such as you make, Helen, are dangerous and have led to the killing of millions. It's fanatical bullshit".
Such notion comes from egoic conception....What I share has nothing to do with egoic desire to flaunt my 'magnificance'...Such motive is foreign to me!
What they say has everything to do with their desire to assassinate my character. . .And, as long as I am insane (in their opinion), my decades worth of empirical evidence in the Spirit Science field, is nothing but trash.
I am so grateful for my spiritual peers!
Gopi Krishna's statement on why it is important for someone like me to share what introduced itself to my fully ascended Soul, is very gratifying. The following excerpt is from:
Kundalini For The New Age:
The men and women who have undergone this transformation and now have this expanded consciousness are known to be in samadhi state of oneness with the cosmic consciousness. All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but not to their own facts . . .this is why I include verifiable (fact-checking) data from individuals whose eternal self-Soul reached same or similar status.
The intellect and its reasoning mind (with its ability to utilize cognitive tools of conceptual abstractions) objects mightily to anything that claims to be direct knowledge gained by going beyond the mind-line. Knowledge, gained by rising to the levels of perception beyond the surface mind/intellect is supramental knowingness.
Sri Aurobindo confirmed this for me:
Mind cannot go outside its cycle--all ideas of a straight line of movement or of progress reaching infinitely upward or sidewise into the Infinite is a delusion.
He also asserted - and I agree, because this happened to me:
If a soul of man is to go beyond humanity to reach either a supramental or still higher status, must pass out of this cosmic existence, either to a plane or world of Bliss and knowledge or into the unmanifest Eternal and Infinite.
What I bear witness to is grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence. My Karma placed me exactly where I needed to be and I will never apologize for the Knowledge that introduced itself to the awareness of my fully ascended/liberated/immortal Soul.What I bear witness to is the Communication of the Divine Logos from the source of its Nature.
My duty to obey the inner call of my Vocation for the benefit of all beings, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness itself.
I found confirmation of what this Kosmic address is about in the book titled:
The Tibetan Book Of The Dead - in the Glossary section, under "integration". My copy is translated by Robert A.F. Thurman with Forward by the H.H. the Dalai Lama:
"Sanskrit yuganaddha is the Unexcelled Yoga Tantra name for Buddhahood, the fifth and highest of the perfection stages, indicating that relative and ultimate, individual and universal, body and mind, bliss and wisdom, male and female--all dualities--are integrated in the experience of fulfillment."
One who is plugged permanently to the bhava Samadhi stream (Divine Bliss) calmly responds to all manner of attacks. The types of attacks the volatile ego most relishes in, is to "hit hard" (assassinate) my character for ignoring her aggressive attempts to 'enlighten' me.
Ego-personality whose traits include vanity, grandiosity, desire to experience power through humiliation -- due to the inexplicably powerful must win drive -- is relentless in its pursuits to take out anyone whose worldview is different. Such a person can't differentiate between healthy and unhealthy ego expression and is ever-ready to "hit hard" (direct quote by she who said was surprised others didn't hit me "even harder").
She is utterly convinced it is her duty to set me straight (enlighten). I have not the least desire to change her mind, because truth be told, what I share was never meant to be seen by someone whose mind can't comprehend Soul level Revelations.
To one who accuses me of "only quoting" Aurobindo and Wilber", I say:
How quaint of you to pretend I don't have decades worth of Depth data's empirical evidence in the Spiritual Science field.
To one who insists 'there is not a shred of evidence there is such a thing as a universal Evolutionary Force (some call Eros, or Spirit), I say nothing any more. . .because identity threatening cognitive dissonance is real.
To one who insists I am not 'rational', I say nothing anymore because what I share was never meant to be read by one who never had the experience of permanently falling into the Supreme Light and merging with its Bliss-force.
To one who insists that, (directed at me quote)
'truly enlightened person is never certain about anything, but embraces the mystery and the uncertainty it harbors' ....I say this:
What is wrong with this assertion?
There is no such thing as 'enlightened person'. Self-realized person, yes. Person can be Self-realized without the embodied part. . .but to call this 'true enlightenment', it is NOT.
How do I know this?
The Halls of the Highest Mystical Knowledge reside in the Living Libraries within the immortal/God-Realized Souls. . .those of us who become God-Realized by Merging with the Supreme Supracosmic Sachichdananda / the Light-Bliss of the Supreme Mind, realized in the Supramental plane.
There are many levels of enlightenment, but the True Enlightenment, is the one that happens at the apex of one's Soul evolution. . .At this juncture, the Supreme Shakti / Divine Force-Power-Bliss
Initiates the Soul into supreme Knowledge.
This is why, when I say 'what I share is the Communication of the Supreme Divine from the Source of its Nature, I mean it literally.
None can reach heaven who has not passed through hell.
This the traveler of the worlds must dare.
- Sri Aurobindo (Savitri)
* I wrote this -now edit-expanded- riff in Facebook group (public) named Integral Global, in response to the latest attacks on me.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Link to Visionary Theology
Finally, got around to edit-improving Visionary Theology
Monday, May 6, 2019
Down Memory Lane
I had unsolicited Kundalini/Holy Spirit awakening (many years ago) and was not sure what to make out of the many types of Initiations I was undergoing, and wished (early 2000) I had someone who understood what I was going through - had someone I could get feedback from. I didn't study mystical texts, didn't aspire to be 'spiritual' at all, still it 'happened' because I was already rokin' the Saint stage but didn't know it. . . even though the proof was right in front of my eyes (and spiritualized consciousness). This Proof presented itself in Summer 1994 - it was when I discovered 'by fluke' I had a blue ribbon of Light next to my skin and a vast golden Light aura-field around my head and body (and still have that journal scribble).
My husband suggested contacting one Rabbi (whose lecture he enjoyed years earlier), so I found his phone number and called. His wife answered and profusely apologized he couldn't speak to me that because he had meetings all day due to a 'high holiday' - and invited kindly to call again.
The moment passed and I didn't call back.
Then I read The Flame of Love - Theology of the Holy Spirit, penned by Dr. Clark H. Pinnock, and wanted to speak with him! I found his home address but chickened out. Instead, I called McMaster Divinity college and inquired about his courses. I wept and babbled about financial stresses, shared a bit of what I was experiencing, and the nice professor (not Pinnock) I was speaking with, assured me someone like me who was 'touched by God's Grace' shouldn't worry about that - said, nothing should prevent me from doing what I was called to do.
Within few days I received info package in a beautiful burgundy binder ... then there was the "one car" (transportation) problem, and that was the end of that endeavor.
Simply put, my life situation (one paycheck family) forced me to submit to, and rely on God's Grace. In due time I realized that what was 'happening to me' was a transformation of epic proportions - a shift to Soul level mode of being which renders one 'fully transparent to the depths of the Divine' - and did not seek others for any whatsoever support.
I placed all of my trust in the hands of that Immense Intelligence to do to me what it Wills.
I have had a share of both really ecstatic experiences, as well the kind,
'which almost always involve wrenchingly bodily ordeals as they ("genuine mystics") bring Spirit down and into their bodily being via descending or incarnational Agape.'
