03/08/2019 Edit-updating this essay by adding (few days ago chanced upon) Sri Aurobindo's poem titled Trance -- because of its verifying content.
Decided to copy paste Silver Goddess Ray - while leaving the one in 2010 written stay where it is, because it includes statement on "mysterious cosmic chant" and its "empirical evidence" significance.
I like 'hard' science and have deep respect-appreciation for the brilliant scientific minds. Learning about entanglement (2002) gave me goosebumps, because finally there was something that could shed some light on certain types of mystical phenomena. Brilliant minds, such as Einstein, Heisenberg, Shroedinger, Planck, came to conclusion that the universe cannot be satisfactorily explained without the inclusion of 'something else' - the something which was beyond their reach. Sir James asserted that the only way to explain the nature of ultimate reality is to 'accept that it exists in the mind of some eternal Spirit'.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Silver Goddess Ray Star of Creation
Recently I watched You tube lecture: Beyond the Higgs: What Next For the LHC? by Harry Cliff and marveled at the brilliance of scientific minds capable of such feats.
I have nothing but great admiration for these folks! And, anyone who reads this blog can see that the science geek in me includes interesting information for other like-minded folks.
The evidence-based Supramental/Inner Science is performed and unveild in the laboratory of one's body-mind-soul complex. At this stage-point, the vanity of intellect's wisdom destroys itself in an empty space of Pure Knowing. Contact with the infinite Ocean of Awareness in all its aspects, includes the (symbolicaly named) Silver Goddess Ray domain. Without its Influence there would be no life, no evolution of biological organisms, no evolution of consciousness.
I have nothing but great admiration for these folks! And, anyone who reads this blog can see that the science geek in me includes interesting information for other like-minded folks.
The evidence-based Supramental/Inner Science is performed and unveild in the laboratory of one's body-mind-soul complex. At this stage-point, the vanity of intellect's wisdom destroys itself in an empty space of Pure Knowing. Contact with the infinite Ocean of Awareness in all its aspects, includes the (symbolicaly named) Silver Goddess Ray domain. Without its Influence there would be no life, no evolution of biological organisms, no evolution of consciousness.
* My Depth data's Testimony is a literal statement-description of (Grace-bestowed) Descent of Force-Light-Sound-Sachidananda/Silver Goddess Field into my bodily being, grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence and confirmed by those who are qualified *
This Intelligence/Essence resembles the likeness of a silver-white lighting bolt but has the appearance of a 'Field'. This Field's point of entry is attained at the zenith point of Erotic Rapture - the result of an backward-flowing transmuted Erotic Potency in its highest expression (even higher than what I described in The River of Light = edit-adding this post's revised version www.spiritspeaks-theofilia.blogspot.ca/2019/04/the-river-of-light-revisited.html)
'Silver Goddess Ray' can be poetically named Kosmic DNA since this Field's configuration makes possible for the Divine Transcendent Source-Condition of everything that's arising to exist in the fullness of its dynamism. It also signifies that, the fully ascended being's Soul/Essence-Awareness is not 'divorced' from the Goddess Ray.
This Testimony is a literal statement of what the Divine Logos unveiled to the She who exists to serve the ever-expanding evolution of understanding of the Ultimate Reality in all its aspects. . . which inspired me to write in The Greatest Mystery of All Decoded, the following verse:
Subtler than the faintest atom is the Nature of the
Evolutionary Supporter of All.
Beyond all delusions, the One whose Form is Unimaginable,
Shines like the splendor of many stars.
I can bear this Intensity because the Queen of Bliss
United with Him. . .
One who Knows this, Knows Impecably.
Long before I heard about Aurobindo, or had the Internet, I was given a sign - from the Celestial domain - pointing to the type of vocation I was destined for. I knew it would involve 'hard labor' on the Energy level, but no idea it would be a 24/7 thing . . . And if I knew how hard it would be, I would never say:
'Your Will not mine be done!'
Description of the 'Sign':
I was gazing intently at two bright stars in the dark sky's canopy (first) then their slow spiriling descent. The closer they got to Earth plane, the larger their eye dazling shape-brightness. . .And when they landed in my front garden in all their silver glory, they had the appearance of large 'old fashioned' looking (soil tilling) Ploughs.
Sri Aurobindo's poem titled TRANCE includes the term 'silver-pointed star' which inspired me to 'upgrade' Silver Goddess Ray. . . Though not identical, his 'Star of creation' Vision informs me Aurobindo did ascend to Satchidananda/Pure Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. This is also why he knew that: "The full dynamic truth of Sachichidananda and the universe and its consequence cannot be grasped by any other consciousness than the supermind." Quote from: Letters On Yoga - Planes and Parts of Being.
A naked and silver-pointed star
Floating near the halo of the moon;
A storm-rack, the pale sky's fringe and bar,
Over waters stilling into swoon.
My mind is awake in stirless trance,
Hushed my heart, a burden of delight;
Dispelled is the senses' flicker-dance,
Mute the body aerate with light.
O star of creation pure and free,
halo-moon of ecstasy unknown,
Storm-breath of the soul-change yet to be,
Ocean self-enraptured and alone!
My poetically named Silver Goddess Ray, introduced itself to my awareness in all its eye dazzling Silver Ray Glory countless times - this is why when I say: What I am describing is the Communication of the Divine from the source of its nature, I mean it literally.
When I say . . . .
I also mean it literally.
The Science of Self-Knowledge is open to anyone willing to open their Soul to the Grace of the Eternal Light - the only Light that can be shed upon the Path, since nothing that is not of the Eternal can guide you.
Subtler than the faintest atom is the Nature of the
Evolutionary Supporter of All.
Beyond all delusions, the One whose Form is Unimaginable,
Shines like the splendor of many stars.
I can bear this Intensity because the Queen of Bliss
United with Him. . .
One who Knows this, Knows Impecably.
Long before I heard about Aurobindo, or had the Internet, I was given a sign - from the Celestial domain - pointing to the type of vocation I was destined for. I knew it would involve 'hard labor' on the Energy level, but no idea it would be a 24/7 thing . . . And if I knew how hard it would be, I would never say:
'Your Will not mine be done!'
Description of the 'Sign':
I was gazing intently at two bright stars in the dark sky's canopy (first) then their slow spiriling descent. The closer they got to Earth plane, the larger their eye dazling shape-brightness. . .And when they landed in my front garden in all their silver glory, they had the appearance of large 'old fashioned' looking (soil tilling) Ploughs.
Sri Aurobindo's poem titled TRANCE includes the term 'silver-pointed star' which inspired me to 'upgrade' Silver Goddess Ray. . . Though not identical, his 'Star of creation' Vision informs me Aurobindo did ascend to Satchidananda/Pure Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. This is also why he knew that: "The full dynamic truth of Sachichidananda and the universe and its consequence cannot be grasped by any other consciousness than the supermind." Quote from: Letters On Yoga - Planes and Parts of Being.
A naked and silver-pointed star
Floating near the halo of the moon;
A storm-rack, the pale sky's fringe and bar,
Over waters stilling into swoon.
My mind is awake in stirless trance,
Hushed my heart, a burden of delight;
Dispelled is the senses' flicker-dance,
Mute the body aerate with light.
O star of creation pure and free,
halo-moon of ecstasy unknown,
Storm-breath of the soul-change yet to be,
Ocean self-enraptured and alone!
My poetically named Silver Goddess Ray, introduced itself to my awareness in all its eye dazzling Silver Ray Glory countless times - this is why when I say: What I am describing is the Communication of the Divine from the source of its nature, I mean it literally.
When I say . . . .
I also mean it literally.
The Science of Self-Knowledge is open to anyone willing to open their Soul to the Grace of the Eternal Light - the only Light that can be shed upon the Path, since nothing that is not of the Eternal can guide you.
In this state -- which is not a 'feeling', or 'intuition', but a state of being -- one becomes aware of the Immaculate Wideness to which all visible and invisible manifestation belongs.
(The) Lie Destroyer exists in relation to the vibratory Kosmos but is also beyond it. . .where alone the Silver Goddess reigns. Ascended Souls use words as containers into which subtlety of meaning is poured. . .this is why we call it Divine Revelation.
I already know that even if I shouted from roof tops that what I share is not the product of subconscious mind's dive into hallucinatory wish-fulfilling appearances/formations, drug induced 'trips', or clever translation of what others said. . .still it would not incline the materialist to think 'she could be right'. Maybe if I were a man it would be a different story?
I already know that even if I shouted from roof tops that what I share is not the product of subconscious mind's dive into hallucinatory wish-fulfilling appearances/formations, drug induced 'trips', or clever translation of what others said. . .still it would not incline the materialist to think 'she could be right'. Maybe if I were a man it would be a different story?
The main reason I wanted to write today (Feb 2010) is because I want to keep track of the mysterious 'cosmic chant that began several days ago in the right side of my brain hemisphere. This Initiation's ever-present flute-like sound/activity is most vividly heard/perceived (w/right ear) when I'm in bed. Because I am not interested in jumping to conclusions with guesses as to what this might mean, I am happy to patiently wait and see. I already know that those with right ear perceived sweet sounding notes are frequency carriers of loving thoughts and intentions. . .and those on left side, are sound-hertz pregnant with rage/hate (directed at me when triggered by my testimony).
The main reason I wanted to write today (Feb 2010) is because I want to keep track of the mysterious 'cosmic chant that began several days ago in the right side of my brain hemisphere. This Initiation's ever-present flute-like sound/activity is most vividly heard/perceived (w/right ear) when I'm in bed. Because I am not interested in jumping to conclusions with guesses as to what this might mean, I am happy to patiently wait and see. I already know that those with right ear perceived sweet sounding notes are frequency carriers of loving thoughts and intentions. . .and those on left side, are sound-hertz pregnant with rage/hate (directed at me when triggered by my testimony).
Update: edit-expanded Sep. 14/2013
1. The 'cosmic chant' lasted circa two years. I realized that this Sound Initiation had everything to do with becoming Shabd Yoga master.
2. In August 2013, I chanced upon information relevant to what I was describing in this post with reference to perceiving messages (decoded in deep samadhi) with left/right ear. I was very excited to finally have a validation and a name for something this esoteric.
Quoting with permission from Mr. Sandeep, passages from blog on synchronicity:
Quoting with permission from Mr. Sandeep, passages from blog on synchronicity:
The capricious spark of intuition which is briefly flashed during occurrences of synchronicity ripens in self-realized sages into the highly refined powers (Siddhis) called 'Prakamaya' amd 'Vyapati'. It is through Prakamaya that one gains knowledge of "the present states of mind, feeling, sensation etc., of others" and it is with with Vyapati, that we "communicate anything we have in our systems, thoughts, feeling, power, etc., to another". As Sri Aurobindo explained, "every thought, feeling, sensation or other movement of consciousness in us create a wave or current which carries it out into the world-consciousness around and there it enters into a person who is able and allowed to receive it. Half at least of our habitual thoughts and feelings are such unconscious borrowings."
Record of Yoga p.20 auromere.press.com/2012/12/sri-aurobindo-on-synchronicity.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Links to recently edit-expanded posts
Link to edit-expanded She Is Solitary
Link to She Speaks
Link to edit-expanded Astral Emotional Body
Link to long forgotten, lamely written The True Oracle in its new incarnation
Link to updated River of Light
23/01/2019 including link to (updated) The River of Light
Spirit Vacuum Potential Not Same Order, got edit-tweaking
21/11/2018 Finally got around to giving Yogic Consciousness a bit of edit-tweaking
11/11/2018 Silver Goddess Ray, in its new incarnation
20/10/2018 Dogmatism of Materialism Debunked closing paragraph got a much needed tweaking
13/10/2018 & 16/10/2018 edit-expanded, The Greatest Mystery of All Decoded
Better late, than never.
It's what I tell myself. Long overdo, Ascension Blues Good News
Link to She Speaks
Link to edit-expanded Astral Emotional Body
Link to long forgotten, lamely written The True Oracle in its new incarnation
Link to updated River of Light
23/01/2019 including link to (updated) The River of Light
Spirit Vacuum Potential Not Same Order, got edit-tweaking
21/11/2018 Finally got around to giving Yogic Consciousness a bit of edit-tweaking
11/11/2018 Silver Goddess Ray, in its new incarnation
20/10/2018 Dogmatism of Materialism Debunked closing paragraph got a much needed tweaking
13/10/2018 & 16/10/2018 edit-expanded, The Greatest Mystery of All Decoded
Better late, than never.
It's what I tell myself. Long overdo, Ascension Blues Good News
Monday, September 3, 2018
Second Coming
Edit-adding link to Healer's Note, to show that the healer-in-me wishes for one and all to consciously and with self-caring dignity bring forth that which is most noble in us.
Yesterday I articulated why Jesus' 'second coming' is not possible in the way some folks wish it to be. . .and decided to post here what I wrote in someone's Facebook page.
*BTW, I do believe in rebirth of evolving souls*
The second coming is an actual Event, but it doesn't happen in a way that makes sense to the psychologist or philosopher or religious fundamentalist. . .It happens when one's ascended Soul's separate self-sense 'evaporates' in Celestial Samadhi and is lovingly 'joined' in Erotic Embrace with the Essence of the Supreme Beloved (Sachichidananda) while still in the human body.
How is such a thing possible? In Cosmic Synchronicity and Confirmation, I describe what happened to me (w/links to related posts) www.spiritspeaks-theofilia.blogspot.ca/2013/08/cosmic-synchronicity-confirmation.html
In other words: Being whose Third Eye and Crown chakra is open, is in direct 'communion with the transcendent Reality' - but not in a manner which makes sense to the 'surface mind'.
Sri Aurobindo put it this way:
When the upper lotus opens, the whole mind becomes full of light, joy, power, behind which is the Divine, the lord of our being on his throne with our soul beside him or drawn inward into his rays; all the thought and will becomes then luminosity, power, ecstasy; in communication with the transcendent, this can pour down towards our mortal members and flow by them outwards into the world.
In my post written in 2010 titled, The River of Light, I describe what the 'flowing outwards of ecstasy/evolutionary force-power (transmuted Erotic Potency) into the world' is like
This is not a metaphor, or mental level interpretation of something wishy-washy, but a direct experience and a knowing, which KNOWS that: 'The state of being as limited being has ended for me and now I belong to the Glory in which I dwell as a function of the Divine in service to the Divine and all Beings in all dimensions.'
So, if Jesus Knew who he 'became' and Knew his eternal self-Soul will ascend to the Celestial Glory, why would he aspire to do a 'do over'?
The Shiva Sutras (sloka 4) confirms what the Liberated Soul Knows:
All desire vanishes in that fortunate person whose consciousness is established in his own nature.
For him, the state of being of a limited individual has ended.
Jesus invited folks to, 'pick up your cross and do as I do and greater things will be accomplished'. He never said: 'Do as your pride and lusts wills, because as soon as primitive minds murder me, you will be saved'.
When he said (soon) 'You will look for me, but you won't find me because you cannot go where I will be', he meant 'this won't happen unless you become pure in spirit'. In other words, the second coming is a perfected consciousness of love-wisdom such as the Christ possessed.
Modern day mystic Bernadette Roberts discovered within the laboratory of her body-mind-soul complex, the 'second comings'' significance:
"Beyond self, the revelation is not an immaterial Soul or spirit but, rather the revelation of the true nature of the body as part and parcel of Christ's eternal Mystical Body. This Mystical Body dwells in the glory of the Father and its enlightenment is the Holy Spirit. + Maturity possible only through the Grace of God. The Self, the mature human in a state of union with God, also falls away. + With years of selfless giving, the self is literally eroded away as God consumes moore and more of the human being."