-Ken Wilber's quote from, The Eye of Spirit.
Few days ago I saw (first time) Sri Ramana Maharshi quote, and am glad to say this has been my attitude/practice (natural surrender) even during the toughest times:
Place your burden at the feet of the Lord of the universe who is ever victorious and accomplishes everything. Remain all the time steadfast in the heart, in the Transcendental Absolute. God knows the past, present and future. He will determine the future for you and accomplish the work. What is to be done at the proper time. Don't worry. Abide in the heart and surrender your acts to the Divine.
(Years ago) I recall one poignant moment when I said to God-Mind: It is not up to me to convince others of Your Existence . . . This is why I say, again and again, what I share is the Communication of the Divine Logos from the Source of its Nature as revealed by the ascended self-Soul (for the sake of all beings, for the sake of evolution of consciousness). It is my duty to uphold and carry forward the Legacy of "great" Mystics.
Gopi Krishana is on board with what I am asserting:
The men and women who have undergone this transformation and now have this expanded consciousness are known to be in the Samadhi state of oneness with the cosmic consciousness. All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition.
I endured and my eternal self-Soul fulfilled her ancient plan . . .
I Am Aware
I Am the Anointed & the Anointing One
Self-Generating Bliss
In Loving Oneness
With Everything That's Arising
What is the take away message in what I shared here? I would say, as one journeys through the labyrinth of this Path, solidity of character (pure intentions and motivations) and the kind of surrender that Trusts that the Divine Grace 'knows best', is the most important thing. May You Find Inspiration In This Testimony.
My husband suggested contacting one Rabbi (whose lecture he enjoyed years earlier), so I found his phone number and called. His wife answered and profusely apologized he couldn't speak to me that because he had meetings all day due to a 'high holiday' - and invited kindly to call again.
The moment passed and I didn't call back.
Then I read The Flame of Love - Theology of the Holy Spirit, penned by Dr. Clark H. Pinnock, and wanted to speak with him! I found his home address but chickened out. Instead, I called McMaster Divinity college and inquired about his courses. I wept and babbled about financial stresses, shared a bit of what I was experiencing, and the nice professor (not Pinnock) I was speaking with, assured me someone like me who was 'touched by God's Grace' shouldn't worry about that - said, nothing should prevent me from doing what I was called to do.
Within few days I received info package in a beautiful burgundy binder ... then there was the "one car" (transportation) problem, and that was the end of that endeavor.
Simply put, my life situation (one paycheck family) forced me to submit to, and rely on God's Grace. In due time I realized that what was 'happening to me' was a transformation of epic proportions - a shift to Soul level mode of being which renders one 'fully transparent to the depths of the Divine' - and did not seek others for any whatsoever support.
I placed all of my trust in the hands of that Immense Intelligence to do to me what it Wills.
I have had a share of both really ecstatic experiences, as well the kind,
'which almost always involve wrenchingly bodily ordeals as they ("genuine mystics") bring Spirit down and into their bodily being via descending or incarnational Agape.'
-Ken Wilber's quote from, The Eye of Spirit.
Few days ago I saw (first time) Sri Ramana Maharshi quote, and am glad to say this has been my attitude/practice (natural surrender) even during the toughest times:
Place your burden at the feet of the Lord of the universe who is ever victorious and accomplishes everything. Remain all the time steadfast in the heart, in the Transcendental Absolute. God knows the past, present and future. He will determine the future for you and accomplish the work. What is to be done at the proper time. Don't worry. Abide in the heart and surrender your acts to the Divine.
(Years ago) I recall one poignant moment when I said to God-Mind: It is not up to me to convince others of Your Existence . . . This is why I say, again and again, what I share is the Communication of the Divine Logos from the Source of its Nature as revealed by the ascended self-Soul (for the sake of all beings, for the sake of evolution of consciousness). It is my duty to uphold and carry forward the Legacy of "great" Mystics.
Gopi Krishana is on board with what I am asserting:
The men and women who have undergone this transformation and now have this expanded consciousness are known to be in the Samadhi state of oneness with the cosmic consciousness. All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition.
I endured and my eternal self-Soul fulfilled her ancient plan . . .
I Am Aware
I Am the Anointed & the Anointing One
Self-Generating Bliss
In Loving Oneness
With Everything That's Arising
What is the take away message in what I shared here? I would say, as one journeys through the labyrinth of this Path, solidity of character (pure intentions and motivations) and the kind of surrender that Trusts that the Divine Grace 'knows best', is the most important thing. May You Find Inspiration In This Testimony.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Solar Heart Initiation Revisited
Edit expanded 13/05
In its edit-improved form, Solar Heart Initiation penned in March 2009, is getting the bumped-up treatment.
The title of this essay sounds symbolic, but when properly understood, it signifies the descent of Divine Truth. Sri Aurobindo described what the 'spiritual Sun' represents:
The sun is the symbol of Divine Truth, it stands universally for the supramental light, the divine Gnosis. + It is the symbol of power of the inner or higher Truth.
I had many types of Initiatory encounters with the Supramental Light, this is why I can only unpack a portion of how that happened to me in one sitting.
The ability to experience Ultimate Reality lies at the very heart of mystical experience - it is how we discover (as first-hand experience) the importance of Soul level Initiations. In this blog I describe what the journey through Light and Sound was like for me, with the Intention it may be of service to someone who is serious about Soul level evolution into wholeness and transcendence.
Gopi Krishna asserted:
The illumined person must be able to write what he has experienced and make that writing available to the world. + No one can describe the superconscious state unless he has experience of it. This is the most decisive sign to judge whether a man is enlightened or not. He must be able to give description of the superconscious state in words which are inspiring and which have an originality to their own.
Aurobindo said the same thing:
It is the descent of new consciousness attained by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the Sadhana. Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realization for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for earth-consciousness here, a cosmic, not solely a supra-cosmic achievement. The thing to be gained also is bringing of Power of Consciousness not yet organized and made directly active.
This is not about flaunting one's 'magnificence', such notion is utterly foreign to me, is foreign to every genuine mystic, because it comes from egoic conception. It has nothing to do with 'boasting' , but rather about sharing spiritual wisdom with the Intention it would help mankind on its path to divine consciousness. . .It is about presenting empirical evidence which introduces itself to the awareness of one's eternal self-Soul.
One of the more intense experiences took place on an auspicious day in the Christian calendar, so naming this particular Initiatory Event was about affirming what actually happened.
I was genuinely surprised when I heard on the news that January 6 was Epiphany Day. I never knew there was such a day in the Christian tradition - and wouldn't care in the least, if at dawn (January 6th) I didn't receive the most blessed Solar Heart Initiation. I recognized the significance of this Initiation and decided to see how 'epiphany' is described.
From /browser /Epiphany - "Christian festival celebrated Jan 6 one of the oldest Christian holy days". + From another source? "In the Eastern Church the waters are blessed on this day. The word epiphany means a manifestation, usually of divine power."
Description of what happened when my Soul beheld the Light of her Source and my reaction. . .
With the eye of contemplation (Spirit) I/Soul beheld the most breathtaking panorama . . .when I looked up, Sun's eye-dazzling brilliance filled my vision... I gasped and uttered "oh my God!", because I became aware of its Significance. The instant I acknowledged this, the Sun's Essence began its towards-me descent. When it reached my chest it morphed into large crystal-clear sphere and entered my being with a loud snap/burst-like sound. . .Now awake in this dimension my bliss-self kept chanting "Oh my God! Oh my God!"... tears of Gratitude sealed the deal.
*Edit-adding quote I chanced upon after edit-improving (Apr. 2019) this post:
Our souls should be like a transparent crystal through which God can be perceived.
- Saint Hildergard
* Edit-adding link to in 2013 penned Cosmic Synchronicity Confirmation
One of earliest appearance of the 'Supramental Sun', was witnessed in 1990 by my frightened husband - who told me that for several minutes my head was "Like the Sun and I couldn't see you" (indoors), during one of my passionate 'discussions' about the nature of 'Real Truth and Beauty.' During the minutes my head was 'like the sun', he kept shooting quick glances in my direction and with shooing away hand gestures, pleaded: "Don't do that, I can't see you".
I had no idea at the time what that was about and thought one day I will find the answer in some 'esoteric' book.
I had a variety of other types of encounters with the Uncreated Sun/Light and sensed it had something to do with the mystical realm, but because I had no one to compare my experiences with, I claimed nothing. By the time I discovered "by fluke" I had golden Light aura-field around my head and body, and a finger-wide blue ribbon of light next to my skin (in 94 and still have that journal scribble), I was pretty ceratain it had something to do with 'holiness' and named my aura-field 'Heavenly Robe'.
Confirmation from other (genuine) mystics began to trickle in: I discovered Hildegard of Bingen, Netherlands Beatrijs van Tienen and Hadevijch of Brabant. After that, Aurobindo's work confirmed for me what no other author could. The following - in his words - a perfect verifying example of my Solar Heart Initiation:
The meeting of God and man must always mean a penetration and entry of the divine into human and a self-emergence of man in Divinity. But that emergence is not in the nature of annihilation. Extinction is not fulfillment of all this search and passion, suffering and rapture. The game would never have begun.
This is why I have the courage to state I bear witness to true spiritual knowledge of Divine Reality. I have the courage to say I became more than human. I am not the first, nor last to claim this. I read that God-Radiance Union is received by a "completely purified saint who has attained divine union."
Embodied Enlightenment is the birthright of every Soul...but not before one goes through the baptismal of 'Purifying Fires'.
Those of us who already ride this Cosmic Solar Heart frequency, bear witness to this Truth. This is also why we wish to remind anyone who wants to hear this: 'your eternal self-Soul is timeless and sooner or later, She will fulfill her ancient plan with your co-operation'.
I'm getting weary but will give another example of what 'penetration and entry of the divine into human and a self-emergence of man in Divinity', was like for me, circa 94' during hands on practice session on my Teacher. What I felt words can describe, but can never convey what it really feels like to experience: The descent of peace (Sat) the descent of Power (Chit) the descent of Ananda, these are the things that transform nature. It is not really the plane that descends, it is the Power and Truth of it that descends into the material and the veil between the material and it no longer exists.
- in Sri Aurobindo's words.
Will start by saying I was (literally) Soul directed to become Energy Healer and became intensely devoted to this Practice. That day - circa 94 - I approached the massage table in deeply meditative state to practice on our Teacher, Dr. Kiara Galbreath. Three other students were seated and having jolly good time talking about teens and their habits during Florida vacation. I was standing with hands resting lightly on teacher's knees...within seconds my hands began 'jumping' with electricity (shock-like) because a LOT of Energy was flowing through me. Minutes later my Crown chakra became the channel through which (what subjectively felt like) a wide column of Energy began flowing into me in rhythmic waves. This was one of those 'first time like this', experiences, and I was determined to stay in this grove as long as possible by taking slow deep breaths to accommodate the influx of Divine Energy. Simultaneously, I was irritated by the noise/sounds in the room, because even though it subjectively felt I was many miles away, the noise hurt my head -- so I asked for silence. Not even the woman seated at teacher's feet heard me. I asked again and again, until B. said I was asking for silence. At last all was quiet and I became self-conscious about my deep breathing...and silently asked this Force to stop. Within seconds the Energy's rhythmic wave-action influx slowed down, then ceased altogether. Next moment, in a blissful daze I walked over to the other side of the table, placed my hand on K. Heart chakra and uttered: "The angels really love you". "They love you too!", she exclaimed. (We knew that 'angel energy' stand for the Divine).
Closing Thought: The Divine Light and its Treasury , or the Glory of the Absolute Supreme, is at hand and is within. . .Nothing is 'given' until the ignorance inside us fades. Saint John of the Cross reminds us:
Before this Divine fire of love is introduced into the substance of the soul, and is united with it, by means of a purity and purgation that is perfect and complete, this flame is wounding the soul, and destroying and consuming in it the imperfections of its evil habits; and this is the operation of the Holy Spirit, wherein he prepares it for Divine union and the transformation of its substance in God through love. + In thus allowing God to work in it, the at once illumined and transformed in God, and God communicates to it His supramental Being, in such a wise that it appears to be God Himself, and has all that God Himself has. And this union comes to pass when God grants the soul this supramental favour, that all the things of God and the soul seems to be God rather than a soul, and is indeed God by participation; although it is true that its natural being, though thus transformed, is as distinct from the Being of God as it was before.
Edit-adding: I revisited this topic in post titled Epiphany Day - Jan 6, 2010
In its edit-improved form, Solar Heart Initiation penned in March 2009, is getting the bumped-up treatment.
The title of this essay sounds symbolic, but when properly understood, it signifies the descent of Divine Truth. Sri Aurobindo described what the 'spiritual Sun' represents:
The sun is the symbol of Divine Truth, it stands universally for the supramental light, the divine Gnosis. + It is the symbol of power of the inner or higher Truth.
I had many types of Initiatory encounters with the Supramental Light, this is why I can only unpack a portion of how that happened to me in one sitting.
The ability to experience Ultimate Reality lies at the very heart of mystical experience - it is how we discover (as first-hand experience) the importance of Soul level Initiations. In this blog I describe what the journey through Light and Sound was like for me, with the Intention it may be of service to someone who is serious about Soul level evolution into wholeness and transcendence.
Gopi Krishna asserted:
The illumined person must be able to write what he has experienced and make that writing available to the world. + No one can describe the superconscious state unless he has experience of it. This is the most decisive sign to judge whether a man is enlightened or not. He must be able to give description of the superconscious state in words which are inspiring and which have an originality to their own.
Aurobindo said the same thing:
It is the descent of new consciousness attained by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the Sadhana. Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realization for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for earth-consciousness here, a cosmic, not solely a supra-cosmic achievement. The thing to be gained also is bringing of Power of Consciousness not yet organized and made directly active.