Swami Vivekananda recognized the 'pure in spirit' Jesus' -- his, Grace-bestowed 'my Father and I are one', status, and said: "Had I lived in Palestine, in the days of Jesus of Nazareth, I would have washed his feet, not with my tears, but with my heart's blood". + "It is an irrational claim to believe in the teaching of Jesus Christ and at the same time to hold that the greater part of his teachings have no application at the present time. If you say that the reason why the powers (Divine Siddhis*) do not follow them that believe (as Christ said they would) is becaue you have not the faith enough and are not pure enough--that will be alright. But to say that they have no application at the present time is to be ridiculous."
One who is conscious of Divine Bliss in every fiber of one's being, also feels its Influence (Divine Bliss) and sees Light-aura around head/body (I discovered mine 'by fluke' in 1994 - and still have that journal scribble) bears witness to the fact that one is capable of becoming 'more then human' and earns the right to wear The Robe of Righteousnes. We are the Guardians of Deep Mysteries and have the spiritual authority to remind the world His blood was not spilled in vain. . . remind those who can hear this Message, that everyone is invited to live in Christ Consciousness, that, everyone can aspire to align themselves with the Supreme Universal Law and live in the Passion of Christood on world-stage without distorting spiritual Truth.
"Four Gospels tell about Jesus, to help us place ourselves in the story of our representative. In the epistles the doctrine of representation is explained by the category of solidarity. Jesus represented humanity in such a way that what took place in him could be repeated in us. This is not easy for us to grasp because of our tendency toward individualistic thinking. But it is not beyond us altogether. People serve us on our behalf all the time. Leaders represent us in the corridors of power; doctors and engineers do for us what we cannnot do for ourselves. Representation is is experienced in every social group."
Excerpt from: Flame of Love - A Theology of the Holy Spirit, penned by Clark H. Pinnock
Sri Aurobindo reminds us: It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ, Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves.
Paramahansa Yogananda, in his book Second Coming of Christ, (which I became aware of long after I wrote this post) , writes:
"Acension to liberation is not a simple matter of a few affirmations, prayers, or desultory attempts at meditation. It can only be achieved by persistent practice of scientific methods of penetrating the spiritual eye. No soul, no saint, no Christ or Buddha has resurrected himself--at the time of death or in the highest samadhi states of meditation -- without entering this inner door to transcendent consciousness. As soon as one frees the soul from the physical astral, and idea bodies, he can emerge with the Formless Absolute or experience soneness with the Great Light of the universe. That is the light of the Infinite Christ."
In St. Teresa of Avila's words on same theme:
We need no wings to go in search of Him, but have only to look upon Him present within us. &
Christ has no body now, but yours. No hands, no feet on earth, but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ looks with compassion into the world. Yours are the feet with which Christ walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which Christ blesses the world.
Yesterday I articulated why Jesus' 'second coming' is not possible in the way some folks wish it to be. . .and decided to post here what I wrote in someone's Facebook page.
*BTW, I do believe in rebirth of evolving souls*
The second coming is an actual Event, but it doesn't happen in a way that makes sense to the psychologist or philosopher or religious fundamentalist. . .It happens when one's ascended Soul's separate self-sense 'evaporates' in Celestial Samadhi and is lovingly 'joined' in Erotic Embrace with the Essence of the Supreme Beloved (Sachichidananda) while still in the human body.
How is such a thing possible? In Cosmic Synchronicity and Confirmation, I describe what happened to me (w/links to related posts) www.spiritspeaks-theofilia.blogspot.ca/2013/08/cosmic-synchronicity-confirmation.html
In other words: Being whose Third Eye and Crown chakra is open, is in direct 'communion with the transcendent Reality' - but not in a manner which makes sense to the 'surface mind'.
Sri Aurobindo put it this way:
When the upper lotus opens, the whole mind becomes full of light, joy, power, behind which is the Divine, the lord of our being on his throne with our soul beside him or drawn inward into his rays; all the thought and will becomes then luminosity, power, ecstasy; in communication with the transcendent, this can pour down towards our mortal members and flow by them outwards into the world.
In my post written in 2010 titled, The River of Light, I describe what the 'flowing outwards of ecstasy/evolutionary force-power (transmuted Erotic Potency) into the world' is like
This is not a metaphor, or mental level interpretation of something wishy-washy, but a direct experience and a knowing, which KNOWS that: 'The state of being as limited being has ended for me and now I belong to the Glory in which I dwell as a function of the Divine in service to the Divine and all Beings in all dimensions.'
So, if Jesus Knew who he 'became' and Knew his eternal self-Soul will ascend to the Celestial Glory, why would he aspire to do a 'do over'?
The Shiva Sutras (sloka 4) confirms what the Liberated Soul Knows:
All desire vanishes in that fortunate person whose consciousness is established in his own nature.
For him, the state of being of a limited individual has ended.
Jesus invited folks to, 'pick up your cross and do as I do and greater things will be accomplished'. He never said: 'Do as your pride and lusts wills, because as soon as primitive minds murder me, you will be saved'.
When he said (soon) 'You will look for me, but you won't find me because you cannot go where I will be', he meant 'this won't happen unless you become pure in spirit'. In other words, the second coming is a perfected consciousness of love-wisdom such as the Christ possessed.
Modern day mystic Bernadette Roberts discovered within the laboratory of her body-mind-soul complex, the 'second comings'' significance:
"Beyond self, the revelation is not an immaterial Soul or spirit but, rather the revelation of the true nature of the body as part and parcel of Christ's eternal Mystical Body. This Mystical Body dwells in the glory of the Father and its enlightenment is the Holy Spirit. + Maturity possible only through the Grace of God. The Self, the mature human in a state of union with God, also falls away. + With years of selfless giving, the self is literally eroded away as God consumes moore and more of the human being."
Swami Vivekananda recognized the 'pure in spirit' Jesus' -- his, Grace-bestowed 'my Father and I are one', status, and said: "Had I lived in Palestine, in the days of Jesus of Nazareth, I would have washed his feet, not with my tears, but with my heart's blood". + "It is an irrational claim to believe in the teaching of Jesus Christ and at the same time to hold that the greater part of his teachings have no application at the present time. If you say that the reason why the powers (Divine Siddhis*) do not follow them that believe (as Christ said they would) is becaue you have not the faith enough and are not pure enough--that will be alright. But to say that they have no application at the present time is to be ridiculous."
One who is conscious of Divine Bliss in every fiber of one's being, also feels its Influence (Divine Bliss) and sees Light-aura around head/body (I discovered mine 'by fluke' in 1994 - and still have that journal scribble) bears witness to the fact that one is capable of becoming 'more then human' and earns the right to wear The Robe of Righteousnes. We are the Guardians of Deep Mysteries and have the spiritual authority to remind the world His blood was not spilled in vain. . . remind those who can hear this Message, that everyone is invited to live in Christ Consciousness, that, everyone can aspire to align themselves with the Supreme Universal Law and live in the Passion of Christood on world-stage without distorting spiritual Truth.
"Four Gospels tell about Jesus, to help us place ourselves in the story of our representative. In the epistles the doctrine of representation is explained by the category of solidarity. Jesus represented humanity in such a way that what took place in him could be repeated in us. This is not easy for us to grasp because of our tendency toward individualistic thinking. But it is not beyond us altogether. People serve us on our behalf all the time. Leaders represent us in the corridors of power; doctors and engineers do for us what we cannnot do for ourselves. Representation is is experienced in every social group."
Excerpt from: Flame of Love - A Theology of the Holy Spirit, penned by Clark H. Pinnock
Sri Aurobindo reminds us: It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ, Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves.
Paramahansa Yogananda, in his book Second Coming of Christ, (which I became aware of long after I wrote this post) , writes:
"Acension to liberation is not a simple matter of a few affirmations, prayers, or desultory attempts at meditation. It can only be achieved by persistent practice of scientific methods of penetrating the spiritual eye. No soul, no saint, no Christ or Buddha has resurrected himself--at the time of death or in the highest samadhi states of meditation -- without entering this inner door to transcendent consciousness. As soon as one frees the soul from the physical astral, and idea bodies, he can emerge with the Formless Absolute or experience soneness with the Great Light of the universe. That is the light of the Infinite Christ."
In St. Teresa of Avila's words on same theme:
We need no wings to go in search of Him, but have only to look upon Him present within us. &
Christ has no body now, but yours. No hands, no feet on earth, but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ looks with compassion into the world. Yours are the feet with which Christ walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which Christ blesses the world.
Friday, August 24, 2018
Spirit & Vacuum Potential Not Same Order
Not everyone can be a math wizard or ballerina, but everyone can start a spiritual practice and discover consciously who one is in the depths of our being. I share what happened on my journey through transcendent Light and Sound, and you can too. . .
You will discover that finding the way to God (by whatever name) is painfully hard because one cannot find God without passing beyond one's being, beyond one's personal history.
Gopi Krishna knew this too:
Spiritual evolution does not imply greater skill in penetrating to the below-the-surface regions of the human mind but in raising it to levels of perception which it never possessed before. It is to this enhanced perception of gifted minds that all humans progress is due.
I use the term 'ascended Soul', often, and hope by now it is clear I don't mean 'higher mind', since higher mind's desires and psycho-emotional drives, are still very much intact. This mind is still evolving and will do so until she reaches the (higher) Psychic - which is: in direct relation with the transcendent Divine and leads the nature upwards towards the Supreme. In Sri Aurobindo's words.
I second this.
I submitted to and trusted Divine Will because I saw and felt I was in direct contact-communion with the Supreme Divine. My Karma placed me in this position, this is why it was very natural for me to obey Her guidance to become Energy worker (Shabd Yoga Master level). If I didn't, my Soul would not have received all manner of Initiations, would not claim 'I became more than human' - due to Enlightenment grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence--and calling myself 'mystic' sounded strange. This is also why I realize I transcended all power offices. . . and became humanities Servant.
Aurobindo's explanation on Soul-support/guidance is great. Based on my own experience it is 'real-palpable' because She . . Feels and knows simultaneously in a more direct and luminous way, by the very purity of its own nature and the divine instinct within it, and so, whenever it comes to the front it reveals at once what are the right and and what are the wrong movements in your nature. +
The psychic stands behind the being - a simple and sincere devotion to the Divine, an instinctual withdrawal from all that is the opposite are its most visible characteristics. + The soul or spark is there before the development of an organized vital and mind. The soul is something of the Divine that descends into the evolution as a divine Principle within it to support the evolution of the individual out of Ignorance into the Light. + It is the soul that is immortal while the rest disintegrates; it passes from life to life carrying its experience in essence and the continuity of the evolution of the individual. It is the whole consciousness, mental, vital, physical also, that has to rise and join the higher consciousness and, once the joining is made, the higher has to descend into them. The psychic is behind all that and supports it. With gratitude, from www.intyoga.online.fr/ppb5.htm
Someone who studied mystical traditions can have a highly developed spiritual intelligence and philosophically talk about it from the point of view of the whole in an abstract manner.
I noticed that people are not threatened by this type of knowledge.
In contrast, the Knowingness of the subtle and extremely subtle domains that introduces itself to the awakened awareness of the ascended Soul, seems very threatening when seen through the lens of self-contraction.
I didn't study any mystical traditions this is why it took many years before I had the confidence to assert anything as I had no one to compare my Soul level experiences with. . .
And everything changed when I discovered Aurobindo's Supramental Yoga. I was (literally) Soul-guided to check out his work. . .and quite shocked when I realized, 'I already know this because THIS happened to me!'.
I had a couple of Soul-level encounters with him encouraging me to 'keep going' when the Internet gaslighters took turn to attack me.
In turn I can confirm for him that the last rung of the mystical ladder can't be reached by 'the exclusive pursuit of a single line of identity' because 'The Divine is in his essence infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. If that is so, it is not likely that our true integral nature can come by one kind of realisation alone; it must combine many different strands of divine experience. It cannot be reached by the exclusive pursuit of a single line of identity that is raised to its absolute; it must harmonise many aspects of the Infinite. An Integral consciousness with a multiform dynamic experience is essential for the complete transformation of our nature.'- Excerpts from: The Synthesis of Yoga.
Rather than repeating what I already wrote in other posts, I am including link to a 'verifying example' (among many others) of what the experiences of being in direct relation/communion with the Divine were like for me 'when everything is ready' and became transparent to its Influence: In plain words I describe what happens during the Descent of Peace, Force of Power, and Ananda/Divine Bliss/Satchitananda in post penned in 2009 titled: Solar Heart Initiation - which has a link to Epiphany Day and I think to Cosmic Synchronicity & Confirmation. Each post builds on what happened before, so it reads like one essay that took four years to write.
In words of the American philosopher Ken Wilber, confirmation on what every ascended mystic asserts - (snippets) from Excerpt G Kosmos:
"Precisely because the quantum potential is not actually a radically formless or nondual domains, it cannot serve as anything resembling a genuine spiritual reality, but rather is simply one aspect of a manifest realm that itself has qualities and quantities, and hence is not radically Unqualifiable. The wisdom traditions are in strong and virtually unanimous agreement on this point. + "What the quantum mechanics formalisms are catching is a brief glimpse of - in a merely third-person, abstract, mathematical form - is the staggering power of etheric-astral-energy, out of which, as a sedimentation and crystallization, the entire gross material world arises. One version of this is: when the Shroedinger wave function collapses, prana gives rise to matter. + "Quantum potential is not Spirit but prana! + "This is not the union of science and and spirituality, but the union of bad physics and bad mysticism. + "Absolute nondual truth, and relative truth are radically different orders. The Absolute is known only by a direct realization involving a transformation in consciousness and "what" is seen in satori cannot be stated in ordinary dualistic words, other than metaphors, poetry, and hints if you want know God, you must awaken, not merely theorize." w.Kenwilber.com/Writings/PDF/ExcerptG_KOSMOS_2004.pdf
You will discover that finding the way to God (by whatever name) is painfully hard because one cannot find God without passing beyond one's being, beyond one's personal history.
Gopi Krishna knew this too:
Spiritual evolution does not imply greater skill in penetrating to the below-the-surface regions of the human mind but in raising it to levels of perception which it never possessed before. It is to this enhanced perception of gifted minds that all humans progress is due.
I use the term 'ascended Soul', often, and hope by now it is clear I don't mean 'higher mind', since higher mind's desires and psycho-emotional drives, are still very much intact. This mind is still evolving and will do so until she reaches the (higher) Psychic - which is: in direct relation with the transcendent Divine and leads the nature upwards towards the Supreme. In Sri Aurobindo's words.
I second this.
I submitted to and trusted Divine Will because I saw and felt I was in direct contact-communion with the Supreme Divine. My Karma placed me in this position, this is why it was very natural for me to obey Her guidance to become Energy worker (Shabd Yoga Master level). If I didn't, my Soul would not have received all manner of Initiations, would not claim 'I became more than human' - due to Enlightenment grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence--and calling myself 'mystic' sounded strange. This is also why I realize I transcended all power offices. . . and became humanities Servant.
Aurobindo's explanation on Soul-support/guidance is great. Based on my own experience it is 'real-palpable' because She . . Feels and knows simultaneously in a more direct and luminous way, by the very purity of its own nature and the divine instinct within it, and so, whenever it comes to the front it reveals at once what are the right and and what are the wrong movements in your nature. +
The psychic stands behind the being - a simple and sincere devotion to the Divine, an instinctual withdrawal from all that is the opposite are its most visible characteristics. + The soul or spark is there before the development of an organized vital and mind. The soul is something of the Divine that descends into the evolution as a divine Principle within it to support the evolution of the individual out of Ignorance into the Light. + It is the soul that is immortal while the rest disintegrates; it passes from life to life carrying its experience in essence and the continuity of the evolution of the individual. It is the whole consciousness, mental, vital, physical also, that has to rise and join the higher consciousness and, once the joining is made, the higher has to descend into them. The psychic is behind all that and supports it. With gratitude, from www.intyoga.online.fr/ppb5.htm
Someone who studied mystical traditions can have a highly developed spiritual intelligence and philosophically talk about it from the point of view of the whole in an abstract manner.
I noticed that people are not threatened by this type of knowledge.
In contrast, the Knowingness of the subtle and extremely subtle domains that introduces itself to the awakened awareness of the ascended Soul, seems very threatening when seen through the lens of self-contraction.
I didn't study any mystical traditions this is why it took many years before I had the confidence to assert anything as I had no one to compare my Soul level experiences with. . .
And everything changed when I discovered Aurobindo's Supramental Yoga. I was (literally) Soul-guided to check out his work. . .and quite shocked when I realized, 'I already know this because THIS happened to me!'.
I had a couple of Soul-level encounters with him encouraging me to 'keep going' when the Internet gaslighters took turn to attack me.
In turn I can confirm for him that the last rung of the mystical ladder can't be reached by 'the exclusive pursuit of a single line of identity' because 'The Divine is in his essence infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. If that is so, it is not likely that our true integral nature can come by one kind of realisation alone; it must combine many different strands of divine experience. It cannot be reached by the exclusive pursuit of a single line of identity that is raised to its absolute; it must harmonise many aspects of the Infinite. An Integral consciousness with a multiform dynamic experience is essential for the complete transformation of our nature.'- Excerpts from: The Synthesis of Yoga.
Rather than repeating what I already wrote in other posts, I am including link to a 'verifying example' (among many others) of what the experiences of being in direct relation/communion with the Divine were like for me 'when everything is ready' and became transparent to its Influence: In plain words I describe what happens during the Descent of Peace, Force of Power, and Ananda/Divine Bliss/Satchitananda in post penned in 2009 titled: Solar Heart Initiation - which has a link to Epiphany Day and I think to Cosmic Synchronicity & Confirmation. Each post builds on what happened before, so it reads like one essay that took four years to write.
In words of the American philosopher Ken Wilber, confirmation on what every ascended mystic asserts - (snippets) from Excerpt G Kosmos:
"Precisely because the quantum potential is not actually a radically formless or nondual domains, it cannot serve as anything resembling a genuine spiritual reality, but rather is simply one aspect of a manifest realm that itself has qualities and quantities, and hence is not radically Unqualifiable. The wisdom traditions are in strong and virtually unanimous agreement on this point. + "What the quantum mechanics formalisms are catching is a brief glimpse of - in a merely third-person, abstract, mathematical form - is the staggering power of etheric-astral-energy, out of which, as a sedimentation and crystallization, the entire gross material world arises. One version of this is: when the Shroedinger wave function collapses, prana gives rise to matter. + "Quantum potential is not Spirit but prana! + "This is not the union of science and and spirituality, but the union of bad physics and bad mysticism. + "Absolute nondual truth, and relative truth are radically different orders. The Absolute is known only by a direct realization involving a transformation in consciousness and "what" is seen in satori cannot be stated in ordinary dualistic words, other than metaphors, poetry, and hints if you want know God, you must awaken, not merely theorize." w.Kenwilber.com/Writings/PDF/ExcerptG_KOSMOS_2004.pdf
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Deep Science
Michael Bradford, who is affiliated with Canada's Institute For Consciousness Research, penned an important article titled: Prana and Kundalini: Aspects of Shakti.
It's opening statement begins on this note:
For an individual who has gone through a Kundalini process, the task of trying to convey the reality of what has happened to someone who has not had the experience can be quite difficult. This is especially so in the case where the other person is firmly rooted in the scientific approach to understanding reality. The plain fact of the matter is that the concept of Kundalini is inconsistent with the paradigm of reality that science currently uses. How then can the phenomenon be presented in a logical and consistent way so that someone of this bent of mind may at least consider the possibility that something like Kundalini is real?
He asserts - and I agree - that 'human evolution is not finished', because:
there are other faculties of mind evolving in us that are as far beyond the intellect is from basic animal consciousness. Such new faculties of perception would bring into view aspects of creation that we have no conception of at present.
I agree completely with this statement from the ascended Soul perspective. I wouldn't be writing from this state/perspective if the (unsolicited) Supreme Kundalini/Shakti (Divine Will) didn't grab me by the scruff of my neck and guided me through Celestial Light and Sound - and by many types of Initiations, plugged me to the Essence of the Absolute Supreme.
I recall making the distinction between Prana Shakti and the Supreme Kundalini Shakti , somewhere - and rather than repeating myself again and again, I use the term Supreme Shakti when referring to Soul-level experiences and Knowingness. . .
I am glad to see how brilliantly Michael Bradford unpacks this topic.
Like me, he appreciates modern science for what it is - what it has accomplished so far - and/but instructs:
It is important for the proponents of science to realize that the world view presented in this article, and the existence of media such as Prana-Shakti, do not imply the invalidation of any known physics laws. It should be viewed rather, like moving from a black and white television picture to a high definition color one. The picture being shown is the same in essence, but the level of accuracy, the amount of detail conveyed, and closeness to reality of the picture are greatly enhanced. +
Science is quite willing to posit the existence of subtle media such as dark matter and dark energy, but stubbornly refuses to entertain the possibility of a similar medium associated with phenomena like those mentioned above. The difference is that dark matter and dark energy are predictable forces that can be quantified mathematically, but a subtle medium of the sort being proposed is intelligent in its own right, and cannot be quantified in a similar way. +
The basic in dispute is whether consciousness or physical matter is the base for reality. Since science has limited its scope of inquiry to the study of measurable physical phenomena, it has no way to actually disprove the possible existence of subtle media of the sort proposed here. As such, its belief in the primacy of matter is simply an unverifiable assumption.
I will end this post with Gopi Krishna's (verifying) words - from same article:
As Gopi Krishna remarks in The Biological Basis of Religion and Genius, "It is easy to infer, when viewed in the light of the fact that the physical universe is rigidly bound by laws from the movements of atoms to those of colossal suns and nebular systems, that there must also be a similar coherence and consistency in the spiritual realm".
Source: www.icrcanada.org/research/kundalinievolution/aspectsofshakti
It's opening statement begins on this note:
For an individual who has gone through a Kundalini process, the task of trying to convey the reality of what has happened to someone who has not had the experience can be quite difficult. This is especially so in the case where the other person is firmly rooted in the scientific approach to understanding reality. The plain fact of the matter is that the concept of Kundalini is inconsistent with the paradigm of reality that science currently uses. How then can the phenomenon be presented in a logical and consistent way so that someone of this bent of mind may at least consider the possibility that something like Kundalini is real?
He asserts - and I agree - that 'human evolution is not finished', because:
there are other faculties of mind evolving in us that are as far beyond the intellect is from basic animal consciousness. Such new faculties of perception would bring into view aspects of creation that we have no conception of at present.
I agree completely with this statement from the ascended Soul perspective. I wouldn't be writing from this state/perspective if the (unsolicited) Supreme Kundalini/Shakti (Divine Will) didn't grab me by the scruff of my neck and guided me through Celestial Light and Sound - and by many types of Initiations, plugged me to the Essence of the Absolute Supreme.
I recall making the distinction between Prana Shakti and the Supreme Kundalini Shakti , somewhere - and rather than repeating myself again and again, I use the term Supreme Shakti when referring to Soul-level experiences and Knowingness. . .
I am glad to see how brilliantly Michael Bradford unpacks this topic.
Like me, he appreciates modern science for what it is - what it has accomplished so far - and/but instructs:
It is important for the proponents of science to realize that the world view presented in this article, and the existence of media such as Prana-Shakti, do not imply the invalidation of any known physics laws. It should be viewed rather, like moving from a black and white television picture to a high definition color one. The picture being shown is the same in essence, but the level of accuracy, the amount of detail conveyed, and closeness to reality of the picture are greatly enhanced. +
Science is quite willing to posit the existence of subtle media such as dark matter and dark energy, but stubbornly refuses to entertain the possibility of a similar medium associated with phenomena like those mentioned above. The difference is that dark matter and dark energy are predictable forces that can be quantified mathematically, but a subtle medium of the sort being proposed is intelligent in its own right, and cannot be quantified in a similar way. +
The basic in dispute is whether consciousness or physical matter is the base for reality. Since science has limited its scope of inquiry to the study of measurable physical phenomena, it has no way to actually disprove the possible existence of subtle media of the sort proposed here. As such, its belief in the primacy of matter is simply an unverifiable assumption.
I will end this post with Gopi Krishna's (verifying) words - from same article:
As Gopi Krishna remarks in The Biological Basis of Religion and Genius, "It is easy to infer, when viewed in the light of the fact that the physical universe is rigidly bound by laws from the movements of atoms to those of colossal suns and nebular systems, that there must also be a similar coherence and consistency in the spiritual realm".
Source: www.icrcanada.org/research/kundalinievolution/aspectsofshakti
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Dogmatism of Materialism Debunked
Mechanistic explanation of evolutionary biology will one day prove the non-existence of the most powerful energy in the universe some call God / Goddess / Holy Spirit/ Shabd Sound / Supreme Shakti Bliss / Divine Energy, because "science has solved everything"? - in R. Dawkins words. Modern science solved the ultimate nature of Reality in all its facets?
The Vibration of the Cosmic Engine is present in all forms/names. That's a given, because 'there is no place where God is not'.
Modern Physics is a noble-worthy discipline and some of the brightest minds included: Werner Heisenberg Erwin Shroedinger, Max Plank, Albert Einstein (others) - who came to the conclusion that the universe cannot be satisfactorily explained without the inclusion of something else - the something which was beyond their reach.
Sir James saw all the available evidence/data, and concluded that the only way to explain the nature of ultimate reality is to accept that it exists: "in the mind of some eternal spirit".
Heisenberg said: The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you. & Revere those things beyond science which really matter and about which it is so difficult to speak.
I have not heard evidence forthcoming from even one physicist who has empirical data - the actual *measurement* of the Bliss Energy which the ascended Soul gets plugged to - which She recognizes as the 'actual' Nectar of Immortality. I discovered/recognized this.
Out of countless tears She fashioned a Mighty Sword
Guarding what I was allowed to See against Ignorance
*Bliss Energy, same as: Bliss of Brahman - Supreme Shakti Bliss - Essence of the Absolute Supreme - Supracosmic Sachichidananda *
I had encounters with the staggering Immensity and Intelligence of what I originally named 'Womb of Creation' (later Supermind and its Bliss-Essence) during (Supramental) Yogic state, called 'death-dissolution' (in Tibetan Buddhism). When it happened the first time (many years ago) it felt quite unnerving but I kept my cool. Brief description: I felt a strong-palpable energetic shift in my brain before getting plugged to what I can only describe as Intelligence-Awareness-Aliveness, in all its Clear Pitch-Dark Glory.
I found verification of this Initiation in the book titled: The Tibetan Book of the Dead - translated by Robert A.F. Thurman. The Tibetan Science of Death states: In the seventh dissolution, the stage of imminence, the two drops meet at the heart and enclose the consciousness; one perceives the sky full of bright dark-light, or pure darkness, and then one loses consciousness.
I didn't lose consciousness, instead I was full of wonder when I opened my eyes in this dimension.
I See, Hear and Feel in every fiber of my being ITS / Source of Life Influence, this is why I have no choice but show the materialist I have the evidence . . . . and therefore am beyond the reach of his sway and manipulation - even when the materialist demands (quote):
any attempt to suggest that transcendental influences enter biology should be resisted, simply because their nature can never be specific.
If what this individual says it's true, I should not be able to feel and see transcendental influences in my biology.
I am withholding the name of this person I engaged on Facebook - will add he is not a 'scientist'.
He is Richard Dawkins' supporter. Dawkins thinks anyone who doesn't think like him "is the enemy of truth" - this is why when the FB individual accused me of "spiritual exhibitionism", I laughed and reminded him what he said about the accomplishments of others: books have been written and Nobel prizes won.
It was perfectly okay for them to 'boast' about their work in their books, and accept the Prize - but not okay for me to bear witness to what introduced itself to the awareness of my ascended Soul?
My data includes Initiation into Shabd/Sound Current and its Essence which I named poetically 'Crystal Rain' - because that's what it looks like to me. This Intelligence/Energy is the cause of evolution in biological organisms as well as evolution of consciousness. If I didn't have Depth's data and said, the law of the evolutionary impulse exists in the Mind of the Supreme Lord, it would mean the same thing, as a concept.
What I See Feel and Know is not the product of "meditation", either, because I never meditated, nor pursued studies of different world traditions. This is also why no one can accuse me of creating delusional, wish-fulfilling projections/visionary mind constructs.
Gopi Krishna in his book The Real Nature of Mystical Experience, writes (and I agree)
...only in genuine mystical experience that Revelation can occur. + In the mystical ecstasy the very self is transfigured. It becomes the subject and the object both.
My Karma placed me exactly where I needed to be and (unsolicited) Kundalini Shakti plugged me into the dimension where the laws of space and time are transmuted. In this state - beyond the limits of the mortal coil - my Soul opened her eyes and became the witness and servant of the Lord in creation.
Such a thing is possible because my Soul's virtual memory bank carried over from previous incarnations all that I have earned. . . The causes set in motion in previous lives were driving the present-day incarnation that's why I was born with the capacity to be awake/aware in the subtle realms as a child. For my child-self it felt perfectly normal in sleep state to practice standing on air by stepping off a chair, or learning how to fly using my logic to reach the goal.
This is why I know that I chose this incarnation consciously. Such a thing is possible because of continuity of unbroken awareness.
If I were a Buddhist I would be able lay claim to be the re-incarnation of this or that historical figure. But I don't, because I transcended all power offices. My Work now is on the Energy level.
Shabd Yoga is not well understood - my post titled, Logos Cosmic Manna Shabd Crystal Rain, unpacks 'Shabd Sound' and 'Crystal Rain'
This post could use edit-attention - maybe soon, maybe not.
The Vibration of the Cosmic Engine is present in all forms/names. That's a given, because 'there is no place where God is not'.
Modern Physics is a noble-worthy discipline and some of the brightest minds included: Werner Heisenberg Erwin Shroedinger, Max Plank, Albert Einstein (others) - who came to the conclusion that the universe cannot be satisfactorily explained without the inclusion of something else - the something which was beyond their reach.
Sir James saw all the available evidence/data, and concluded that the only way to explain the nature of ultimate reality is to accept that it exists: "in the mind of some eternal spirit".
Heisenberg said: The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you. & Revere those things beyond science which really matter and about which it is so difficult to speak.
I have not heard evidence forthcoming from even one physicist who has empirical data - the actual *measurement* of the Bliss Energy which the ascended Soul gets plugged to - which She recognizes as the 'actual' Nectar of Immortality. I discovered/recognized this.
Out of countless tears She fashioned a Mighty Sword
Guarding what I was allowed to See against Ignorance
*Bliss Energy, same as: Bliss of Brahman - Supreme Shakti Bliss - Essence of the Absolute Supreme - Supracosmic Sachichidananda *
I had encounters with the staggering Immensity and Intelligence of what I originally named 'Womb of Creation' (later Supermind and its Bliss-Essence) during (Supramental) Yogic state, called 'death-dissolution' (in Tibetan Buddhism). When it happened the first time (many years ago) it felt quite unnerving but I kept my cool. Brief description: I felt a strong-palpable energetic shift in my brain before getting plugged to what I can only describe as Intelligence-Awareness-Aliveness, in all its Clear Pitch-Dark Glory.
I found verification of this Initiation in the book titled: The Tibetan Book of the Dead - translated by Robert A.F. Thurman. The Tibetan Science of Death states: In the seventh dissolution, the stage of imminence, the two drops meet at the heart and enclose the consciousness; one perceives the sky full of bright dark-light, or pure darkness, and then one loses consciousness.