This is not about flaunting one's 'magnificence', such notion is utterly foreign to me, is foreign to every genuine mystic, because it comes from egoic conception. It has nothing to do with 'boasting' , but rather about sharing spiritual wisdom with the Intention it would help mankind on its path to divine consciousness. . .It is about presenting empirical evidence which introduces itself to the awareness of one's eternal self-Soul.
One of the more intense experiences took place on an auspicious day in the Christian calendar, so naming this particular Initiatory Event was about affirming what actually happened.
I was genuinely surprised when I heard on the news that January 6 was Epiphany Day. I never knew there was such a day in the Christian tradition - and wouldn't care in the least, if at dawn (January 6th) I didn't receive the most blessed Solar Heart Initiation. I recognized the significance of this Initiation and decided to see how 'epiphany' is described.
From /browser /Epiphany - "Christian festival celebrated Jan 6 one of the oldest Christian holy days". + From another source? "In the Eastern Church the waters are blessed on this day. The word epiphany means a manifestation, usually of divine power."
Description of what happened when my Soul beheld the Light of her Source and my reaction. . .
With the eye of contemplation (Spirit) I/Soul beheld the most breathtaking panorama . . .when I looked up, Sun's eye-dazzling brilliance filled my vision... I gasped and uttered "oh my God!", because I became aware of its Significance. The instant I acknowledged this, the Sun's Essence began its towards-me descent. When it reached my chest it morphed into large crystal-clear sphere and entered my being with a loud snap/burst-like sound. . .Now awake in this dimension my bliss-self kept chanting "Oh my God! Oh my God!"... tears of Gratitude sealed the deal.
*Edit-adding quote I chanced upon after edit-improving (Apr. 2019) this post:
Our souls should be like a transparent crystal through which God can be perceived.
- Saint Hildergard
* Edit-adding link to in 2013 penned Cosmic Synchronicity Confirmation
One of earliest appearance of the 'Supramental Sun', was witnessed in 1990 by my frightened husband - who told me that for several minutes my head was "Like the Sun and I couldn't see you" (indoors), during one of my passionate 'discussions' about the nature of 'Real Truth and Beauty.' During the minutes my head was 'like the sun', he kept shooting quick glances in my direction and with shooing away hand gestures, pleaded: "Don't do that, I can't see you".
I had no idea at the time what that was about and thought one day I will find the answer in some 'esoteric' book.
I had a variety of other types of encounters with the Uncreated Sun/Light and sensed it had something to do with the mystical realm, but because I had no one to compare my experiences with, I claimed nothing. By the time I discovered "by fluke" I had golden Light aura-field around my head and body, and a finger-wide blue ribbon of light next to my skin (in 94 and still have that journal scribble), I was pretty ceratain it had something to do with 'holiness' and named my aura-field 'Heavenly Robe'.
Confirmation from other (genuine) mystics began to trickle in: I discovered Hildegard of Bingen, Netherlands Beatrijs van Tienen and Hadevijch of Brabant. After that, Aurobindo's work confirmed for me what no other author could. The following - in his words - a perfect verifying example of my Solar Heart Initiation:
The meeting of God and man must always mean a penetration and entry of the divine into human and a self-emergence of man in Divinity. But that emergence is not in the nature of annihilation. Extinction is not fulfillment of all this search and passion, suffering and rapture. The game would never have begun.
This is why I have the courage to state I bear witness to true spiritual knowledge of Divine Reality. I have the courage to say I became more than human. I am not the first, nor last to claim this. I read that God-Radiance Union is received by a "completely purified saint who has attained divine union."
Embodied Enlightenment is the birthright of every Soul...but not before one goes through the baptismal of 'Purifying Fires'.
Those of us who already ride this Cosmic Solar Heart frequency, bear witness to this Truth. This is also why we wish to remind anyone who wants to hear this: 'your eternal self-Soul is timeless and sooner or later, She will fulfill her ancient plan with your co-operation'.
I'm getting weary but will give another example of what 'penetration and entry of the divine into human and a self-emergence of man in Divinity', was like for me, circa 94' during hands on practice session on my Teacher. What I felt words can describe, but can never convey what it really feels like to experience: The descent of peace (Sat) the descent of Power (Chit) the descent of Ananda, these are the things that transform nature. It is not really the plane that descends, it is the Power and Truth of it that descends into the material and the veil between the material and it no longer exists.
- in Sri Aurobindo's words.
Will start by saying I was (literally) Soul directed to become Energy Healer and became intensely devoted to this Practice. That day - circa 94 - I approached the massage table in deeply meditative state to practice on our Teacher, Dr. Kiara Galbreath. Three other students were seated and having jolly good time talking about teens and their habits during Florida vacation. I was standing with hands resting lightly on teacher's knees...within seconds my hands began 'jumping' with electricity (shock-like) because a LOT of Energy was flowing through me. Minutes later my Crown chakra became the channel through which (what subjectively felt like) a wide column of Energy began flowing into me in rhythmic waves. This was one of those 'first time like this', experiences, and I was determined to stay in this grove as long as possible by taking slow deep breaths to accommodate the influx of Divine Energy. Simultaneously, I was irritated by the noise/sounds in the room, because even though it subjectively felt I was many miles away, the noise hurt my head -- so I asked for silence. Not even the woman seated at teacher's feet heard me. I asked again and again, until B. said I was asking for silence. At last all was quiet and I became self-conscious about my deep breathing...and silently asked this Force to stop. Within seconds the Energy's rhythmic wave-action influx slowed down, then ceased altogether. Next moment, in a blissful daze I walked over to the other side of the table, placed my hand on K. Heart chakra and uttered: "The angels really love you". "They love you too!", she exclaimed. (We knew that 'angel energy' stand for the Divine).
Closing Thought: The Divine Light and its Treasury , or the Glory of the Absolute Supreme, is at hand and is within. . .Nothing is 'given' until the ignorance inside us fades. Saint John of the Cross reminds us:
Before this Divine fire of love is introduced into the substance of the soul, and is united with it, by means of a purity and purgation that is perfect and complete, this flame is wounding the soul, and destroying and consuming in it the imperfections of its evil habits; and this is the operation of the Holy Spirit, wherein he prepares it for Divine union and the transformation of its substance in God through love. + In thus allowing God to work in it, the at once illumined and transformed in God, and God communicates to it His supramental Being, in such a wise that it appears to be God Himself, and has all that God Himself has. And this union comes to pass when God grants the soul this supramental favour, that all the things of God and the soul seems to be God rather than a soul, and is indeed God by participation; although it is true that its natural being, though thus transformed, is as distinct from the Being of God as it was before.
Edit-adding: I revisited this topic in post titled Epiphany Day - Jan 6, 2010
Saturday, April 13, 2019
The River of Light Revisited
What I describe in this post is written from the perspective of (the) "deepest state of the pure soul", as described (and verified for me) by the Tibetan science on death and dying. The Tibetan Book of the Death and Dying, is a scientific document. . .
My copy is translated by Robert A.F. Thurman with forward by H.H. the Dalai Lama.
The following excerpt clarifies what the experience of becoming one with the River of Divine Light, signifies: (later will describe the experience and include another quote from same source/page).
"Finally, there is the extremely subtle body-mind, where the body-mind duality itself is abandoned. This is the indestructible drop, called "the energy-mind indivisible of clear light transparency." Very hard to describe or understand, and not to be misconstrued as a rigid, fixed identity, this subtlest, most essential state of an individual being is beyond body-mind duality; it consists of the finest, most sensitive, alive, and intelligent energy of the universe. It is a being's deepest state of pure soul, where the being is intelligent light, alive and singular, continuous yet changing, aware of its infinite connection with everything".
Before I describe what that was (still is) for me, these notes: Custodians of Divine Revelations have a moral obligation to bear witness to what introduces itself to the awakened awareness of one's fully ascended Soul. . .
Behind this intention lies a motivation to carry forward this 'ancient' Knowledge into the modern era and become the agent of empowerment for spiritually minded aspirants. I have an obligation to show that the Truth-Power of the Divine Grace, reveals who we are within the depths of our being. To show, that the Transcendent is beyond time, and the Unmanifest is the Source of the manifest.
The 'ancient' Rig Veda seer didn't apologize for what he/she received (God-Realization / Divine Revelation), and neither do I, because I know I earned what I received by fully submitting myself to the Supreme Divine...and then performing the Will of the Supreme Being.
O Flame, O Wine, your force has become conscious;
You have discovered the One Light for the many.
-Rig Veda 1. 93.4
Today, I decided to revisit and upgrade - in 2010 written - The River of Light. Its present 're-visited' incarnation includes verifying material I was not aware of nine years ago. I will leave the original where it is, and/but because this is quite a lengthy post, I will not include Sri Aurobindo's quote (here) from, The Mind of Light.
Because the theme-subject of the highest integration and fulfillment is very complex, each post unpacks but a portion of what happens on this Path without a map. The reason it is intensely complex, is because my accounts include descriptions of direct contact-experience with the Kosmic Essence-Energy and its Forces, direct contact with the Kosmic Mind and first-hand perception of all the domains of existence. These 'accounts' are Spiritual Sciences' empirical evidence.
This opening statement includes quotes from the Tibetan Buddhism perspective , and Sri Aurobindo's statement on transformation / what needs to happen before one is ready for the Ultimate Erotic Union with the Supreme Beloved.
Will start by saying that only very recently I noticed in The Tibetan Book of the Dead (translated by Robert Thurman) that, my experience of becoming/flowing out of my Crown chakra as 'River of Light', falls into the fulfillment of the highest perfection stage, category.
The following excerpt is from Glossary:
Sanskrit yoganaddha is the Unexcelled Yoga Tantra name for Buddhahood, the fifth and highest of all perfection stages, indicating that relative and ultimate, individual and universal, body and mind, bliss and wisdom, male and female -- all dualities are integrated in this experience of fulfillment.
(2010) Today I brought from the library, the only Aurobindo book available in this system, titled The Mind of Light. To this day each time I read something penned by him, I am surprised. . .
For years I thought this man's work was far beyond my league, and wasn't even curious to see what his writing was about. This mindset changed when I allowed myself to be curious (the year I began writing here - 2009). Not initially, but once my brain got used to all those new terminologies, I exclaimed,
"I already know this because this happened to me!"
I didn't know anyone who experienced and wrote about (internet forums) the things I did. I also 'claimed' nothing. . .This is why it was all the more exciting I finally had Sri A. writing to check/compare my Soul level (supramental) Initiatory experiences with -- compare it with someone who got plugged to the domain of, 'I am absorbed in Celestial Samadhi lovingly attached to the Essence of the Supreme Beloved'.
This stage is reached when one is in permanent Samadhi state and the Nervous/Chakra system uncoils to Infinity thanks to the awakened Kundalini Shakti and its activity.
I named Aurobindo my 'primary peer review person', even before reading his autobiographical poems titled: The Bliss of Brahman, The Bride of the Fire, or Savitri. The subtlety of significance within the written word the open mind will see, as none other than 'the Communication of the Divine Logos from the source of its Nature without uttering single word'.
The line in Savitri: "A soul shall awake in the Inconscient's house, The mind shall be a God's vision tabernacle, The body intuition's instrument, And a life a channel for God's visible power", is a literal description of something that's not 'supposed to make sense', to the surface mind.
I also resonate with Gopi Krishna's work. Long before I became somewhat familiar with his work, I already knew that my mystical experiences were not the result of the subconscious' mind's dive into hallucinatory, wish-fulfilling formations.
The following excerpt is from his book titled: The Real Nature of Mystical Experience, confirms this for us.
In every case of illumination, mere visionary experience is not sufficient. It must be attended by certain objective signs to confirm it. It has to be remembered that in the mystical ecstasy the intellect remains active. There is no blunting of the rational faculty. This is repeatedly mentioned in the Upanishads. Reason has to be satisfied that the experience is not delusion.
Description of what the experience of becoming one with the 'River of Divine Light', confirmed by one who knew-- prefaced by excerpt from The Tibetan Book of the Dead:
"the being is intelligent light, alive and singular, continuous yet changing, aware of its infinite interconnection with everything. It is beyond all instinct patterns of lust, aggression, or delusion, beyond all duality, one with reality, and one with the Truth Body of all Buddhas."
Today (May 2010) I am bearing witness to what transpired this AM hour during Yogic/Deep Samadhi state which transcends sleep. . . I was on my back with hands resting on mid-body. When my Bliss body's ecstasy reached critical-mass-point, I beheld with the eye of contemplation (Spirit) a vast sea of diamond-white points of Light morph into a 'solid' River of Light...and its endless flow (sublimated Erotic Potency/ Shakti Force-Power-Light) out of my Crown chakra into world's hologram via subtle planes (for the benefit of all beings in all domains of existence, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness itself)
The literal meaning of what I described is:
I Am Aware
I Am the Anointed & the Anointing One
Self-generating Bliss Of Luminous God-Force
In Loving Oneness With Everything
That's Arising
* The self-generating Bliss', refers to what the Vedas seers named "Soma".
In words of Gopi Krishana on the real meaning of "Soma"
"The real meaning of "Soma" refers to the internal process of sublimation leading to higher consciousness or Samadhi. Since soma is Sanskrit term its interpretation should be based upon the ancient Vedic religious beliefs, not the western assumption of drug use. There is no proof in the Vedas that actually mention any human drinking a herbal concoction" +
"The hymns of the Vedas are symbolic allegories and shouldn't be interpreted literally, as the Vedas say directly that: "One thinks he has drunk Soma when they press the plant but the Soma the Brahmans know -- no one eats that."
As mentioned earlier one must be in permanent Samadhi state . . .During the 11 to 13 hours I spend in bed every day in a state of intense erotic ravishment (Erotic Potency flowing up and out of the crown chakra) , I am completely detached from 'feelings' because I am in a state of Peace that passes human comprehension...Well, except those very rare occasions when I return to my flesh body too abruptly and feelings get involved.