I didn't lose consciousness, instead I was full of wonder when I opened my eyes in this dimension.
I See, Hear and Feel in every fiber of my being ITS / Source of Life Influence, this is why I have no choice but show the materialist I have the evidence . . . . and therefore am beyond the reach of his sway and manipulation - even when the materialist demands (quote):
any attempt to suggest that transcendental influences enter biology should be resisted, simply because their nature can never be specific.
If what this individual says it's true, I should not be able to feel and see transcendental influences in my biology.
I am withholding the name of this person I engaged on Facebook - will add he is not a 'scientist'.
He is Richard Dawkins' supporter. Dawkins thinks anyone who doesn't think like him "is the enemy of truth" - this is why when the FB individual accused me of "spiritual exhibitionism", I laughed and reminded him what he said about the accomplishments of others: books have been written and Nobel prizes won.
It was perfectly okay for them to 'boast' about their work in their books, and accept the Prize - but not okay for me to bear witness to what introduced itself to the awareness of my ascended Soul?
My data includes Initiation into Shabd/Sound Current and its Essence which I named poetically 'Crystal Rain' - because that's what it looks like to me. This Intelligence/Energy is the cause of evolution in biological organisms as well as evolution of consciousness. If I didn't have Depth's data and said, the law of the evolutionary impulse exists in the Mind of the Supreme Lord, it would mean the same thing, as a concept.
What I See Feel and Know is not the product of "meditation", either, because I never meditated, nor pursued studies of different world traditions. This is also why no one can accuse me of creating delusional, wish-fulfilling projections/visionary mind constructs.
Gopi Krishna in his book The Real Nature of Mystical Experience, writes (and I agree)
...only in genuine mystical experience that Revelation can occur. + In the mystical ecstasy the very self is transfigured. It becomes the subject and the object both.
My Karma placed me exactly where I needed to be and (unsolicited) Kundalini Shakti plugged me into the dimension where the laws of space and time are transmuted. In this state - beyond the limits of the mortal coil - my Soul opened her eyes and became the witness and servant of the Lord in creation.
Such a thing is possible because my Soul's virtual memory bank carried over from previous incarnations all that I have earned. . . The causes set in motion in previous lives were driving the present-day incarnation that's why I was born with the capacity to be awake/aware in the subtle realms as a child. For my child-self it felt perfectly normal in sleep state to practice standing on air by stepping off a chair, or learning how to fly using my logic to reach the goal.
This is why I know that I chose this incarnation consciously. Such a thing is possible because of continuity of unbroken awareness.
If I were a Buddhist I would be able lay claim to be the re-incarnation of this or that historical figure. But I don't, because I transcended all power offices. My Work now is on the Energy level.
Shabd Yoga is not well understood - my post titled, Logos Cosmic Manna Shabd Crystal Rain, unpacks 'Shabd Sound' and 'Crystal Rain'
This post could use edit-attention - maybe soon, maybe not.
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Regions of Consciousness Beyond Nonduality
Levels of Reality that exist independent of human reasoning mind includes the domain of existence where the most secret things pass between Soul and God/Divine. Those things are visible/knowable to the Soul after she achieves not only Union with, but also Identification with the Supreme Being and its Bliss-Essence. . .At this stage one knows one merges with godly Light and with God/Supreme Divine Bliss.
The term Divine Revelation denotes exactly that, because this Knowledge is given to one who reached this Cosmic address. I adopted the term Divine Revelations because 'the most secret things' introduced themselves to the awareness of my ascended Soul, whose Influence I feel and see in every fiber of my being.
I never saw Aurobindo use the term 'Divine Revelation' to identify that, which is beyond the reach of intellect and its never-ending 'reasoning' -- but I did see him unpack the meaning couched within the word Intuition, and am glad to say we are both on the same page! Different words, same meaning couched within the written word.
Quote: (Intuition) is a region of higher consciousness, which would seem to pertain more to a very high stage of realization, far beyond ordinary nonduality, rather than intuition in the ordinary sense of the term. To avoid this confusion, I sometimes refer to it Revelatory Absolute. +
There are mental, vital, subtle physical intuitions as well as intuitions from the higher and the illumined Mind. +
What comes from the Overmind intuition has a light, a certitude, an effective force of Truth in it that the mental intuition at its best even has not. (intyoga.online.fr/pp3.htm)
Folks who have a very strong negative reaction to what I-Soul bear witness to, (Divine Revelations), are one hundred percent convinced what I share is the product of 'irrational mind' - therefore, it ought to be rejected and aggressively 'take out' anyone who bears witness to higher/deeper view of Reality.
This is not surprising. Cognitive dissonance creates an extremely uncomfortable feeling, and because it is incompatible with the core belief of a denier, anything that smells like 'evolutionary mysticism' is perceived as pure nonsense.
Some argue, it is possible to reach the 'deniers' by focusing on that which unites us (our shared values as opposed to arguing differing view-points), in order to have a more productive full-spectrum discussion. That, engagement on the 'what unites us' is the way to go - and this approach could prove to be productive in the cultural/political arena - so by all means do that.
In the Soul physics domain, 'full spectrum discussion' is out of the question for the reasons I already outlined.
I am pleased I have Aurobindo's for-me-verifying words which confirms that, not the intellect, but instead: It is the supramental Power that transforms mind, life and body.
Spiritualised consciousness bears witness to this! The life mind can't reach the Bliss of Brahman in the ultimate sense (there are many levels of bliss). On this Path - through transcendent Light and Sound - the Soul undergoes many types of Initiations before She gets plugged to the supreme supracosmic Satchitananda/Bliss of Brahmman (which is beyond all). In his poem Bliss of Identity, Aurobindo describes exactly what this means and feels like.
All nature is taught in radiant ways to move
All beings are in myself embraced
O fiery boundless Heart of joy and love
How art thou beating in a mortal breast!
It is Thy rapture flaming through my nerves
And all my cells and atoms thrill with Thee;
My body Thy vessel is and only serves
As a living wine-cup of Thy ecstasy.
I am the centre of Thy golden light
And I its vast and vague circumference
There are my soul great, luminous and white
All Thine my mind and will and glowing sense.
Thy spirit's infinite breath I feel in me;
My life is a throb of Thy eternity.
* I am avoiding talking about the part of my Work (on the Energy level) that can only make sense to someone who is ready to be Initiated. The 'ripe one' will know what I mean by this *
Some spiritual folks think one needs to have a flesh body sex partner in order to reach 'ultimate enlightenment' - this is why they can't be expected to believe that what Aurobindo and I discovered is very Real to us. . .That, a literal (conscious) 'Ultimate Consummation' between Soul and God - within one's innermost being - is Real (same as Shiva & Shakti's Erotic Embrace).
The 'non-believing' part is not a 'problem' at all! - because even though beings who are not yet conscious of such Deep Connection to the Creator's Love, can't ever fall out of this Cosmic address because God /LOVE supports impartially everything.
In closing I want to give voice to Gopi Krishana, who wrote in The Real Nature of Mystical Experience that 'ascended mystics' (are)
are recipients of Grace, which lifted them up to a lofty spiritual height to which all human beings have to climb, they become objects of adoration only to one segment of humanity and of indifference, antipathy and even hate to the others.
The term Divine Revelation denotes exactly that, because this Knowledge is given to one who reached this Cosmic address. I adopted the term Divine Revelations because 'the most secret things' introduced themselves to the awareness of my ascended Soul, whose Influence I feel and see in every fiber of my being.
I never saw Aurobindo use the term 'Divine Revelation' to identify that, which is beyond the reach of intellect and its never-ending 'reasoning' -- but I did see him unpack the meaning couched within the word Intuition, and am glad to say we are both on the same page! Different words, same meaning couched within the written word.
Quote: (Intuition) is a region of higher consciousness, which would seem to pertain more to a very high stage of realization, far beyond ordinary nonduality, rather than intuition in the ordinary sense of the term. To avoid this confusion, I sometimes refer to it Revelatory Absolute. +
There are mental, vital, subtle physical intuitions as well as intuitions from the higher and the illumined Mind. +
What comes from the Overmind intuition has a light, a certitude, an effective force of Truth in it that the mental intuition at its best even has not. (intyoga.online.fr/pp3.htm)
Folks who have a very strong negative reaction to what I-Soul bear witness to, (Divine Revelations), are one hundred percent convinced what I share is the product of 'irrational mind' - therefore, it ought to be rejected and aggressively 'take out' anyone who bears witness to higher/deeper view of Reality.
This is not surprising. Cognitive dissonance creates an extremely uncomfortable feeling, and because it is incompatible with the core belief of a denier, anything that smells like 'evolutionary mysticism' is perceived as pure nonsense.
Some argue, it is possible to reach the 'deniers' by focusing on that which unites us (our shared values as opposed to arguing differing view-points), in order to have a more productive full-spectrum discussion. That, engagement on the 'what unites us' is the way to go - and this approach could prove to be productive in the cultural/political arena - so by all means do that.
In the Soul physics domain, 'full spectrum discussion' is out of the question for the reasons I already outlined.
I am pleased I have Aurobindo's for-me-verifying words which confirms that, not the intellect, but instead: It is the supramental Power that transforms mind, life and body.
Spiritualised consciousness bears witness to this! The life mind can't reach the Bliss of Brahman in the ultimate sense (there are many levels of bliss). On this Path - through transcendent Light and Sound - the Soul undergoes many types of Initiations before She gets plugged to the supreme supracosmic Satchitananda/Bliss of Brahmman (which is beyond all). In his poem Bliss of Identity, Aurobindo describes exactly what this means and feels like.
All nature is taught in radiant ways to move
All beings are in myself embraced
O fiery boundless Heart of joy and love
How art thou beating in a mortal breast!
It is Thy rapture flaming through my nerves
And all my cells and atoms thrill with Thee;
My body Thy vessel is and only serves
As a living wine-cup of Thy ecstasy.
I am the centre of Thy golden light
And I its vast and vague circumference
There are my soul great, luminous and white
All Thine my mind and will and glowing sense.
Thy spirit's infinite breath I feel in me;
My life is a throb of Thy eternity.
* I am avoiding talking about the part of my Work (on the Energy level) that can only make sense to someone who is ready to be Initiated. The 'ripe one' will know what I mean by this *
Some spiritual folks think one needs to have a flesh body sex partner in order to reach 'ultimate enlightenment' - this is why they can't be expected to believe that what Aurobindo and I discovered is very Real to us. . .That, a literal (conscious) 'Ultimate Consummation' between Soul and God - within one's innermost being - is Real (same as Shiva & Shakti's Erotic Embrace).
The 'non-believing' part is not a 'problem' at all! - because even though beings who are not yet conscious of such Deep Connection to the Creator's Love, can't ever fall out of this Cosmic address because God /LOVE supports impartially everything.
In closing I want to give voice to Gopi Krishana, who wrote in The Real Nature of Mystical Experience that 'ascended mystics' (are)
are recipients of Grace, which lifted them up to a lofty spiritual height to which all human beings have to climb, they become objects of adoration only to one segment of humanity and of indifference, antipathy and even hate to the others.
Saturday, June 30, 2018
links to edited posts
23/01/2019 Including link to The River of Light - with introductory note from the perspective of Tibetan Buddhism, and in Sri Aurobindo's words on the importance of "real transformation" etc., to show what I share is not the product of insane mind. What I share is logic-defying, this is why I look to sources with for-me-verifying statements
25/07/2018 Decided to include the link to Evolution Beyond Supramental, because Shabd Yoga is not well understood.
Long buried, Cosmic Tonglen Duty got edit-makeover.
I'm revisiting my lamely written posts from years ago and am beginning to
enjoy this still very slow-going process.
I deleted many - so good riddance to those!
25/07/2018 Decided to include the link to Evolution Beyond Supramental, because Shabd Yoga is not well understood.
Long buried, Cosmic Tonglen Duty got edit-makeover.
I'm revisiting my lamely written posts from years ago and am beginning to
enjoy this still very slow-going process.
I deleted many - so good riddance to those!
Saturday, June 2, 2018
The Greatest Mystery of All Decoded
It is reassuring to me that, even though Sri Aurobindo was such a masterful wordsmith, he too felt it is impossible to express all that we experience. . . Still we say something. I decided to include from, The Synthesis of Yoga - in chapter titled: The Yoga of Divine Love, the following snippets.
It is not possible for the tongue of human speech to tell all the utter unity and all the eternal variety of the ananda of divine love. Our higher and lower members are both flooded with it, the mind and life no less than the Soul: even the physical body takes its share of joy feels its touch, is filled in all its limbs, veins, nerves, with the flowing of the wine of ecstasy, amrta. Love and Ananda are the last secrets, the mystery of mysteries.
It is not possible for the tongue of human speech to tell all the utter unity and all the eternal variety of the ananda of divine love. Our higher and lower members are both flooded with it, the mind and life no less than the Soul: even the physical body takes its share of joy feels its touch, is filled in all its limbs, veins, nerves, with the flowing of the wine of ecstasy, amrta. Love and Ananda are the last secrets, the mystery of mysteries.
Closeness of the human soul to the Divine is the object, and fear sets always a barrier and a distance; even awe and reverence for the divine Power are a sign of distance and division and they disappear in the intimacy of the union of of love. Moreover, fear belongs to the lower nature, to the lower self, and in approaching the higher Self must be put aside before we can enter into its presence. The universalized, personalized, raised to its intensities, made all-occupying, all embracing, all-fulfilling, the way of love and delight gives the supreme liberation. Its highest crest is Supreme union.
Goes without saying that the Supracosmic Union - or, the permanent Ultimate Consummation of the Soul and the Supreme Beloved, and one's recognition of the nondual suchness, - which can be experienced at any level as 'peak experience' - are not the same thing.
The fully ascended Soul and the Supreme Self constitute a single Divine entity, this is why this Kosmic address can't be reached by the intellect no matter how 'sharp' it is.
See the difference?
Soul physics' law of Similarity in Vibration is responsible for linking the human Essence/Soul/Light Body (*not same as the 'evolving soul' whose lower impulses are still intact) with the Essence of the Supreme Beloved. In other words, it is the sound wave reproduction of one's Essence Body, not the actual transport/teleportation of matter body that gets entangled with the Original Subject.
The One in me who Knows this impeccably bears witness to this:
Subtler than the faintest atom is the
Nature of the Evolutionary Supporter of All.
Beyond all delusions the One whose Form is
Unimaginable, shines like the splendor
Of many stars. . .
I can bear this Intensity because
The Queen of Bliss / Ascended Soul
United with Him. . .
One who Knows this, Knows Impeccably.
Aurobindo's expressed the Event of 'linking' in his epic poem Savitri perfectly (I know he is correct because same happened to me)
The One in me who Knows this impeccably bears witness to this:
Subtler than the faintest atom is the
Nature of the Evolutionary Supporter of All.
Beyond all delusions the One whose Form is
Unimaginable, shines like the splendor
Of many stars. . .
I can bear this Intensity because
The Queen of Bliss / Ascended Soul
United with Him. . .
One who Knows this, Knows Impeccably.
Aurobindo's expressed the Event of 'linking' in his epic poem Savitri perfectly (I know he is correct because same happened to me)
One-pointed to the immaculate Delight
Questing for God as for a splendid prey
he mounted burning like a cone of fire.
To few is given that godlike release.
And. . .
Divine condition descends from above, is given by the Divine.
The higher spiritual planes create their own formulations
in the subliminal within us.
But. . .
to know them, the Supermind must descend into us.
In this blog I chronicle decades worth of (genuine) mystical Initiations into the Greatest Mystery of All. Such a feat is possible when the Supreme Kundalini Shakti/Goddess (or the Holy Spirit) takes matters in Her own hands. Without this Support / Grace, my journey through Celestial Sound and Light would never come to fruition. It is She who bestows blessings such as automatic body purification and strengthening; first-hand perception of all the domains of creation, activation of the subtle body's chakras and Siddhi powers, fills one with permanent Bliss, and more.