Soul Liberation is not well understood this is why I have a moral obligation to write about it by giving precise accounts of what happens during the many Initiatory phases. . .
One who feels the Divine Presence and its governing Power (manifesting in and through the body), understands perfectly its Nature as well as its action-influence in all domains of creation. We understand that the LAW (Supreme Light-Power-Bliss) that governs the Action-Influence is the Kosmic DNA. . .Without this most blessed Influence, there would be no evolution of consciousness.
We understand what the term 'I have crossed the abode of life and death', signifies.
Those who submit to Divine Will, know, that at this stage-point in Soul evolution, we are performing the Will of the one Spirit in order to:
effect a spiritual transformation and bring down a divine nature and a divine life into the mental, vital and physical nature and life of humanity. +
It is not personal Ananda, but the bringing down of the divine Ananda - Christ's Kingdom of heaven, our Satyauga - upon earth.
Sri Aurobindo,
I am glad the Upanishad lists ten ascending levels of bliss before one reaches the Bliss of the Eternal Spirit--the Supreme supracosmic Sachichidananda (which is above Supermind)
"and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level." Glad, because this topic is not well understood and is (therefore) subject to a variety of misguided interpretations.
I share my Depth data's revelations just like any other ascended mystic/Soul has done no matter the tradition. We demonstrate that this (evolutionary) Great Kosmic Power (or Holy Spirit / Supreme Shakti) flows into the world of Form for the benefit of all beings, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness itself.
I will close this part on this note: The Bhagavad Gita states that 'finding supreme ecstasy is the final goal'.... One whose Soul fulfilled her ancient plan discovers that Divine Labour is the final goal.
Link to The River of Light from 2010
Sunday, February 24, 2019
She Is Solitary
07/03/2019 link to ONCE AGAIN edit-expanded She is Solitary
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Spiritual Humility & Sacrifice
The science of Self-knowledge is available to anyone willing to open their soul to the guiding Grace of the Eternal Light / Divine Love -- the only Light that can be shed upon the Path, since nothing that is not of the Eternal can guide you. One who truly lives in (spiritual) humility and sacrifice of one's lower nature attains union with the Divine Being and oneness with the Supreme Divine Nature.
Finding the way to God/Divine Love-Bliss is painfully hard because one has to go beyond one's own being (the things of the world cannot enter the soul).
From the Christian tradition, in Saint John of the Cross' words - on the importance of spiritual humility and sacrifice:
Before this Divine fire of love is introduced into the substance of the soul, and is united with it, by means of a purity and purgation that is perfect and complete, this flame is wounding the soul, and destroying and consuming in it the imperfections of its evil habits; and this is the operation of the Holy Spirit, (same as 'Kundalini Shakti') wherein he prepares it for Divine union and the transformation of its substance in God through love. + In thus allowing God to work in it, the at once illumined and transformed in God, and God communicates to it His supernatural Being, in such wise that it appears to be God himself, and has all that God Himself has.
Genuine saints / ascended mystics world over learned from first-hand experience the importance of spiritual humility and sacrifice of their 'lower nature'. We know that on this Path through the transcendent Light and Sound, we will open our inner senses and Seeing to a variety of visionary and auditory experiences - some of which could be the product of the surface mind's dive into the (hidden to the 'rational' mind) subconscious mind's constructs, but not always.
Sri Aurobindo delved into the topic of spiritual experiences deeply, and because I know exactly what he's talking about, I endorse his view-perspective one hundred percent.
I didn't say that those experiences are always of no value, but they are so mixed and confused that if one runs after them without any discrimination at all they end by either leading astray, sometimes tragically astray, or by bringing one into confused nowhere. +
Then there are experiences that help lead towards the realisation of things spiritual or divine or bring openings or progressions in the sadhana or are supports on the way - experiences of a symbolic character, visions, contacts of one kind or another with the Divine or with the workings of higher Truth, things like the waking of Kundalini, the opening of the Chakras, messages, intuitions, openings of the inner powers, etc.
The one thing one has to be careful about is to see that they are genuine and sincere and that depends on one's own sincerity - for if one is not sincere; if one is more concerned with the ego or being a big yogi or becoming superman than with meeting the Divine or getting the Divine consciousness which enables one to live in or with the Divine, then a flood of pseudo or mixtures comes in, one is led into the mazes of the intermediate zone or spins in the groves of one's own formations. There is the Truth of the whole matter. +
Experience is a word that covers almost all the happenings in yoga; only when something gets settled, then it is no longer an experience but part of the siddhi; e.g. peace when it comes and goes is an experience - when it is settled and goes no more it is siddhi.
Realisation is different - it is when something for which you are aspiring becomes real to you; have the idea of the Divine in all, but it is only an idea, a belief; when you feel or see the Divine in all, it becomes a realisation.
Every kind of realisation - infinite self, cosmic consciousness, the Mother's Presence, Light, Force, Ananda, Knowledge, Sachichidananda realisation, the different layers of consciousness up to the Supermind. All these can come in silence which remains but ceases to be blank.
Experiences one's own or others' if one comes to know them, should not be talked about or made a matter of gossip. It is only if there can be some spiritual profit to others and even then if they are experiences of the past that one can speak of them. Otherwise it becomes like news of Abyssinia or Spain, something common and trivial for the vital mass-mind to chew or gobble. YES!
Last, but not least, Aurobindo's statement on the importance of many types of 'transformative' experiences:
The Divine is in his essence infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. If that is so, it is not likely that our true integral perfection in being and in nature can come by one kind of realisation alone; it must combine many different strands of divine experience. It cannot be reached by the exclusive pursuit of a single line of identity that is raised to its absolute; it must harmonise many aspects of the infinite. An Integral consciousness with a multiform dynamic experience is essential for the complete transformation of our nature.
Additional information on how to reach the Ultimate Consummation of the ascended Soul with the Divine - Gita style, in Sri Aurobindo's words from:
The argument of the Gita resolves itself into three great steps by which action rises out of the human into the divine plane leaving the bondage of the lower for the liberty of a higher law. First, by the renunciation of desire and a perfected equality works have to be done as a sacrifice by a man as the doer, a sacrifice to a deity who is the supreme and only Self though by him not yet realised in his own being. This is the initial step. Secondly, not only the desire of the fruit, but the claim to be the doer of works has to be renounced in the realisation of the Self as the equal, the inactive, the immutable principle and of all works as simply the operation of universal Force, of Nature-Soul, Prakriti, the unequal, active, mutable power. Lastly, the supreme Self has to be seen as the supreme Purusha governing this Prakriti, of whom the soul in Nature is a partial manifestation, by which all works are directed, in a perfect transcendence, through Nature. To him love and adoration and the sacrifice of works have to be offered; the whole being has to be surrendered to Him and the whole consciousness raised up to dwell in this divine consciousness so that the human soul may share in His divine transcendence of Nature and of His works and act in a perfect spiritual liberty.