Spiritual Bliss is not 'emotionalism'. it is a state of being. . .I feel and hear within my biology the never-ceasing upwards flowing Shakti Vibrations (Erotic Energy) - from my Crown chakra - into world's hologram via subtle planes. I described this in great detail in my blog titled The River of Light www.spiritspeaks-theofilia.blogspot.ca/2010/05/river-of-light.html
Edit note: What I am describing aught NOT to be confused with 'I'm having sex with hot people and had a 'peak experience' of Oneness'. Sex gurus and New Age newbies (with many followers) have sex partners and yet claim what I do! How ridiculous! They claim something they DON'T comprehend and their followers buy it because they too want to be rich, powerful and have hot sex partners.
No empirical PROOF of how they came to know what they claim=equals= what they claim is NOT valid! One who craves sex with a mortal is not a fully ascended being. The reason they crave sex is because their Soul's Essence didn't get fully plugged to the Supreme Satchitananda (Essence -which is above all). And, because they are not, these folks are not qualified to claim what they do.
In his book Living With Kundalini, Gopi Krishna writes:
A Yogi who tries to revert back to sexual conduct after any form of realization is called a fallen Yogi.
Edit note: What I am describing aught NOT to be confused with 'I'm having sex with hot people and had a 'peak experience' of Oneness'. Sex gurus and New Age newbies (with many followers) have sex partners and yet claim what I do! How ridiculous! They claim something they DON'T comprehend and their followers buy it because they too want to be rich, powerful and have hot sex partners.
No empirical PROOF of how they came to know what they claim=equals= what they claim is NOT valid! One who craves sex with a mortal is not a fully ascended being. The reason they crave sex is because their Soul's Essence didn't get fully plugged to the Supreme Satchitananda (Essence -which is above all). And, because they are not, these folks are not qualified to claim what they do.
In his book Living With Kundalini, Gopi Krishna writes:
A Yogi who tries to revert back to sexual conduct after any form of realization is called a fallen Yogi.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
The Roar of the Timeless Beyond
'The roar of the timeless beyond' saying, is attributed to the historical Buddha. One who had the experience of being one with the Roar of the timeless Beyond, can not only describe in great detail the experience, but See its true Significance.
The Roar of the timeless Beyond is an actual experience/event - I wrote about it in: On Rapture Musings in 2009.
Because I know this, I have no choice but assert: those who talk about "ultimate realization", but don't know what the Soul journey through Light and Sound is about, don't have the last word on what Soul level Enlightenment is. Because they can't know what the experience of Union of the Soul with the Essence/Satchitdananda of the Absolute Supreme is, the last word belongs to one who does know. . .
I know that even if the 'realizer' saw my trans-historical Teaching, it would be either ignored, or rationalized away, because of egoic need to protect its core belief.
They may even see it, but because what I share (new evidence) will create a feeling that goes against their core belief, it will not be accepted.
Many don't know that even the psychic and spiritual transformation takes place within the psycho-emotional line of development.
Many espouse that: "spiritual experiences come and go, too, but there is no longer clinging to ecstasy, bliss, love. We have discovered the source of all things and so feel no compulsion to cling to them".
* I don't want to include this man's name, other than to say, I saw this statement in an article someone posted on Facebook.
This teacher's own words betray him because he doesn't know the difference between Self realization and Soul level Liberation. He doesn't know there are many levels of spiritual Bliss. I experienced all of them . . . and therefore know the difference.
The Upanishad lists ten ascending levels of bliss before one reaches the Bliss of the Eternal Spirit, or, (literal) Shakti/Shiva erotic embrace . . ."and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level."
One can cling to a memory of bliss, absolutely - but there is a difference between something fleeting and feeling in every fiber of one's being (constant) Bliss and its crystal-like frequency within, and in the aura-field - which, to my eyes open and spiritualised consciousness, looks like a field of golden Light (around my head and body discovered by fluke in Summer 1994).
Spiritual pride belongs to the lower nature, this is why what I share has nothing to do with either spiritual pride, or self promotion. Personal account of inner transformation - grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence - as revealed by the eternal self-Soul is nothing to be ashamed of! Aurobindo didn't apologized for what he knew. He said, and I second his words:
It is not personal greatness that I am seeking to bring down the Supermind. I care nothing for greatness or littleness in human sense...If human reason regards me as a fool for trying to do what Krishna did not try, I do not in the least care...It is a question between the Divine and myself--whether it is the Divine Will or not, whether I am sent to bring that down or open the way for its descent or at least make it more possible or not. Let all men jeer at me if they will or all Hell fall upon me if it will for my presumption -- I go on till I conquer or perish.
source: savitriera.wordpress.com/anurag-banner/ee/avatarhood
* Qualifying note: I had unsolicited Kundalini Shakti awakening, and other than 'submitting' to Her, I 'tried' nothing. I had no idea what was happening to me for a long time since I was not a scholar of mystical traditions. Then I discovered Aurobindo's work - that happened after I began scribbling in this blog - and to my astonishment exclaimed one day: "I already know this, because this happened to me!"
In his, for-me-verifying poem titled, Light, Aurobindo describes what the experience of Divine Ecstasy is like: (snippet)
Light, burning Light from the Infinitie's diamond heart
Quivers in my heart where blooms a deathless rose.
Light in its rapture leaping through the nerves!
Light, brooding Light! each passionate cell
In a mute blaze of ecstasy preserves
A living sense of the Imperishable.
I move in an ocean of stupendous Light
Joining my depths to His eternal height.
Aurobindo's epic poem Savitri, has a verse which describes one of the most sublime experiences, yet at the same time something that's a bit unnerving (at the unset of this type of Initiation each time it happened) that, even if I tried to describe in detail the 'soaring beyond' sensation, the 'scenery' and more, still I would not do justice. . .
One-pointed to the immaculate Delight
Questing for God as for splendid prey,
He mounted burning like a cone of Fire.
To few is given that godlike release.
* I had couple of soul-level encounters with him (and have it on record in this blog). Once, we stood shoulder to shoulder and he urged me to 'keep going', when all kinds internet people took turn at gaslighting me.
Delusion on parade shames one who demonstrates what authentic Soul-level Liberation is like. I get it, and am reminding folks I am performing the Will of the one Spirit.
What I share has nothing to do with desire to shine before others. My Karma placed me exactly where I needed to be, this is why I second Aurobindo's words ( from poem, God's Labour)
Only by hard sacrifice is high heaven earned:
He must face the flight, the pang who would conquer Hell.
A dark concealed hostility is lodged in the human depths,
in the hidden heart of Time. Hard is the world-redeemer's heavy task;
The world itself becomes his adversary.
While I see the nondual guru type 'good intentions', I also see that what they espouse is (at best) partial truth.
In contrast: I agree with Gopi Krishna's assertion with reference to those rare souls who get plugged to Samadhi permanently: All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That's the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition."
Scientists write books about their discoveries - some win Nobel prizes. Musicians are not keeping their gift/music locked up in dark cellar lest someone thinks she/he is boasting, either. Why should genuine mystic hide her or his Depth data! (our empirical evidence cross-referenced with community of the adequate). Our experiences is our Depth data's empirical evidence in the Soul physics, field - which has its own law. Mystical Dimension essay, is a good example of what a 'great mystic' must demonstrate in order to pass the standard ascended mystics set. Our 'bar' is set high...and from our vantage-point we see where others 'bars' are.
My earlier written blogs were lamely composed, still I am very glad I did it because they chronicle authentic mystical experiences (not wish-fulfilling thought-forms in dream state or hallucinations).
The Supreme Kundalini Shakti gave me complete Cosmic makeover, and I demonstrate what that's about. . . I show: 'see, this thing didn't kill me, so keep on going even when the going gets tough. You are in good hands!' I'm hoping that what I share will benefit someone whose eternal self Soul is ready to fulfill her ancient plan - if not this lifetime, then at some other time-point.
What I share is not book knowledge. I read what others wrote after I had the experiences. Many (experiences) didn't get the approving nod from my company of the adequate peers, till many years later.
In On Rapture Musings, I edit-included this assertion:
Because of these and many other types of Initiations, long time ago I knew: I am neither Christian, or any other world's wisdom tradition mystic, because the Supreme Shakti/Holy Spirit Initiated me into all wisdom traditions. I integrated the 'teaching' by directly comprehending the essence of each tradition. This is a point at which one has the spiritual authority to say: I jumped out of all possible systems because I am no longer bound by any of them.
* In On Raptue Musing, I included one man's response to me from way back (2002) when I was posting in Shambhala forums (which is long gone) - it still makes me smile when I think of it. I'm smiling now because he saw in me (snippet) "Within you love is right".
The Roar of the timeless Beyond is an actual experience/event - I wrote about it in: On Rapture Musings in 2009.
Because I know this, I have no choice but assert: those who talk about "ultimate realization", but don't know what the Soul journey through Light and Sound is about, don't have the last word on what Soul level Enlightenment is. Because they can't know what the experience of Union of the Soul with the Essence/Satchitdananda of the Absolute Supreme is, the last word belongs to one who does know. . .
I know that even if the 'realizer' saw my trans-historical Teaching, it would be either ignored, or rationalized away, because of egoic need to protect its core belief.
They may even see it, but because what I share (new evidence) will create a feeling that goes against their core belief, it will not be accepted.
Many don't know that even the psychic and spiritual transformation takes place within the psycho-emotional line of development.
Many espouse that: "spiritual experiences come and go, too, but there is no longer clinging to ecstasy, bliss, love. We have discovered the source of all things and so feel no compulsion to cling to them".
* I don't want to include this man's name, other than to say, I saw this statement in an article someone posted on Facebook.
This teacher's own words betray him because he doesn't know the difference between Self realization and Soul level Liberation. He doesn't know there are many levels of spiritual Bliss. I experienced all of them . . . and therefore know the difference.
The Upanishad lists ten ascending levels of bliss before one reaches the Bliss of the Eternal Spirit, or, (literal) Shakti/Shiva erotic embrace . . ."and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level."
One can cling to a memory of bliss, absolutely - but there is a difference between something fleeting and feeling in every fiber of one's being (constant) Bliss and its crystal-like frequency within, and in the aura-field - which, to my eyes open and spiritualised consciousness, looks like a field of golden Light (around my head and body discovered by fluke in Summer 1994).
Spiritual pride belongs to the lower nature, this is why what I share has nothing to do with either spiritual pride, or self promotion. Personal account of inner transformation - grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence - as revealed by the eternal self-Soul is nothing to be ashamed of! Aurobindo didn't apologized for what he knew. He said, and I second his words:
It is not personal greatness that I am seeking to bring down the Supermind. I care nothing for greatness or littleness in human sense...If human reason regards me as a fool for trying to do what Krishna did not try, I do not in the least care...It is a question between the Divine and myself--whether it is the Divine Will or not, whether I am sent to bring that down or open the way for its descent or at least make it more possible or not. Let all men jeer at me if they will or all Hell fall upon me if it will for my presumption -- I go on till I conquer or perish.
source: savitriera.wordpress.com/anurag-banner/ee/avatarhood
* Qualifying note: I had unsolicited Kundalini Shakti awakening, and other than 'submitting' to Her, I 'tried' nothing. I had no idea what was happening to me for a long time since I was not a scholar of mystical traditions. Then I discovered Aurobindo's work - that happened after I began scribbling in this blog - and to my astonishment exclaimed one day: "I already know this, because this happened to me!"
In his, for-me-verifying poem titled, Light, Aurobindo describes what the experience of Divine Ecstasy is like: (snippet)
Light, burning Light from the Infinitie's diamond heart
Quivers in my heart where blooms a deathless rose.
Light in its rapture leaping through the nerves!
Light, brooding Light! each passionate cell
In a mute blaze of ecstasy preserves
A living sense of the Imperishable.
I move in an ocean of stupendous Light
Joining my depths to His eternal height.
Aurobindo's epic poem Savitri, has a verse which describes one of the most sublime experiences, yet at the same time something that's a bit unnerving (at the unset of this type of Initiation each time it happened) that, even if I tried to describe in detail the 'soaring beyond' sensation, the 'scenery' and more, still I would not do justice. . .
One-pointed to the immaculate Delight
Questing for God as for splendid prey,
He mounted burning like a cone of Fire.
To few is given that godlike release.
* I had couple of soul-level encounters with him (and have it on record in this blog). Once, we stood shoulder to shoulder and he urged me to 'keep going', when all kinds internet people took turn at gaslighting me.
Delusion on parade shames one who demonstrates what authentic Soul-level Liberation is like. I get it, and am reminding folks I am performing the Will of the one Spirit.
What I share has nothing to do with desire to shine before others. My Karma placed me exactly where I needed to be, this is why I second Aurobindo's words ( from poem, God's Labour)
Only by hard sacrifice is high heaven earned:
He must face the flight, the pang who would conquer Hell.
A dark concealed hostility is lodged in the human depths,
in the hidden heart of Time. Hard is the world-redeemer's heavy task;
The world itself becomes his adversary.
While I see the nondual guru type 'good intentions', I also see that what they espouse is (at best) partial truth.
In contrast: I agree with Gopi Krishna's assertion with reference to those rare souls who get plugged to Samadhi permanently: All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That's the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition."
Scientists write books about their discoveries - some win Nobel prizes. Musicians are not keeping their gift/music locked up in dark cellar lest someone thinks she/he is boasting, either. Why should genuine mystic hide her or his Depth data! (our empirical evidence cross-referenced with community of the adequate). Our experiences is our Depth data's empirical evidence in the Soul physics, field - which has its own law. Mystical Dimension essay, is a good example of what a 'great mystic' must demonstrate in order to pass the standard ascended mystics set. Our 'bar' is set high...and from our vantage-point we see where others 'bars' are.
My earlier written blogs were lamely composed, still I am very glad I did it because they chronicle authentic mystical experiences (not wish-fulfilling thought-forms in dream state or hallucinations).
The Supreme Kundalini Shakti gave me complete Cosmic makeover, and I demonstrate what that's about. . . I show: 'see, this thing didn't kill me, so keep on going even when the going gets tough. You are in good hands!' I'm hoping that what I share will benefit someone whose eternal self Soul is ready to fulfill her ancient plan - if not this lifetime, then at some other time-point.
What I share is not book knowledge. I read what others wrote after I had the experiences. Many (experiences) didn't get the approving nod from my company of the adequate peers, till many years later.
In On Rapture Musings, I edit-included this assertion:
Because of these and many other types of Initiations, long time ago I knew: I am neither Christian, or any other world's wisdom tradition mystic, because the Supreme Shakti/Holy Spirit Initiated me into all wisdom traditions. I integrated the 'teaching' by directly comprehending the essence of each tradition. This is a point at which one has the spiritual authority to say: I jumped out of all possible systems because I am no longer bound by any of them.
* In On Raptue Musing, I included one man's response to me from way back (2002) when I was posting in Shambhala forums (which is long gone) - it still makes me smile when I think of it. I'm smiling now because he saw in me (snippet) "Within you love is right".
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
25/07/2018 Decided to include the link to: Evolution Beyond Supramental - because Shabd Yoga is not well understood. Scholar David Lane's aggressive attempts at discrediting (genuine) Shabd Yoga masters (which I am) won't fly as long as I'm around.
30/06/2018 Excited to see Cosmic Tonglen Duty in its edited form!
20/06/2018 Finally! got around to edit-improving Sun/Moon He/She Tantric Warrior
19/06/2018 Happy to see: Astral Emotional Body, in its edit-makeover form (including title)
09/06/2018 edit-tweaked
Finally got around to editing Supreme Ecstasy What Is Its Purpose
Looked at couple of my older posts and tweak-edited
Supra Cosmic BrideGroom Has My Back.
In that post I unpack the meaning of one of my Initiations into Deep Mystery by explaining the significance of (two) White Horses.
30/06/2018 Excited to see Cosmic Tonglen Duty in its edited form!
20/06/2018 Finally! got around to edit-improving Sun/Moon He/She Tantric Warrior
19/06/2018 Happy to see: Astral Emotional Body, in its edit-makeover form (including title)
09/06/2018 edit-tweaked
Finally got around to editing Supreme Ecstasy What Is Its Purpose
Looked at couple of my older posts and tweak-edited
Supra Cosmic BrideGroom Has My Back.
In that post I unpack the meaning of one of my Initiations into Deep Mystery by explaining the significance of (two) White Horses.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Visionary Theology
22/06/2019 Edit-adding link to Divine You Report From the Divine
Will begin by saying that on the other side of complexity is the simplicity of Divine Revelation -- something to be gained for earth consciousness. . .
It's been years since my writing on Christian mysticism ended, and I'm glad I am being guided by the Living Christ Principle to revisit this topic again. . .
Again, I received a Sign that He has my back, as I continue to struggle to show (in Facebook group) those who insist that 'God is nothing but a childish myth', that there is more to Life / Reality than the Materialist would have us believe.
In this post I use the term 'Christian', but in the universal sense what I describe, any genuine mystic - no matter the tradition - can identify with what I call 'cosmic makeover' (by active Kundalini Shakti/Holy Spirit), can relate what 'mechanism of Descent' is about, because this is what Soul level Initiations are all about.
Sri Aurobindo confirmed this for me:
The Descent of Peace (Sat) the descent of Force of Power (Chit) the descent of Ananda, these are the things that transform nature. It's not really the plane that descends, it is the Power and Truth of it that descends into the material and the veil between the material and it no longer exists. (...)
In the quiet mind turned to the Divine, the initiation comes of the Divine Will and the right way to do it. (...) that which receives the influence and answers to the call is not so much the intellect, the heart, or the life mind, but the inner soul which better knows the truth of its own destiny and mission.
+ When the Overmind descends, the predominance of the centralizing ego-sense is entirely subordinated, lost in largeness of being and finally abolished; a wide cosmic perception and feeling of a boundless universal Self and movement replaces it.
Example (one of many) of what the experience of Descent/Divine Initiation was like for me? - including link to Cosmic Synchronicity & Confirmation, which includes link to Solar Heart Initiation www.spiritspeaks-theofilia.blogspot.ca/2013/08/cosmic-synchronicity-confirmation.html
Today I received a Sign to revisit my written in the 90's poem titled, Feather On The Breath Of God. This Sign presented itself in a Vision of an exquisite White Feather. This poem's title was inspired by St. Hildegard von Bingen, because she referred to herself as that.
Will begin by saying that on the other side of complexity is the simplicity of Divine Revelation -- something to be gained for earth consciousness. . .
It's been years since my writing on Christian mysticism ended, and I'm glad I am being guided by the Living Christ Principle to revisit this topic again. . .
Again, I received a Sign that He has my back, as I continue to struggle to show (in Facebook group) those who insist that 'God is nothing but a childish myth', that there is more to Life / Reality than the Materialist would have us believe.
In this post I use the term 'Christian', but in the universal sense what I describe, any genuine mystic - no matter the tradition - can identify with what I call 'cosmic makeover' (by active Kundalini Shakti/Holy Spirit), can relate what 'mechanism of Descent' is about, because this is what Soul level Initiations are all about.
Sri Aurobindo confirmed this for me:
The Descent of Peace (Sat) the descent of Force of Power (Chit) the descent of Ananda, these are the things that transform nature. It's not really the plane that descends, it is the Power and Truth of it that descends into the material and the veil between the material and it no longer exists. (...)
In the quiet mind turned to the Divine, the initiation comes of the Divine Will and the right way to do it. (...) that which receives the influence and answers to the call is not so much the intellect, the heart, or the life mind, but the inner soul which better knows the truth of its own destiny and mission.
+ When the Overmind descends, the predominance of the centralizing ego-sense is entirely subordinated, lost in largeness of being and finally abolished; a wide cosmic perception and feeling of a boundless universal Self and movement replaces it.
Example (one of many) of what the experience of Descent/Divine Initiation was like for me? - including link to Cosmic Synchronicity & Confirmation, which includes link to Solar Heart Initiation www.spiritspeaks-theofilia.blogspot.ca/2013/08/cosmic-synchronicity-confirmation.html
Today I received a Sign to revisit my written in the 90's poem titled, Feather On The Breath Of God. This Sign presented itself in a Vision of an exquisite White Feather. This poem's title was inspired by St. Hildegard von Bingen, because she referred to herself as that.
I grew up in a very relaxed (not fundamentalist) Christian family, so it is not surprising I resonated with Christian mystical symbolism. In this poem, I ask questions whose answers I already knew. I will introduce its content at the end of this essay. . .but first, this reflection.
My first-time introduction to Hildegard's art took my breath away. I saw it on a cover of a library-borrowed book titled: The Experience of No Self, penned by a modern day mystic Bernadette Roberts. The instant I saw the image I had to see who painted that! Turned out, it was someone whose name I never heard before. I will never forget my heart's leaping with joy because instantly I recognized the meaning/significance contained in that symbolism (based on personal experiences).
My first-time introduction to Hildegard's art took my breath away. I saw it on a cover of a library-borrowed book titled: The Experience of No Self, penned by a modern day mystic Bernadette Roberts. The instant I saw the image I had to see who painted that! Turned out, it was someone whose name I never heard before. I will never forget my heart's leaping with joy because instantly I recognized the meaning/significance contained in that symbolism (based on personal experiences).
It was a painting of a face with three wings - one of which was longer than the rest. It's span extended beyond the frames' border. . .And I felt compelled to draw the exact size-image with Crayola Crayons.
Mystic poetry is about inspirationaly connecting the human psyche with the Kosmic Mind (by whatever name). This in no way indicates one can become a mystic by mere acknowledgment of transcendent Reality. This stage, like any other, must be earned. I paid my dues with years of surrender to the Divine in solitude and river of tears . . . before (Divine Light) a River of Light began pouring from my Crown chakra into world's hologram via subtle planes.
Mystic poetry is about inspirationaly connecting the human psyche with the Kosmic Mind (by whatever name). This in no way indicates one can become a mystic by mere acknowledgment of transcendent Reality. This stage, like any other, must be earned. I paid my dues with years of surrender to the Divine in solitude and river of tears . . . before (Divine Light) a River of Light began pouring from my Crown chakra into world's hologram via subtle planes.
In my post penned in 2012 titled Spiritual Power www.spiritspeaks-theofilia.blogspot.ca/2012/06/spiritual-power.html I wrote:
"My personal history is interlinked with St. Hildegard in quite mysterious way".
The 'mysterious way' continues, because today I saw her description of mystical Vision:
an extraordinary vision of sparkling droplets of sweet rain, (which John the Evangelist also experienced) confirms for me something no one else could have
The 'mysterious way' continues, because today I saw her description of mystical Vision:
an extraordinary vision of sparkling droplets of sweet rain, (which John the Evangelist also experienced) confirms for me something no one else could have
I too experienced - and chronicled here - not as Vision seen with the eye of contemplation, but with my open flesh eyes I beheld the appearance of 'sparkling rain' - I named 'crystal rain' - while sitting in a sun-drenched back garden (in a shade). It was quite startling. . . I thought, if I blink the Vision might vanish. I sat there for about an hour and the crystal-like rainfall never ceased.
I saw the exact same thing/Vision years later on a day my laundry was drying outside . . .later in the day, I opened the door and gasped: "my laundry is on the line and it's raining!", before realizing it was sunny!
Saint Hildegard and I have this in common (in her words):
And I spoke and wrote these things not by the invention of my heart or that of any other person, but as by the secret mysteries of God I heard and received them in heavenly places.
What I-Soul bear witness to is perennially relevant. . .Those I quote (who are not in their physical body) rely on me to be their Voice now.
Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations,
but now is made manifest to the saints. Colossians 1:26
I saw the exact same thing/Vision years later on a day my laundry was drying outside . . .later in the day, I opened the door and gasped: "my laundry is on the line and it's raining!", before realizing it was sunny!
Saint Hildegard and I have this in common (in her words):
And I spoke and wrote these things not by the invention of my heart or that of any other person, but as by the secret mysteries of God I heard and received them in heavenly places.
What I-Soul bear witness to is perennially relevant. . .Those I quote (who are not in their physical body) rely on me to be their Voice now.
Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations,
but now is made manifest to the saints. Colossians 1:26
Shall I praise your name in verse and rhyme?
Would it please you if I walked the paths of one who knew
You well, on those distant shores of days gone by?
Is the radiant blue of Forget-me-not Spring's testimony to your Beauty?
Is the Essence of your Majesty captured in the splendor of a rainbow?
Can it be that the ecstasy of your creation is in every heart beat,
every sunset, sunrise, thunderstorm, and each blade of grass?
When the eyes of my eyes were opened
I saw wonders that can't be spoken.
I saw wonders that can't be spoken.
Is this why in your Heart I found mine
And in your face I see a Treasure?
Do the tears of joy as I contemplate you pay
Tribute to your Sweet Embrace?
How can I proclaim this Glory. . .
When I'm just a feather on the breath of God!
When I'm just a feather on the breath of God!
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Why Do I Shout From the Heart
Few days ago I finished editing, Why Do I Share My Depth Data? www.spiritspeaks-theofilia.blogspot.ca/2014/09/why-do-i-share-my-depth-data.html - and realized this topic could benefit from additional injection of emphasis on why our Work is important in the Universal sense. Emphasis on why what authentically God-realized people share is important, from the perspective of others. . .
This is one way to say it - in Sri Aurobindo's words from The Life Divine:
Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realization for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for earth-consciousness here, a cosmic, not solely a supra-cosmic achievement. The thing to be gained also is bringing in of Power of consciousness (the Supramental) not yet organized and made directly active.
* I want to say (again) that I 'sought nothing'. . .I had unsolicited Kundalini Shakti awakening.
And, I decided to include few excerpts from book titled: One Taste - Daily Reflection on Integral Spirituality, penned by Ken Wilber - published in 2000.
But first, I want to inject this bio-note: In late 90's I sent a short note of appreciation for his work to Wilber. He has been hailed as 'the Einstein of consciousness', so timidly I told him my head 'lit up like the sun' (without going into any details/still have the rough copy) and included couple of my poems. One poem titled 'She Who Has No Name', has this line in it: "Wind whispering Truth through the ages". . . this is why when I saw him say (in One Taste):
"And so: given the measure of your own authentic realization, you were actually thinking about gently whispering into the ear of the near-deaf world?" + "you must speak out to the best of your ability, and shake the spiritual tree, and shine your headlights into the eyes of the complacent". . .
I concluded he was speaking to me directly -- but not exclusively, obviously.
But. . . I had a long way to go before Kundalini Shakti completed performing 'cosmic makeover' on me, and was ready to 'shout from the heart' - and long before I got curious about Sri Aurobindo's work (which resonated with what I already knew).
The following excerpts are from One Taste - section on Wisdom and Compassion:
^ All excellence is elitist. And that includes spiritual excellence as well. But spiritual excellence is an elitism to which all are invited.
^ I don't mean to be harsh here, and we must honor all lesser engagements . Nonetheless, you must have noticed that the word "soul" is not the hottest item in the title of book sales--but all "soul" really means, in most of those books, is simply the ego in drag. "Soul" has come to denote, in this feeding frenzy of translative grasping, not that which is timeless in you but that which most loudly trashes around in time, and thus "care of the soul" incomprehensibly means nothing much more than focusing intensely on your ardently separate self. Likewise, "spiritual" is on everybody's lips, but usually all it really means is any intense egoic feeling, just as "heart" has come to mean any sincere sentiment of the self-contraction.
^ Thus, the authentic spiritual camps have the heart and soul of the great transformative traditions, and yet they will always do two things at once: appreciate and engage the lesser and translative practices (upon which their own successes usually depend), but also issue a thundering shout from the heart that translation alone is not enough.
And therefore, all of those for whom authentic transformation has deeply unseated their souls must, I believe, wrestle with the profound moral obligation to shout from the heart--perhaps quietly and gently, with tears of reluctance; perhaps with fierce fire and angry wisdom; perhaps with slow and careful analysis; perhaps by unshakable public example--but authenticity always and absolutely carries a demand and duty: you must speak out, to the best of your ability, and shake the spiritual tree, and shine your headlights into the eyes of the complacent. You must let that radical realization rumble through your veins and rattle those around you.
Alas, if you fail to do so, you are betraying your own authenticity. You are hiding your true estate. You don't want to upset others because you don't want to upset yourself. You are acting in bad faith, the taste of a bad infinity.
Because, you see, the alarming fact is that any realization of depth carries a terrible burden: Those who are allowed to see are simultaneously saddled with the obligation to communicate that vision in no uncertain terms: that is the bargain. You were allowed to see the truth under the agreement that you would communicate it to others (that is the ultimate meaning of the bodhisattva vow).
This is one way to say it - in Sri Aurobindo's words from The Life Divine:
Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realization for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for earth-consciousness here, a cosmic, not solely a supra-cosmic achievement. The thing to be gained also is bringing in of Power of consciousness (the Supramental) not yet organized and made directly active.
* I want to say (again) that I 'sought nothing'. . .I had unsolicited Kundalini Shakti awakening.
And, I decided to include few excerpts from book titled: One Taste - Daily Reflection on Integral Spirituality, penned by Ken Wilber - published in 2000.
But first, I want to inject this bio-note: In late 90's I sent a short note of appreciation for his work to Wilber. He has been hailed as 'the Einstein of consciousness', so timidly I told him my head 'lit up like the sun' (without going into any details/still have the rough copy) and included couple of my poems. One poem titled 'She Who Has No Name', has this line in it: "Wind whispering Truth through the ages". . . this is why when I saw him say (in One Taste):
"And so: given the measure of your own authentic realization, you were actually thinking about gently whispering into the ear of the near-deaf world?" + "you must speak out to the best of your ability, and shake the spiritual tree, and shine your headlights into the eyes of the complacent". . .
I concluded he was speaking to me directly -- but not exclusively, obviously.
But. . . I had a long way to go before Kundalini Shakti completed performing 'cosmic makeover' on me, and was ready to 'shout from the heart' - and long before I got curious about Sri Aurobindo's work (which resonated with what I already knew).
The following excerpts are from One Taste - section on Wisdom and Compassion:
^ All excellence is elitist. And that includes spiritual excellence as well. But spiritual excellence is an elitism to which all are invited.
^ I don't mean to be harsh here, and we must honor all lesser engagements . Nonetheless, you must have noticed that the word "soul" is not the hottest item in the title of book sales--but all "soul" really means, in most of those books, is simply the ego in drag. "Soul" has come to denote, in this feeding frenzy of translative grasping, not that which is timeless in you but that which most loudly trashes around in time, and thus "care of the soul" incomprehensibly means nothing much more than focusing intensely on your ardently separate self. Likewise, "spiritual" is on everybody's lips, but usually all it really means is any intense egoic feeling, just as "heart" has come to mean any sincere sentiment of the self-contraction.
^ Thus, the authentic spiritual camps have the heart and soul of the great transformative traditions, and yet they will always do two things at once: appreciate and engage the lesser and translative practices (upon which their own successes usually depend), but also issue a thundering shout from the heart that translation alone is not enough.