The first step is Karmayoga, the selfless sacrifice of works, and here Gita's insistence is on action.
The second is jnanayoga, the self-realisation and knowledge of the true nature of the self in the world; and here the insistence is on knowledge; but the sacrifice of works continues and the path of Works becomes one with but does not disappear into the of Knowledge.
The last step is Bhaktiyoga, adoration and seeking of the supreme Self as the Divine Being, and here the insistence is on devotion, but the knowledge is not subordinated, only raised, vitalised and fulfilled, and still the sacrifice of works continues; the double path becomes the triune way of knowledge, works, and devotion. All the fruit of the sacrifice, the one fruit still placed before the seeker, is attained, union with the divine Being and oneness with the supreme divine nature.
Finding the way to God/Divine Love-Bliss is painfully hard because one has to go beyond one's own being (the things of the world cannot enter the soul).
From the Christian tradition, in Saint John of the Cross' words - on the importance of spiritual humility and sacrifice:
Before this Divine fire of love is introduced into the substance of the soul, and is united with it, by means of a purity and purgation that is perfect and complete, this flame is wounding the soul, and destroying and consuming in it the imperfections of its evil habits; and this is the operation of the Holy Spirit, (same as 'Kundalini Shakti') wherein he prepares it for Divine union and the transformation of its substance in God through love. + In thus allowing God to work in it, the at once illumined and transformed in God, and God communicates to it His supernatural Being, in such wise that it appears to be God himself, and has all that God Himself has.
Genuine saints / ascended mystics world over learned from first-hand experience the importance of spiritual humility and sacrifice of their 'lower nature'. We know that on this Path through the transcendent Light and Sound, we will open our inner senses and Seeing to a variety of visionary and auditory experiences - some of which could be the product of the surface mind's dive into the (hidden to the 'rational' mind) subconscious mind's constructs, but not always.
Sri Aurobindo delved into the topic of spiritual experiences deeply, and because I know exactly what he's talking about, I endorse his view-perspective one hundred percent.
I didn't say that those experiences are always of no value, but they are so mixed and confused that if one runs after them without any discrimination at all they end by either leading astray, sometimes tragically astray, or by bringing one into confused nowhere. +
Then there are experiences that help lead towards the realisation of things spiritual or divine or bring openings or progressions in the sadhana or are supports on the way - experiences of a symbolic character, visions, contacts of one kind or another with the Divine or with the workings of higher Truth, things like the waking of Kundalini, the opening of the Chakras, messages, intuitions, openings of the inner powers, etc.
The one thing one has to be careful about is to see that they are genuine and sincere and that depends on one's own sincerity - for if one is not sincere; if one is more concerned with the ego or being a big yogi or becoming superman than with meeting the Divine or getting the Divine consciousness which enables one to live in or with the Divine, then a flood of pseudo or mixtures comes in, one is led into the mazes of the intermediate zone or spins in the groves of one's own formations. There is the Truth of the whole matter. +
Experience is a word that covers almost all the happenings in yoga; only when something gets settled, then it is no longer an experience but part of the siddhi; e.g. peace when it comes and goes is an experience - when it is settled and goes no more it is siddhi.
Realisation is different - it is when something for which you are aspiring becomes real to you; have the idea of the Divine in all, but it is only an idea, a belief; when you feel or see the Divine in all, it becomes a realisation.
Every kind of realisation - infinite self, cosmic consciousness, the Mother's Presence, Light, Force, Ananda, Knowledge, Sachichidananda realisation, the different layers of consciousness up to the Supermind. All these can come in silence which remains but ceases to be blank.
Experiences one's own or others' if one comes to know them, should not be talked about or made a matter of gossip. It is only if there can be some spiritual profit to others and even then if they are experiences of the past that one can speak of them. Otherwise it becomes like news of Abyssinia or Spain, something common and trivial for the vital mass-mind to chew or gobble. YES!
Last, but not least, Aurobindo's statement on the importance of many types of 'transformative' experiences:
The Divine is in his essence infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. If that is so, it is not likely that our true integral perfection in being and in nature can come by one kind of realisation alone; it must combine many different strands of divine experience. It cannot be reached by the exclusive pursuit of a single line of identity that is raised to its absolute; it must harmonise many aspects of the infinite. An Integral consciousness with a multiform dynamic experience is essential for the complete transformation of our nature.
Additional information on how to reach the Ultimate Consummation of the ascended Soul with the Divine - Gita style, in Sri Aurobindo's words from:
The argument of the Gita resolves itself into three great steps by which action rises out of the human into the divine plane leaving the bondage of the lower for the liberty of a higher law. First, by the renunciation of desire and a perfected equality works have to be done as a sacrifice by a man as the doer, a sacrifice to a deity who is the supreme and only Self though by him not yet realised in his own being. This is the initial step. Secondly, not only the desire of the fruit, but the claim to be the doer of works has to be renounced in the realisation of the Self as the equal, the inactive, the immutable principle and of all works as simply the operation of universal Force, of Nature-Soul, Prakriti, the unequal, active, mutable power. Lastly, the supreme Self has to be seen as the supreme Purusha governing this Prakriti, of whom the soul in Nature is a partial manifestation, by which all works are directed, in a perfect transcendence, through Nature. To him love and adoration and the sacrifice of works have to be offered; the whole being has to be surrendered to Him and the whole consciousness raised up to dwell in this divine consciousness so that the human soul may share in His divine transcendence of Nature and of His works and act in a perfect spiritual liberty.
The first step is Karmayoga, the selfless sacrifice of works, and here Gita's insistence is on action.
The second is jnanayoga, the self-realisation and knowledge of the true nature of the self in the world; and here the insistence is on knowledge; but the sacrifice of works continues and the path of Works becomes one with but does not disappear into the of Knowledge.
The last step is Bhaktiyoga, adoration and seeking of the supreme Self as the Divine Being, and here the insistence is on devotion, but the knowledge is not subordinated, only raised, vitalised and fulfilled, and still the sacrifice of works continues; the double path becomes the triune way of knowledge, works, and devotion. All the fruit of the sacrifice, the one fruit still placed before the seeker, is attained, union with the divine Being and oneness with the supreme divine nature.
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Revelatory Absolute
Soul level Liberation grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence corrects materialistic view of Reality by showing there is more to Life than the mind's intellect has access to. Truth is, if we only feel comfortable in a cognitively defined universe, we are blocking off parts of ourselves which can be only accessed in deep states beyond even feelings and intuitions. The spiritual journey requires that we are open to these parts of ourselves because it is through these faculties that we will progress.
My transformation and integration progressed well, this is why I have the spiritual authority to claim:
The Correction introduces itself to the mind whose nervous system / human Chakra System uncoiled to infinity. . .One who bears witness to this performs the Will of the one Spirit - this is why I am not crushed when someone thinks "I don't believe her" . . . Aurobindo and others (my spiritual peers) didn't apologize for their hard work.
Some think my writing 'is not helpful' - and I agree! I agree, that folks who are not in advanced soul evolution don't see value in what I bear witness too. Some either dismiss it, others get negatively triggered and accuse me of 'self-promotion' and other nonsense.