And therefore, all of those for whom authentic transformation has deeply unseated their souls must, I believe, wrestle with the profound moral obligation to shout from the heart--perhaps quietly and gently, with tears of reluctance; perhaps with fierce fire and angry wisdom; perhaps with slow and careful analysis; perhaps by unshakable public example--but authenticity always and absolutely carries a demand and duty: you must speak out, to the best of your ability, and shake the spiritual tree, and shine your headlights into the eyes of the complacent. You must let that radical realization rumble through your veins and rattle those around you.
Alas, if you fail to do so, you are betraying your own authenticity. You are hiding your true estate. You don't want to upset others because you don't want to upset yourself. You are acting in bad faith, the taste of a bad infinity.
Because, you see, the alarming fact is that any realization of depth carries a terrible burden: Those who are allowed to see are simultaneously saddled with the obligation to communicate that vision in no uncertain terms: that is the bargain. You were allowed to see the truth under the agreement that you would communicate it to others (that is the ultimate meaning of the bodhisattva vow).
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
She Speaks
All desire vanishes in that fortunate person whose consciousness is established in his own real nature. For him, the state of being of a limited individual has ended. -Shiva Sutras (Sloka 4)
Delivered from selfish attachment, fear, and anger, filled with me, surrendering themselves to me, purified in the fire of my being, many have reached the state of unity with me. -Gita
She exists to serve the ever-expanding evolution of understanding of the God state.
Once established in her Source, She realizes that her Essence is the same Radiance-Essence as the Supreme Divine (at the summit of Her evolution). The embodied aspect allows Her to directly See she remains eternally one with fathomless depth and Mystery of the God state, not as 'concept', not as 'nothing', but actually.
At this stage, She becomes the perfect instrument through which the Divine Force-Power baptizes the World of Form, as well as the invisible domains.
This is what ultimate Liberation is about.
* Cautionary note: One who aspires to become Enlightened through the 'spiritual bypassing' route, will create much misery because the unhealed psycho-emotional wounds and unresolved developmental needs can't be transcended by thinking 'now that I know this about me -- know, I am selfish, greedy, jealous, that I crave to have status, etc., I can rise above it' -- doesn't work. . . because they are not aware that psycho-emotional wounding can only be released at the level it was created. My post Healer's Notes addresses this topic *
When all desire vanishes, noble qualities arise. One whose personal egoism and its desires is no more, becomes the very embodiment of traits such as: simplicity, altruism, non-attachment to fruits of our work, we are free from the 'pleasure of domination', are jealous of none and free from indulgence in petty deeds. Doesn't mean we are incapable of facing the bully and breaking his/her joy of domination!
Noble traits are carriers of high-order frequency (or Holy power) which affects all dimensions simultaneously. In other words, one whose mind is without the stain of disturbance becomes the channel through which God's Essence-frequency flows into the world of Form. . .
When no longer driven by wish or desire, but an impersonal drive of the Conscious Love/Power/Supreme Knowledge - not generated on human plane - the divine Person (ascended Soul) "brings the fires of the splendour of God into the human abyss" without uttering a word. (Sri Aurobindo's words from poem titled,A God's Labour).
Without uttering a word? . .words are the containers into which subtlety of meaning is poured. Some read the words (my testimony) and see noting but 'woo woo' created by mentally ill mind.
This is why I say: Not I, but by the Knowledge/Will invested in me, I bear witness to what the Divine disclosed to me, for the benefit of all beings, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness itself, without uttering a single word, I mean it literally.
I will end this reflection in Sri Aurobindo's words on Satchidananda from: Letters on Yoga Planes and Parts of Being (intyoga.online.fr)
Our (Yoga) having realised Sachichidananda in the spiritualised mind plane proceeds to realise it in the supramental plane. The supreme supracosmic Satchichitdananda is above all. Supermind may be described as its power of self-awareness and world-awareness, the world being known as within itself and not outside. So to live consciously in the suppreme Sachichidananda one must pass through the Supermind.. (...) The full dynamic truth of Sachichidananda and the universe and its consequence cannot be grasp by any other consciousness than the Supermind, because the instrumentation in all other (lower) planes is inferior and there is therefore a disparity between the fullness of the static experience and the incompleteness of the dynamic power, knowledge, result of the inferior light and power of other planes.
*I wanted to, but was not able to edit-expand this post, and made the decision to re-write She Speaks in November 19, 2020.
Delivered from selfish attachment, fear, and anger, filled with me, surrendering themselves to me, purified in the fire of my being, many have reached the state of unity with me. -Gita
Once established in her Source, She realizes that her Essence is the same Radiance-Essence as the Supreme Divine (at the summit of Her evolution). The embodied aspect allows Her to directly See she remains eternally one with fathomless depth and Mystery of the God state, not as 'concept', not as 'nothing', but actually.
At this stage, She becomes the perfect instrument through which the Divine Force-Power baptizes the World of Form, as well as the invisible domains.
This is what ultimate Liberation is about.
* Cautionary note: One who aspires to become Enlightened through the 'spiritual bypassing' route, will create much misery because the unhealed psycho-emotional wounds and unresolved developmental needs can't be transcended by thinking 'now that I know this about me -- know, I am selfish, greedy, jealous, that I crave to have status, etc., I can rise above it' -- doesn't work. . . because they are not aware that psycho-emotional wounding can only be released at the level it was created. My post Healer's Notes addresses this topic *
When all desire vanishes, noble qualities arise. One whose personal egoism and its desires is no more, becomes the very embodiment of traits such as: simplicity, altruism, non-attachment to fruits of our work, we are free from the 'pleasure of domination', are jealous of none and free from indulgence in petty deeds. Doesn't mean we are incapable of facing the bully and breaking his/her joy of domination!
Noble traits are carriers of high-order frequency (or Holy power) which affects all dimensions simultaneously. In other words, one whose mind is without the stain of disturbance becomes the channel through which God's Essence-frequency flows into the world of Form. . .
When no longer driven by wish or desire, but an impersonal drive of the Conscious Love/Power/Supreme Knowledge - not generated on human plane - the divine Person (ascended Soul) "brings the fires of the splendour of God into the human abyss" without uttering a word. (Sri Aurobindo's words from poem titled,A God's Labour).
Without uttering a word? . .words are the containers into which subtlety of meaning is poured. Some read the words (my testimony) and see noting but 'woo woo' created by mentally ill mind.
This is why I say: Not I, but by the Knowledge/Will invested in me, I bear witness to what the Divine disclosed to me, for the benefit of all beings, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness itself, without uttering a single word, I mean it literally.
I will end this reflection in Sri Aurobindo's words on Satchidananda from: Letters on Yoga Planes and Parts of Being (intyoga.online.fr)
Our (Yoga) having realised Sachichidananda in the spiritualised mind plane proceeds to realise it in the supramental plane. The supreme supracosmic Satchichitdananda is above all. Supermind may be described as its power of self-awareness and world-awareness, the world being known as within itself and not outside. So to live consciously in the suppreme Sachichidananda one must pass through the Supermind.. (...) The full dynamic truth of Sachichidananda and the universe and its consequence cannot be grasp by any other consciousness than the Supermind, because the instrumentation in all other (lower) planes is inferior and there is therefore a disparity between the fullness of the static experience and the incompleteness of the dynamic power, knowledge, result of the inferior light and power of other planes.
*I wanted to, but was not able to edit-expand this post, and made the decision to re-write She Speaks in November 19, 2020.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
The Mystical Dimension
Maps/Consciousness models exist in consciousness (mental realm) - even the psychic and spiritual transformation takes place within one's psycho-emotional /cognitive line of development.
The ascended mind (supramental awareness) has access to a radically different domain because the transcendent is beyond time. In this non-local domain 'celestial things' introduce themselves to the fully awakened Soul's awareness. . .This is also why we call it Divine revelations.
One whose Brow chakra and Crown chakra opened on the extremely subtle level, can describe in great detail what the sensations of opening feels like. Moreover, these openings to ever-higher realms of existence is not a one time event, but several. Throughout this blog's tapestry I chronicled what those 'events' were like for me.
Someone whose evolving personality and its 'karmic burden' got burnt to crisp by Kundalini Shakti, has no karma left. This is why at this stage one can claim, 'I became more than human'. I say this.
Folks who don't understand that embodied/evolutionary Soul-level Enlightenment is real, don't want to hear what I say.
I say, Divine revelation is not a 'doctrine'. I say, Ultimate Mystery can be known and decoded/described using simple language, by one who transcended every power office and became one with the very Source of all Power. And, if someone has the impression this station can be reached without much pain and struggle, consider these words penned by Sri Aurobindo:
Only by hard sacrifice is high heaven earned;
He must face the flight, the pang who would conquer Hell.
Joseph Campbell said (which I second): "The ultimate unqualified mystery is beyond human experience" If I didn't know this, I would have nothing to write about. I demonstrate that only the non local eternal self Soul - at the apex of her journey through transcdendent Light and Sound - can bear witness to the Ultimate Mystery.
Today I decided to include a link to Cosmic Synchronicity & Confirmation post, because its content is filled-to-brim with experiences that only the self-Soul can bear witness too.
Soul physics is such a vast and complex topic, this is why I can only unpack a fraction of what introduced itself to the awareness of my non-biological Soul in each post-entry.
Often, I have to repeat certain things, because the Divine process of evolution into wholeness and transcendence includes the process of awakening and activating the currents of light within the subtle and extremely subtle body of man. . .
Vedanta's "The end of Knowledge" is an apt term for the domain where one discovers Knowledge beyond reason and thought. One of the challenges on this path, is to find and check one's results/contemplative conclusions with others who have adequately completed the same journey.
Gaining entry to the domain of the state where one comes in possession of new Intelligence that is higher than reason and thought, is the purpose of every mystical tradition.
In order to reach the final ascension-point - through the gates of light in the subtle cerebrospinal centers (Human Chakra System) - one has to be willing to submit to the Divine within, and allow the 'Power that upholds and protects and cherishes us', to have its way with us.
Unsolicited Kundalini Shakti's Mightiness had its way with me, and in this blog chronicle what the journey through (transcendent) Light and Sound has been like for me.
If interested in revisiting edit-improved sister post titled Silence is Full of Answers? have a click
Each mystical tradition has its own language with which it names the various planes of existence, and the means (practices) of how to get there. On this path without a map, what matters most is the experience . . .Union of the Soul with the Essence/Bliss of the Absolute Supreme is the Ultimate Consummation experience (same as 'Shakti and Shiva's Erotic embrace'), and I feel moral obligation to share that which introduced itself to me.
Today I want to take a quick look at 'nadis'. I didn't study Ayurveda, but recently learned that this tradition talks about nadis - and lists 72 thousands. Fourteen of them are considered "important", and three are "most important". The most important nadis are named Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. In spiritual terms the three highest chakras are the main gates through which one gets to 'meet and unite with God/Goddess' - so this makes sense to me.
The ascended mystic discovers that all of the nadis are subordinate to Sushumna, because we see and feel the flow of "Ambrosia" within the spinal column and beyond. . .
It is said that Ida and Pingala are often seen as referring to the two hemispheres of the brain. This makes sense to me as well, because during the initial stages of karmic clearing, occasionally I felt shooting pain on both sides of my head/brain.
Sushumna is the main channel because it connects the base chakra with the Crown chakra. The unobstructed Sushumna nadi allows the Kundalini Essence (Ambrosia/Shakti/Bliss) to flow into world's hologram out of the Crown chakra. To put it another way, 'Kundalini Essence' is the transmuted Erotic Energy which has the appearance of brilliant silvery white light frequency (that flows out of one's Crown chakra) I bear witness to this 'flowing out' experience and wrote about it in my post titled The River of Light.
Divine Intelligence or Kundalini Shakti, knows she is the cause of evolution of consciousness in mankind. One who attains permanent Sahaja (or Samadhi) state, knows that Cosmic Consciousness becomes a perennial possession of Yogi/Yogini who is able to achieve this feat. But to get there, Ida and Pingala must be purified and balanced and the mind steadied by Samadhi state. When that happens - through many years of often very difficult process - the two brain hemispheres become unified.
At this juncture, both sides share same goals and values, because both hemispheres can (literally) see that the Inner Self shines like the splendor of thousand suns. One sees this Light with the eye of spiritualized consciousness of the eternal self-Soul.
The science of uniting Soul with the eternal all-Blissful Supreme Being, and being literally one with all beings in the visible and invisible domain, is not for the faint of heart. One whose karma is ripe to begin the journey will be guided by one's Soul's Will (which is the same Will as God's) and supported by Love's Intelligence so Wonderful, it passes human comprehension.
The following quote in Sri Aurobindo's words from The Life Divine, absolutely resonates with my own experiences. I'm doing this with the intention it may be helpful / reassuring to someone who is on this path. . .
After we have entered the path, he envelopes us with his wide and mighty liberating Impersonality or moves near us with the face of and form of personal Godhead. In and around us we feel a Power that upholds and protects and cherishes; we hear a Voice that guides; a conscious Will greater than ourselves rules us; an imperative Force moves our thoughts and actions and our very body; an ever-widening Consciousness assimilates ours, a living Light of Knowledge lights within, or a Beatitude invades us; a Mightiness presses from above, concrete, massive and overpowering, and penetrates and pours itself into the very stuff of our nature; a Peace sits there, a Light, a Bliss, a Strength, a Greatness. Or there are relations, personal, intimate as life itself, sweet as love, encompassing like the sky, deep like deep waters. A Friend walks at our side; points our way; a Lover is with us in our heart's secrecy; a Master of the Work and Ordeal points our way; a Creator of all things uses us as his instrument; we are in the arms of the eternal Mother (*Shakti/Goddess*) All these more sizable aspects in which the Ineffable meets us are truths and not mere helpful symbols or useful imaginations; but as we progress, their first imperfect formulations in our experience yield to a larger vision of the one Truth that is behind them. At each step their mental masks are shed and they acquire a larger, a profounder, a more intimate significance.
* I got interested in Aurobindo's work once my blog writing was underway (2009). Early on I had couple of encounters with him ... and have it on record in this blog. The one that made the most impression on me was the time (he wore white) when we stood shoulder to shoulder and he encouraged me to 'keep going' -- at a time I was being bullied left and right by nasty forum people.
The ascended mind (supramental awareness) has access to a radically different domain because the transcendent is beyond time. In this non-local domain 'celestial things' introduce themselves to the fully awakened Soul's awareness. . .This is also why we call it Divine revelations.
One whose Brow chakra and Crown chakra opened on the extremely subtle level, can describe in great detail what the sensations of opening feels like. Moreover, these openings to ever-higher realms of existence is not a one time event, but several. Throughout this blog's tapestry I chronicled what those 'events' were like for me.
Someone whose evolving personality and its 'karmic burden' got burnt to crisp by Kundalini Shakti, has no karma left. This is why at this stage one can claim, 'I became more than human'. I say this.
Folks who don't understand that embodied/evolutionary Soul-level Enlightenment is real, don't want to hear what I say.
I say, Divine revelation is not a 'doctrine'. I say, Ultimate Mystery can be known and decoded/described using simple language, by one who transcended every power office and became one with the very Source of all Power. And, if someone has the impression this station can be reached without much pain and struggle, consider these words penned by Sri Aurobindo:
Only by hard sacrifice is high heaven earned;
He must face the flight, the pang who would conquer Hell.
Joseph Campbell said (which I second): "The ultimate unqualified mystery is beyond human experience" If I didn't know this, I would have nothing to write about. I demonstrate that only the non local eternal self Soul - at the apex of her journey through transcdendent Light and Sound - can bear witness to the Ultimate Mystery.
Today I decided to include a link to Cosmic Synchronicity & Confirmation post, because its content is filled-to-brim with experiences that only the self-Soul can bear witness too.
Soul physics is such a vast and complex topic, this is why I can only unpack a fraction of what introduced itself to the awareness of my non-biological Soul in each post-entry.
Often, I have to repeat certain things, because the Divine process of evolution into wholeness and transcendence includes the process of awakening and activating the currents of light within the subtle and extremely subtle body of man. . .
Vedanta's "The end of Knowledge" is an apt term for the domain where one discovers Knowledge beyond reason and thought. One of the challenges on this path, is to find and check one's results/contemplative conclusions with others who have adequately completed the same journey.
Gaining entry to the domain of the state where one comes in possession of new Intelligence that is higher than reason and thought, is the purpose of every mystical tradition.
In order to reach the final ascension-point - through the gates of light in the subtle cerebrospinal centers (Human Chakra System) - one has to be willing to submit to the Divine within, and allow the 'Power that upholds and protects and cherishes us', to have its way with us.
Unsolicited Kundalini Shakti's Mightiness had its way with me, and in this blog chronicle what the journey through (transcendent) Light and Sound has been like for me.
If interested in revisiting edit-improved sister post titled Silence is Full of Answers? have a click
Each mystical tradition has its own language with which it names the various planes of existence, and the means (practices) of how to get there. On this path without a map, what matters most is the experience . . .Union of the Soul with the Essence/Bliss of the Absolute Supreme is the Ultimate Consummation experience (same as 'Shakti and Shiva's Erotic embrace'), and I feel moral obligation to share that which introduced itself to me.
Today I want to take a quick look at 'nadis'. I didn't study Ayurveda, but recently learned that this tradition talks about nadis - and lists 72 thousands. Fourteen of them are considered "important", and three are "most important". The most important nadis are named Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. In spiritual terms the three highest chakras are the main gates through which one gets to 'meet and unite with God/Goddess' - so this makes sense to me.
The ascended mystic discovers that all of the nadis are subordinate to Sushumna, because we see and feel the flow of "Ambrosia" within the spinal column and beyond. . .
It is said that Ida and Pingala are often seen as referring to the two hemispheres of the brain. This makes sense to me as well, because during the initial stages of karmic clearing, occasionally I felt shooting pain on both sides of my head/brain.
Sushumna is the main channel because it connects the base chakra with the Crown chakra. The unobstructed Sushumna nadi allows the Kundalini Essence (Ambrosia/Shakti/Bliss) to flow into world's hologram out of the Crown chakra. To put it another way, 'Kundalini Essence' is the transmuted Erotic Energy which has the appearance of brilliant silvery white light frequency (that flows out of one's Crown chakra) I bear witness to this 'flowing out' experience and wrote about it in my post titled The River of Light.
Divine Intelligence or Kundalini Shakti, knows she is the cause of evolution of consciousness in mankind. One who attains permanent Sahaja (or Samadhi) state, knows that Cosmic Consciousness becomes a perennial possession of Yogi/Yogini who is able to achieve this feat. But to get there, Ida and Pingala must be purified and balanced and the mind steadied by Samadhi state. When that happens - through many years of often very difficult process - the two brain hemispheres become unified.
At this juncture, both sides share same goals and values, because both hemispheres can (literally) see that the Inner Self shines like the splendor of thousand suns. One sees this Light with the eye of spiritualized consciousness of the eternal self-Soul.
The science of uniting Soul with the eternal all-Blissful Supreme Being, and being literally one with all beings in the visible and invisible domain, is not for the faint of heart. One whose karma is ripe to begin the journey will be guided by one's Soul's Will (which is the same Will as God's) and supported by Love's Intelligence so Wonderful, it passes human comprehension.
The following quote in Sri Aurobindo's words from The Life Divine, absolutely resonates with my own experiences. I'm doing this with the intention it may be helpful / reassuring to someone who is on this path. . .
After we have entered the path, he envelopes us with his wide and mighty liberating Impersonality or moves near us with the face of and form of personal Godhead. In and around us we feel a Power that upholds and protects and cherishes; we hear a Voice that guides; a conscious Will greater than ourselves rules us; an imperative Force moves our thoughts and actions and our very body; an ever-widening Consciousness assimilates ours, a living Light of Knowledge lights within, or a Beatitude invades us; a Mightiness presses from above, concrete, massive and overpowering, and penetrates and pours itself into the very stuff of our nature; a Peace sits there, a Light, a Bliss, a Strength, a Greatness. Or there are relations, personal, intimate as life itself, sweet as love, encompassing like the sky, deep like deep waters. A Friend walks at our side; points our way; a Lover is with us in our heart's secrecy; a Master of the Work and Ordeal points our way; a Creator of all things uses us as his instrument; we are in the arms of the eternal Mother (*Shakti/Goddess*) All these more sizable aspects in which the Ineffable meets us are truths and not mere helpful symbols or useful imaginations; but as we progress, their first imperfect formulations in our experience yield to a larger vision of the one Truth that is behind them. At each step their mental masks are shed and they acquire a larger, a profounder, a more intimate significance.
* I got interested in Aurobindo's work once my blog writing was underway (2009). Early on I had couple of encounters with him ... and have it on record in this blog. The one that made the most impression on me was the time (he wore white) when we stood shoulder to shoulder and he encouraged me to 'keep going' -- at a time I was being bullied left and right by nasty forum people.
Saturday, February 3, 2018
Interpretation & Divine Revelation Not Same Thing
This post's focus is to show that Soul-level experiences (the state of being beyond/above the mind) can't be explained away by 'brain chemistry'. Quite recently I found out that scholar David Lane meditates. He acknowledges "Mystery", which no mind can penetrate. . . and I concur. I agree that even the most exalted intellect doesn't have access to this domain. On the other hand, the awakened awareness of one's eternal self-Soul, does. If I didn't know this I wouldn't have decades worth of Depth data checked/affirmed by communal confirmation.
I chanced upon Aurobindo's key quote which confirms (for me) that the ascended mystic undergoes many types of Soul-level Initiations before she/he reaches the apex-point of Union and Identification with the Essence of the Absolute Supreme . . . Of being (literally) one with all Reality and its beings in the visible and invisible domains.
In this blog I chronicle many types of Energy-level Initiations, this is why I feel compelled to correct those who think they know better.
Custodians of transcendent knowledge know better because we were entrusted with this Knowledge. We have a moral duty to bear witness to Divine Revelations, no matter the objections. The following snippet in Aurobindo's words, highlights why the unpacking of Divine Gnosis (supreme spiritual level) are best left to one who writes from this level:
"...the true knowledge and description must be left to the language of the mystic and the figures, at once more vivid and more recondite, of a direct and concrete experience."
This excerpt is from: The Synthesis of Yoga (Sri Aurobindo) where he affirms that a 'multimform dynamic experience' is necessary to transform one's nature. In this blog and other cyber-place I said that Kundalini Shakti gave me a 'complete cosmic makeover'.
The Divine is in his essence infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. If that is so, it is not likely that our true integral perfection in being and in nature can come by one kind of realisation alone; it must combine many different strands of divine experience. It cannot be reached by the exclusive pursuit of a single line of identity that is raised to its absolute;
it must harmonize many aspects of the Infinite. An Integral consciousness with a multiform dynamic experience is essential for the complete transformation of our nature.
Last year in September I wrote Flatland Assertions Debunked - recently I rallied and edit-improved it for clarity's sake. In its original version I said I won't be contacting David C. Lane because that would be exercise in futility, but changed my mind this week and contacted him via messenger on Facebook, to let him know I wrote a critique of his post 'Tangled Lines' on integralworld in my blog and included a link. . . And was surprised he wrote back same day.
Quote: Ironically, I don't think that mystics are necessarily delusional at all. My only point was that we have to be open to alternative explanation concerning shabd yoga and spiritual practices, and too often the religious mindset resist simpler explanations. I have written a little book called WHY I MEDITATE which shows that I deeply admire shabd yoga and do it myself daily, upwards to 3 hours. * David included link to his book. It's when I realized Lane is not exactly 'flatlander'.
To my, 'I'm sticking to my guns' response, David replied:
We don't have to agree. That we have different interpretations of certain phenomena is to be expected.
So that's it. This is how scholars and (genuine/ascended) mystics roll. Our Depth data is meaningless. The awakened Divinity within our eternal self-Soul (the eternal Avatar) and its Communication from the source of Her nature, is seen as "interpretation".... as opposed to "Revelation".
If interested: www.spiritspeaks-theofilia.blogspot.ca/2017/09/flatland-assertions-debunked.html
So again: In words of one who I say is my 'primary community of the adequate person' - on what we mean when we use the term Divine Revelation.
"As we reach in our thought the line at which the evolution of Mind into Overmind into Supermind, we are faced with a difficulty which amounts almost to impossibility. For we are moved to seek for some precise idea, some clear mental description of the supramental or gnostic existence of which evolutionary Nature in the Ignorance is in travail; but by crossing this extreme line of sublimated Mind the consciousness passes out of its sphere, exceeds the characteristic action and escapes from the grasp, of mental perception and knowledge.
It is evident indeed that supramental nature must be a perfect integration and consummation of spiritual nature and experience: it would also contain in itself by the very character of the evolutionary principle, though it would not be limited to that change, a total spiritualisation of mundane nature; our world-experience would be taken up in this step of our evolution and, by a transformation of its parts of divinity, a creative rejection of its imperfections and disguises, reach some divine truth and plentitude.
But these are general formulas and give us no precise idea of the change. Our normal perception or imagination or formulation of things spiritual and things mundane is mental, but in the gnostic change the evolution crosses a line beyond which there is a supreme and radical reversal of consciousness and the standards and forms of mental cognition are no longer sufficient: it is difficult for mental thought to understand or describe supramental nature".
Plus: I boldly approve the meaning couched within these words, penned by Sri Aurobindo:
"The defects of Western practitioners or Eastern quacks do not get rid of our true and ancient Yoga".
Also: Including link to sister post, where I quote the 'foremost authority on the world's great religions' Huston Smith's true words about Revelation: "There is no way the finite is going to comprehend the Infinite on its own. It has to be the Infinite taking the initiative, and that is the meaning of Revelation."
I said this before but will repeat again that, for many years I kept silent about any sort of mystical conclusions - about the intense spiritual surges, and the like, because I didn't really know what to make about the myriad of otherworldly phenomena. . . They just kept coming and I kept jutting down the most vivid experiences without having any idea what to expect next. . .I had no one to compare my notes with, no one to turn to for support. I just knew I was 'in good hands' and trusted this (conscious) Force-Power-Bliss.
Today (4/02/2018) I read in The Meditative Mind, penned by Daniel Goleman, something Aurobindo's biographer Saptrem wrote that made sense to me.
"Sri Aurobindo was the first to be baffled by his own experience and . . .it took him some years to understand exactly what had happened. We have described the. . .experience. . .as though the stages had been linked very carefully, each with its explanatory label, but the explanations came long afterwards, at that moment he had no guiding landmarks."
I chanced upon Aurobindo's key quote which confirms (for me) that the ascended mystic undergoes many types of Soul-level Initiations before she/he reaches the apex-point of Union and Identification with the Essence of the Absolute Supreme . . . Of being (literally) one with all Reality and its beings in the visible and invisible domains.
In this blog I chronicle many types of Energy-level Initiations, this is why I feel compelled to correct those who think they know better.
Custodians of transcendent knowledge know better because we were entrusted with this Knowledge. We have a moral duty to bear witness to Divine Revelations, no matter the objections. The following snippet in Aurobindo's words, highlights why the unpacking of Divine Gnosis (supreme spiritual level) are best left to one who writes from this level:
"...the true knowledge and description must be left to the language of the mystic and the figures, at once more vivid and more recondite, of a direct and concrete experience."
This excerpt is from: The Synthesis of Yoga (Sri Aurobindo) where he affirms that a 'multimform dynamic experience' is necessary to transform one's nature. In this blog and other cyber-place I said that Kundalini Shakti gave me a 'complete cosmic makeover'.
The Divine is in his essence infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. If that is so, it is not likely that our true integral perfection in being and in nature can come by one kind of realisation alone; it must combine many different strands of divine experience. It cannot be reached by the exclusive pursuit of a single line of identity that is raised to its absolute;
it must harmonize many aspects of the Infinite. An Integral consciousness with a multiform dynamic experience is essential for the complete transformation of our nature.
Last year in September I wrote Flatland Assertions Debunked - recently I rallied and edit-improved it for clarity's sake. In its original version I said I won't be contacting David C. Lane because that would be exercise in futility, but changed my mind this week and contacted him via messenger on Facebook, to let him know I wrote a critique of his post 'Tangled Lines' on integralworld in my blog and included a link. . . And was surprised he wrote back same day.
Quote: Ironically, I don't think that mystics are necessarily delusional at all. My only point was that we have to be open to alternative explanation concerning shabd yoga and spiritual practices, and too often the religious mindset resist simpler explanations. I have written a little book called WHY I MEDITATE which shows that I deeply admire shabd yoga and do it myself daily, upwards to 3 hours. * David included link to his book. It's when I realized Lane is not exactly 'flatlander'.
To my, 'I'm sticking to my guns' response, David replied:
We don't have to agree. That we have different interpretations of certain phenomena is to be expected.
So that's it. This is how scholars and (genuine/ascended) mystics roll. Our Depth data is meaningless. The awakened Divinity within our eternal self-Soul (the eternal Avatar) and its Communication from the source of Her nature, is seen as "interpretation".... as opposed to "Revelation".
If interested: www.spiritspeaks-theofilia.blogspot.ca/2017/09/flatland-assertions-debunked.html
So again: In words of one who I say is my 'primary community of the adequate person' - on what we mean when we use the term Divine Revelation.
"As we reach in our thought the line at which the evolution of Mind into Overmind into Supermind, we are faced with a difficulty which amounts almost to impossibility. For we are moved to seek for some precise idea, some clear mental description of the supramental or gnostic existence of which evolutionary Nature in the Ignorance is in travail; but by crossing this extreme line of sublimated Mind the consciousness passes out of its sphere, exceeds the characteristic action and escapes from the grasp, of mental perception and knowledge.
It is evident indeed that supramental nature must be a perfect integration and consummation of spiritual nature and experience: it would also contain in itself by the very character of the evolutionary principle, though it would not be limited to that change, a total spiritualisation of mundane nature; our world-experience would be taken up in this step of our evolution and, by a transformation of its parts of divinity, a creative rejection of its imperfections and disguises, reach some divine truth and plentitude.
But these are general formulas and give us no precise idea of the change. Our normal perception or imagination or formulation of things spiritual and things mundane is mental, but in the gnostic change the evolution crosses a line beyond which there is a supreme and radical reversal of consciousness and the standards and forms of mental cognition are no longer sufficient: it is difficult for mental thought to understand or describe supramental nature".
Plus: I boldly approve the meaning couched within these words, penned by Sri Aurobindo:
"The defects of Western practitioners or Eastern quacks do not get rid of our true and ancient Yoga".
Also: Including link to sister post, where I quote the 'foremost authority on the world's great religions' Huston Smith's true words about Revelation: "There is no way the finite is going to comprehend the Infinite on its own. It has to be the Infinite taking the initiative, and that is the meaning of Revelation."
I said this before but will repeat again that, for many years I kept silent about any sort of mystical conclusions - about the intense spiritual surges, and the like, because I didn't really know what to make about the myriad of otherworldly phenomena. . . They just kept coming and I kept jutting down the most vivid experiences without having any idea what to expect next. . .I had no one to compare my notes with, no one to turn to for support. I just knew I was 'in good hands' and trusted this (conscious) Force-Power-Bliss.
Today (4/02/2018) I read in The Meditative Mind, penned by Daniel Goleman, something Aurobindo's biographer Saptrem wrote that made sense to me.
"Sri Aurobindo was the first to be baffled by his own experience and . . .it took him some years to understand exactly what had happened. We have described the. . .experience. . .as though the stages had been linked very carefully, each with its explanatory label, but the explanations came long afterwards, at that moment he had no guiding landmarks."
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