People whose Third Eye and Crown Chakra are open, know what kind of ordeal one goes through. When my Third Eye opened on the subtle and extremely subtle levels, the spot between brows vibrated like crazy and it felt hot-painful -- and was not a one time occurrence, either, since there is vibrational difference between the subtle and the extremely subtle. There is no 'vibration' in the Celestial domain, only Divine Bliss. This happened to me this is why I know that the meaning contained within my written word, is the communication of the Divine from the source of its Being.
Academic whose spiritual intelligence is developed by studies of mystical literature, can talk philosophically from the view-point of the whole in an abstract manner - and because neither the follower nor the academic has any idea what embodied Enlightenment is about, everyone feels 'happy'. Some call this type of happiness divine bliss because they are not aware there are many levels of bliss before one reaches the Bliss of the Supreme Divine. The Upanishad lists ten, "and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level."
It is not my job to change anyone's mind. Those who are 'ripe' will see their error.
My duty is to protect what introduced itself to the awareness of my ascended Soul.
I have a duty to bear witness to the Revelatory Absolute - to borrow Sri A term - just like any other ascended mystic (no matter the tradition). I am pushing the evolutionary mysticism boundaries and am glad to have Gopi Krishna's statement on why what we know is important:
The men and women who have undergone this transformation and now have this expended consciousness are known to be in Samadhi state of oneness with cosmic consciousness. All the great mystics who have written on this subject have given their symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition.
Anyone who sees the meaning contained in this Savitri verse (book 1, canto V), can recognize Sri Aurobindo was eluding to the Revelatory Absolute - the Intelligence whose larger luster introduces itself to the awareness of the ascended Soul in a supramental plane. . . She knows directly that the Nature of this Luster is Divine Bliss and She is one with it. . .it's Bright silver-white Glory, our permanent home.
Silver Goddess Ray (below) unpacks the 'larger luster' subject from a different angle.
*the Supreme Supracosmic Sachichidananda which is above all*
Interpreting the universe by soul signs
He read from within the text of the without:
The riddle grew plain and lost its catch obscure.
A larger luster lit the mighty page.
Once again, I am glad to have Gopi Krishna's words to show that Soul level evolution (through transcendent Light and Sound) is the next evolutionary step for humanity.
Yoga represents a new form of knowledge gained through the operation of a normally dormant, marvelous chamber in the brain, called Brahma-randhra by the ancient adepts, a new form of vision, known as the opening of the Third Eye or Tenth Door or the Sixth Sense, and a new form of ideation, known as inspiration, "Shruti," Revelation, Vahi, Afflatus, etc. In short Yoga represents a paranormal activity of the brain from which all great masterpieces of literature, art, philosophy, science, and spiritual knowledge have originated. . .
I have no words to describe the glory and grandeur of the new state of awareness, which belongs to the accomplish Yogi, in whom the dormant center in the brain has been activated leading to an opening of a new super-sensory channel of perception. . .designed to probe the mystery of creation, beyond the senses and the intellect (1978a:3,7) This center in the brain is the "eye of the soul" described by Plato in the Republic, and its partial or complete awakening provides the channel for communication with the Cosmic Mind, and from there the outpouring of insight and revelation.
Excerpt from:
My transformation and integration progressed well, this is why I have the spiritual authority to claim:
The Correction introduces itself to the mind whose nervous system / human Chakra System uncoiled to infinity. . .One who bears witness to this performs the Will of the one Spirit - this is why I am not crushed when someone thinks "I don't believe her" . . . Aurobindo and others (my spiritual peers) didn't apologize for their hard work.
Some think my writing 'is not helpful' - and I agree! I agree, that folks who are not in advanced soul evolution don't see value in what I bear witness too. Some either dismiss it, others get negatively triggered and accuse me of 'self-promotion' and other nonsense.
People whose Third Eye and Crown Chakra are open, know what kind of ordeal one goes through. When my Third Eye opened on the subtle and extremely subtle levels, the spot between brows vibrated like crazy and it felt hot-painful -- and was not a one time occurrence, either, since there is vibrational difference between the subtle and the extremely subtle. There is no 'vibration' in the Celestial domain, only Divine Bliss. This happened to me this is why I know that the meaning contained within my written word, is the communication of the Divine from the source of its Being.
Academic whose spiritual intelligence is developed by studies of mystical literature, can talk philosophically from the view-point of the whole in an abstract manner - and because neither the follower nor the academic has any idea what embodied Enlightenment is about, everyone feels 'happy'. Some call this type of happiness divine bliss because they are not aware there are many levels of bliss before one reaches the Bliss of the Supreme Divine. The Upanishad lists ten, "and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level."
It is not my job to change anyone's mind. Those who are 'ripe' will see their error.
My duty is to protect what introduced itself to the awareness of my ascended Soul.
I have a duty to bear witness to the Revelatory Absolute - to borrow Sri A term - just like any other ascended mystic (no matter the tradition). I am pushing the evolutionary mysticism boundaries and am glad to have Gopi Krishna's statement on why what we know is important:
The men and women who have undergone this transformation and now have this expended consciousness are known to be in Samadhi state of oneness with cosmic consciousness. All the great mystics who have written on this subject have given their symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition.
Anyone who sees the meaning contained in this Savitri verse (book 1, canto V), can recognize Sri Aurobindo was eluding to the Revelatory Absolute - the Intelligence whose larger luster introduces itself to the awareness of the ascended Soul in a supramental plane. . . She knows directly that the Nature of this Luster is Divine Bliss and She is one with it. . .it's Bright silver-white Glory, our permanent home.
Silver Goddess Ray (below) unpacks the 'larger luster' subject from a different angle.
*the Supreme Supracosmic Sachichidananda which is above all*
Interpreting the universe by soul signs
He read from within the text of the without:
The riddle grew plain and lost its catch obscure.
A larger luster lit the mighty page.
Once again, I am glad to have Gopi Krishna's words to show that Soul level evolution (through transcendent Light and Sound) is the next evolutionary step for humanity.
Yoga represents a new form of knowledge gained through the operation of a normally dormant, marvelous chamber in the brain, called Brahma-randhra by the ancient adepts, a new form of vision, known as the opening of the Third Eye or Tenth Door or the Sixth Sense, and a new form of ideation, known as inspiration, "Shruti," Revelation, Vahi, Afflatus, etc. In short Yoga represents a paranormal activity of the brain from which all great masterpieces of literature, art, philosophy, science, and spiritual knowledge have originated. . .
I have no words to describe the glory and grandeur of the new state of awareness, which belongs to the accomplish Yogi, in whom the dormant center in the brain has been activated leading to an opening of a new super-sensory channel of perception. . .designed to probe the mystery of creation, beyond the senses and the intellect (1978a:3,7) This center in the brain is the "eye of the soul" described by Plato in the Republic, and its partial or complete awakening provides the channel for communication with the Cosmic Mind, and from there the outpouring of insight and revelation.
Excerpt from:
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